>TFW fell for the NEET meme
>TFW fell for the being fat meme
>TFW fell for the not developing any skills in my freetime meme
TFW fell for the NEET meme
those are no memes ur just being retarded
yeah me too
and now i dont have to work ever again
feels golden
being fat is awesome, wtf are you talking about
that's fucking disgusting, she must smell like a rotten fish
weight has no bearing on body odor
Why does my mom's snatch smell like shit then
most likely its either because she doesn't properly clean herself or has a gynecological problem such as chronic infections
>That's it, once I finish uni this summer I'm going to work on my projects full time
>a quarter way through my 20's
>still haven't left my hometown
>still a kissless, hugless, skinnyfat virgin
>never had a job nor i want one
>about to fail out community college part time
>mfw I'm doomed for life and cryptos are my only way to be a millionaire before i turn 30
Lol ur fukt unless you go out of your comfort zone
>just go out of your comfort zone
My peepee was taking a strong bullish uptrend when I saw that picture and I became concerned what the fuck was wrong for me. Luckily your comment brought it straight into correction and it's undergoing a healthy crash. Thanks, user.
she has herpes
You're just a big ol' bear, eh?
Dude... give me your Skype so I can talk some sense into you. I was you a few years ago. Now 26 and have my shit together. You need a stern fucking talking to.
Nice triple dubs
>"time enjoyed is not time wasted :3"
>spend all of highschool playing vidya
Fucking memes bro.
I'm fucking dying
just bee urself
someone wants to be a dad
You fell for the jew tricks. But at least you were lucky enough to stumble upon the crypto meme.
being fat makes you sweat more which makes you sweatier
also gives you tons of different folds and crevices you wouldn't have otherwise, like being a giant walking armpit
Sweat does not cause body odor, bacteria reproduce in the fats excreted by some sweat glands which cause body odor. If you put on deodorant before you start to sweat then the bacteria can't form there. So weight has nothing to do with that.
>the plastic tape to keep them tits together
fucking golden
alright have fun giving your body a full coat of deodorant like a fucking car wash before you go anywhere then, you'll stink of that instead of sweat
stop trying to justify being a fat cunt
i m sure being fat is not good for body odor
and your hormones
Think of all the good times you had playing Vidya back then that you will never get back. Now realize you have a clear head and have past your Vidya days, now get out there and make something of yourself.
Only specific sweat glands have the chemical composition that can create body odor, the ones in your armpits. Every other sweat glands produces water based sweat which the bo producing bacteria can't eat. So a fat person needs no more deodorant than a thin person.
I think you didn't quite get the problem here
They don't need more deodorant, they need to fucking clean between the valleys of fat they have.
It's not a gland problem but a hygienic one
you talk shit and weigh about 300 pounds
Just keep playing Vidya until you die.
Problem solved
>self taught programmer but I only contribute to FOSS projects so I make no money from it
1 out of 3 ain't bad
>not a neet
>not fat
>smoking weed in freetime and quit everything to pursue film studies
Im fucked
sure it takes more effort for a fat person to clean themselves, that doesn't mean they wont
Eat less food you fat shit
>he fell for the stallman meme
Toe fungus isn't conductive to your health user