Where does this meme come from? I have never seen any German soldier without winter uniform (greatcoat).
Le no winter clothes
>the winter uniform of the german army was suited for temperatures under 40°
They were absolute shit compared to the russian winter clothing. Also, the air drops weren't consistent and dropped everything from summer clothing to condoms.
What the fuck do you think the Soviets were wearing, fucking mink coats?
Coats vere secondary thing.
What was really important, was boots.
Good winter boots. And russians had those
My dude that coat is barely passable for Russian autumn.
Why they fuck was the Luftwaffe dropping condoms?
German soldiers aren't supposed to be having sex with Russian subhumans anyway. If anything, you should want to ban condoms to discourage them.
It was for the buttsex amoung the soldiers.
Russians wore a padded jacket called a telogreika, or vatnik, It was a sewn cotton exterior with padded wool tucked under, making it more effective an insulating body heat and preventing too much of that heat from escaping into the cold.
It's not particularly comfortable, but it kept people warmer for longer periods of time compared to German winter gear which were designed as greatcoats that allowed body heat to escape through the bottom of the overcoat.
and German winter overcoats are pictured here
Except the Reich is also supposed to be anti-faggot (Ernst Rohm not withstanding) so that doesn't make sense either.
>b-but people are not supposed to be like that according to the party!
On a scale of 1 to 10 how autistic are you?
airdrops weren't coordinated properly, just like the entirety of the wehrmacht itself.
>If I, an anonymous armchair historian who gets all his WWII knowlegde from /pol/ infographics, haven't seen it, it never happened!
Are there any cases in which German soldiers would just take clothing off of killed Soviets?
of course.
it was a particular sore point for german generals inspecting soldiers and seeing them wearing scavenged russian clothing, typically under german field BDUs or whatever the blouses are called. there were also cases of Soviet PoWs having their warmer clothes taken.
>be German soldier
>cut off and encircled after the failed Stalingrad invasion
>starving and cold, constantly fighting off Soviet hit and run attacks
>not enough fuel to even attempt a break out
>desperately waiting for new air drops, but the last 3 attempts were shot down
>finally one makes it
>most of the soldiers are too weak to go open them up, but some of us manage to stumble to the packages
>it's a shipment of pepper and mosquito nets
I'd probably just shoot myself at that point
you might be surrounded by over 100k super pissed off soviets.
you may have been lied to about resupply.
you may have been lied to about retreat.
you may have been lied to about mannstein's relief effort.
you may have resorted to cannibalism.
you may have to surrender or die in stalingrad.
>sees airdrop overhead, frantically rush toward it
>find iron crosses and the paperwork for them, only food is chocolate
but look on the bright side, you're now a hero of ze fatherland!
Germs shoukd have just copied Finns on how to maje winter gear
>Luftwaffe can't cooperate with Heer
>muh combined arms
So the Blitzkrieg meme only lasted till mid-1941?
More like 1942 when the krauts finally fought an equally autitic but more oraganized military.
>kraut coats were suited for Russian winter
Soviets also cut supplies
>everything that isnt publicly known meme is from /pol/
>implying i ever said it was suited for Russian winter