He just made the best of bad circumstances and protected his people from unnecessary destruction and death
ITT: historical "villains" who did nothing wrong
Literally anyone since there is no such thing as objective good and evil
Like him or not, nobody wanted his shoes. That's for fucking sure.
Collaborators = Cucks
Petain is a rat.
without him there would be no french people to speak of, you ungrateful frog
Nice shield defense bud, but thats been debunked by many historians, French or otherwise.
>protected his people from unnecessary destruction and death
This is a lie, Petain was rat scum who took the first opportunity he could to spearhead the attack on French Jews, going above and beyond Germany's expectations in oppressing his people. He should have been hung.
Death to collaborators
>without him there would be no french people to speak of
French people were never on Hitler's genocide list. He wanted to humiliate them to avenge Germany's loss in WW1, but there were never any plans to wipe them out.
>french jews
>his people
People of Jewish heritage that resided in France and had been for hundreds of years and generally followed French or French-esque culture and customs, yes.
Are you going to try and claim that Basques living in France aren't French?
Basques are french.
Jews aren't
Why's that senpai?
If jews adopt a countries language and customs, why are they not members of that society?
Because Nazi autism dictates that Jews cause problems with their mere existence. Hitler killed even Jews who had fought in the German army during WW1.
Sorry for the clumsy writting, but I did not found the letter online so I had to translate and write it by myself:
>"France to whom we have served the best we could and for whom, like much of us have already done, we would gladly sacriffice our blood and that of our children, is our fatherland. (...) The French people is our people, we dont know any other. (...)
>We opose beforehand any proposition, that even conceived to relieve the most repectable needs, may have as an effec, direct or indirect, to morally isolate ourselves from the national comunity to which, even when facing legal prosecution, we want to remain loyal.(...)
>In a single word, whatever cruel destiny we may await much of us is, whatever threat may expect for our children is, our biggest concern is our love for France. We are French. We cannot think about stoping being French. Neither for us nor for our children can we imagine a future which is not French.
>Imma defend France xP
>oops, my actions in making me a collaborator to the German Reich has made my country the second most air-raided country of all WWII, uh oh *audience laugh track*
Fucking faggot betrayed France when he stabbed the French defenders on the Somme holding the Germans on the Somme for what might've amounted to weeks, and could've been used to raptriate French forces to Britain.
If a Human child acts like a horse and lives in a stable, why is he not a horse?
That analogy would work if Jews were a different species, but...
if an user shits up a board with /pol/tier remarks, what makes him different from a pig that rolls in its own shit?
>writing how much he wished he could have sent French soldiers to help kill canooks and brits in Dieppe Raid to the Germans
>making the besto of bad circumstances and protected his people
If a communist considers someone a villain, then he did the right thing.
If you're going to pick an anti-communist strongman, at least one who wasn't a cuck for (((Chicago economists))).
Because they are not?
I can move to China, speak Chinese, and eat Chinese food but I am still white.
Thats why I find it so funny when Jews claim European ancestry, Polish Jews for instance- prior to WW2 they had been in Poland for less than 600 years, the Polish had lived there for tens of millennia.
Secondly, the greatest definer of culture is religion- and the Jews remained wholly apart in that regard. The first is lineage- which the Jews have remained apart from their European neighbors as well.
any more sources on this?
Didn't think he was that big of a piece of shit.
You can speak French?
>If jews adopt a countries language
What is Yiddish for 100 Alex
>and customs,
What? Like Christmas?
>French Jews in the 20th century only spoke Yiddish
ayy lmao
You know, it's not the fact that you cunts are so ignorant, it's the unbelievable arrogance with which you present yourselves and your 'arguments'. THAT is what makes you so obnoxious.
Yiddish was by far more common in Central and Eastern Europe. Western European Jews usually spoke their country's language.
t. Jew
>ignoring the rebuffed argument that all Jew assimilated, and were only marginally assimilating for commerce
lmaoing at you right now
He is a republicucuck, he is still better than De Gaulle tho
Pic very related.
"buhbuhbuh dresden!" -t. Hippies and Wehraboos
Fact: national socialism / democratic socialism isn't for everyone. Only a few countries in a few areas ever successfully implemented it. It was privatization or turn into what Venezuela is today.
>ignoring the rebuffed argument that all Jew assimilated
where did he argue that?
>marginally assimilating for commerce
muh greedy jew narrative
Why were they in Europe user? Clearly it wasn't because the Europeans were being wo nice to them. And it isn't the weather.
Maybe because they were born there? After their ancestors lived in Europe for hundreds of years.
>expelled from various European nations/regions 200+ times
>never migrate en masse back to Palestine
Pertain saved France at Verdun in 1916, all of you forget this. He said once that the treaty of Versailles was a peace for 20 years, when he was proved right he just wanted peace in Europe at any cost. Neville Chamberlain is a traitor too by ye're standards.
>He said once that the treaty of Versailles was a peace for 20 years,
That was Foch. Who probably would have rolled in his grave if he knew Petain surrendered to the Krauts.
Goddamn you are autistic. He means people PORTRAYED as villains who did nothing wrong.
>He said once that the treaty of Versailles was a peace for 20 years
That was Foch who like most French thought the peace terms were far too lenient.
Juan Carlos was the true villain
>All ghetto slumming Jews were willing and capable of migrating to the other side of the Mediterranean to live in some dusty shithole that routinely gets invaded
>Neville Chamberlain is a traitor too by ye're standards.
He is, indeed.
He saved millions of lives from needless deaths.
people forget that he was an arch-conservative Catholic, and what exactly that meant pre Vatican II. IMO it's pretty obvious he was an antisemite
Jews were not french.
They are