You might want to think about shorting this

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>implying its not hitting $100

Already did faggot.
Anyone with sense knows it already topped out.

>not noticing a giant cup and handle
get rekt boi

Where do i short and how


why short the best coin?

I was considering it.

But it's definitely pretty uncertain right now. I don't see definitive signs of a dip back down yet in it, but it shows the hallmarks of being close to one.

nobody help this dumb newb

cup and handles are a myth

after the alphabay and hansa takedowns DNMs will be pushing monero as the standard. buy monero

get in before the train leaves the station user

Never mind. Passed below .018. It'll dip.

do it


you're gonna get wreckt son


bring it on

below 180 now

>playing with 6 monero and 6 litecoin

in the same way a toddler might wreck his tricycle I guess

a 500 dollar tricycle


the pendulum says to short xmr

aaand closed my positions

it may drop more but I wanted to be safe. heh, easy money

cup and handles are a meme

I've been watching it all day. I don't think it's time to short yet.

how about monero shorts you?

I already shorted and made profit, youre late


Get in here fags livestream starts in like 1 min

>shorting a dollar
good job goy!

are you fucking retarded?

its going up so you must be mad, I doubt you shorted at 0.02 since it only spiked to there so you are either in the red or lying

Is that a butt plug ?

wtf? no if you read the thread you would see that I closed my position a long time ago
+350k sat profit on XMR (in 0.0187 closed 0.0177)
+250k profit on litecoin long

wew... that $10 dollar profit

I love privacy but I wouldn't hodl for a long time a coin that can't be traced. Too insecure.

wew! Im here to increase my bitcoin amount not impress you faggot

XMR is the natural hedge/solution to the story behind the BTC-e debacle. It proves BTC is not fungible. XMR is. The worse this BTC-e situation gets, the more XMR will shine. XMR will be .05 in 3 months. screencap this.

No plz I'm not anywhere close to finish accumulating it

fluffypony plz

This user gets it.

... then XMR gets banned

How do you propose they ban a decentralised currency?


By making it illegal to trade with, causing the value to plummet. All that XMR people are buying as a "hedge" would be worthless.

Thanks for the tip, just bought 100k