ITT: overrated meme civilizations





Not the France itself.



Every single Chinese dynasty except the Tang and Han


>Don't invade le Russia in the winter xD
Worst meme of all time.



in no particular order:


In blue

dafuq ?

>"Swedes and Goths"
It's a shit map. That's why they put Serbs where Sorbs where supposed to be.

...he wrote, using Latin script.

I agree OP
The republic was better

I wouldn't say that it is overrated but it gets too much attention in the media and documentaries. I'm tired of seeing muh lorica segmentata and Romans speaking English. Focus on another historical setting that isn't Ancient Rome or America.

Good to see even Veeky Forums has Veeky Forums brand contrarianism.

Ancient Romans didn't use lower case letters.

Certainly. Even the map is an exaggeration, same goes for the British empire.

An underrated one is Mongols, with the myth that they 'collapsed' rather than decentralized

shes high as a kite

Ok so
the prussian empire was a meme
The persin empire was a meme
Every single chinese dynasty exept the Tang and Han was a meme
Mesopotamia was a meme
Russia was a meme
The spartans, vikings, sumerians, americans, all memes

You guys must be very cultured individuals

>Focus on another historical setting that isn't Ancient Rome or America.
Sorry but history itself objectively is Eurocentric


Then show us other European settings, faggot.

Sumerian art kawaii as fuck

~girugamesh sama

Anything russian