
Why did he hate the federal government so much?

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As an Okie, I celebrate the anniversary of his execution.

CIA monarch training

Waco & Ruby Ridge. Also, 25 year rule.

When did they train him?

He served in the US military during the Gulf War. During his time in the Middle East, he came to perceive the war as nothing more than American imperialism. At one point he killed an Iraqi soldier in combat, which made him question America's role in the world stage. Some say that was the catalyst for his resentment against the federal government.

After returning home, the Ruby Ridge incident and the Mount Carmel siege only further fueled his resentment. He saw the federal government as an oppressive institution of pure evil. Although he only decided to take action once he read "The Turner Diaries" which is about a group of renegades who carry out attacks against the government.

I'm not criticizing him for his resentment. I can totally understand why he was angry, especially after Ruby Ridge, but he went way too far.

The funny thing is, ATF was responsible for Ruby Ridge and started the Waco Seige iirc

He didn't. He was a CIA agent and is currently living somewhere in Indochina as a pig farmer. It's also possible that he was a Manchurian candidate as well.

How do you think he should have handled his anger?

those dubs are making me think

>tfw the black kids in junior high said I looked just like on the day when he was given the lethal injection
>the black social studies teacher laughed really loud in that "got himm" kind of way
>I don't look like him at all I was merely the only white kid in class

Therapy, for christ's sake.

I thought it was the FBI who was behind Ruby Ridge.

Although I heard McVeigh chose the federal government building in Oklahoma City specifically because it had an ATF office on one of its floors. He had an entire list of possible targets.

I've heard that's expensive.

By not constructing a 7,000 pound ANNM fertilizer bomb, placing it inside a truck, and then detonating it outside of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995.


All true Americans should seek to emulate this man's example in striking back against the beast.


>When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty
Well, if you insist!


Tbh I don't harbor nearly as much hatred toward John Brown as I do other Yankees.

At least Brown's motives were pure, even if he was an aspiring Saudi-tier theocrat and and a complete fucking idiot when it came to strategy.

>McVeigh chose the federal government building in Oklahoma City specifically because it had an ATF office
Not only is this true, but on top of that, the same building had been targeted 20 years earlier for the same reason by a guy named Wayne Snell. On the EXACT day that McVeigh blew up the Murrah building, Snell was set to be executed for murdering a black police officer. While in the fucking lethal injection room or whatever, he asks the guard to turn on the TV. What do they see but the fucking burning shell of the Murrah building live on all channels? Snell laughs. This is all on record.

Snell was buried at a place called Elohim City, in Oklahoma. After the bombing McVeigh was apprehended during a routine traffic stop, heading towards Elohim City. Strippers at a night club in OKC said they saw McVeigh with a guy called Andreas Strassmeir, who taught weapons and tactics at Elohim City. McVeigh is referred to under his alias "Tim Tuttle" by an undercover informant named Carol Howe (pic related), who also lived at Elohim City. These are all facts that are on public records.

You know what to do

ANFO truck bomb at highschool

john brown was a stark raving madman who actually murdered innocent people, like so many slaveholders' rights thugs in Kansas were wont to do

>Paying taxes for a war you started is tyranny

Grammar nigga, you need to get better at it.

Pic was the Nat Turner rebellion, not Harper's Ferry. Yankees had nothing to do with it.

>with a guy called Andreas Strassmeir
A very lucky man. Let's not forget "the other suspect" who was beat to death in police custody. That one isn't public record so much as just known.

How about you pull your lip over your head and swallow you cunt.

>Let's not forget "the other suspect" who was beat to death in police custody.
Or the innocent guy who was beaten to death in police custody because they THOUGHT he was that guy

Isn't that who I was talking about?

who was in the wrong here?

No, you (inadvertently) were referring to Richard Guthrie, one of the founding members of the Aryan Republican Army. ARA robbed banks and got away with upwards $1mil. Guthrie and Michael Brescia, another main member of ARA, have variously been id'd as the infamous John Doe #2. Additionally, those same strippers who say they saw McVeigh with Strassmeir put Brescia there, paying for drinks. Guthrie was also found dead in federal custody. Tricky, isn't it?

And on top of that, I am JUST NOW finding out about Alden Gillis Baker. Jesus fucking Christ. The FBI of the late 80s/early 90s was dirty as fuck.



The religion of peace strikes again

Lon Horiuchi

just doing his job

How come that defense didn't work at Nuremberg?

See Enjoy your fucking hanging

Why is the early to mid 90's north american militia movement so comfy to read about bros

They are cops. They are basically the people they are trying to apprehend and arrest but trained, paid, and outfitted by the government. The average cop is just a fucking thug.

I've always wondered why there's always this racial component in practically every right wing militia movement. I've never seen one without it.

Literally apes in a classroom.

Thanks to Bush Sr. and the Clintons.

I'd hypothesize that it's because they're usually poor whites competing with blacks for jobs, housing, and services, and they deem the lawless behavior of niggers as an existential threat in the Great Happening to End All Happenings.

13% of the population are the biggest issue of crime, and are universally hated by members of functioning societies.

Why does everyone think it's racist to say blacks are fucking worthless when you literally will get killed for even being in a black neighborhood.

I have literally had four black people in all of my grades or classes

Conservatives are usually more reactionary than liberals, and since immigration from non-white nations to the US has increased dramatically since the 60's, many conservatives have a bit of a kneejerk reaction to brown people living here. Its especially pronounced if they live in an area where there's enough immigrants to form an ethnic enclave, like say, any major coastal city in North America. Bit of a generalization, but that's my theory.

I suppose this is the most reasonable argument. With the sheer level of poverty in the black community it's usually the group that poor whites (who would also be the most prone to supporting militant groups) tend to compete against the most.

Strange. What do you make of all that? Do you think the bombing was part of a wider conspiracy?

I know McVeigh specifically chose April 19th to carry out his attack because that was the same day the Branch Davidians' compound was burned down two years prior. The Columbine massacre took place the following day, 4 years after Oklahoma City.

Only 0.02% of the black population commit murder.

murder isn't the only violent crime.

The numbers still don't even come close to 1% of the black population. Blaming the full population for what less than 1% of its population do is like asking me to apologise for furfags. Cancer is a bigger killer than blacks.

Extreme level of redpill

Wayne Snell chose that day 20 years before any of that stuff happened because it's Patriot's Day, the day of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, first battle of the American Revolution. Big shit for those militia types.
>wider conspiracy
Well yeah. Given all those facts, this is what I think is most likely: the plan to target the Murrah Building hung around Elohim City. I think it was probably Strassmeir who told McVeigh about the plan. I don't know if McVeigh knew about Snell specifically, but Snell knew about McVeigh, or at least the revival of his plan. Executions are scheduled way in advance, the ARA and Strassmeir probably told McVeigh to do it then, and then told Snell what they'd set up.

The thing is, the FBI knew about all this. They had an informant in Elohim City who told them about all of this. Some of it has been FOIA'd. In addition to that, Strassmeir escaped the US by flying to Mexico, then to Europe. He bought the ticket and was out of the country on the same day. That's a lot of cash. Some people think he was an informant too, and both he and the government don't want the public to know that they ignored one informant, and were paying another informant who caused at terrorist attack.

And are you a furfag? Then apologize.

And we make cancer go away, why not blacks? Not all cancer spreads and kills.


Fucking white supremacist piece of shit.

>And we make cancer go away, why not blacks? Not all cancer spreads and kills.

What a moronic, nonsensical fucking statement. Whether you're a LARPer or sincerely retarded, I hope your kind exits the genepool as soon as possible.

when did HP lovecraft get arrested

someone who has looked into this please provide a summary of what you think really happened and your take on the conspiracy theories. i just saw the lawyer who received the videos from an foai that all go blank at the same moment before the bomb goes off.


>Cancer is a bigger killer than blacks.

Why did you pick one of mankind's biggest scourges to make a point here? Cancer kills more people than war. Why would you try and compare "cancer kills more than blacks" like it's a favorable comparison? Is it one of those memey "why worry about x when y is clearly worse"?

Don't even care about black crime, it just seems like a silly argument.

what about john doe #2?

McVeigh never espoused White Supremacist views and his hatred was directed at the federal government not other races. He did get in trouble for wearing a t-shirt with "White Power" printed on it while he was enlisted however he claimed he wore it in response to a black soldier who wore a shirt with "Black Power" printed on it.

Michael Brescia, Richard Guthrie, or Andreas Strassmeir.

what do you think strassmeir's deal was? german intelligence on foreign neo-nazis?

To be fair, having a copy of the Turner Diaries does look kinda suspicious to Normies.

t. own a copy

You wanna know what I think is most likely? He's a "true believer." He might have been paid as an informant by the FBI for a time while he was living at Elohim City out of genuine conviction, but he wasn't an undercover operative or anything. He wasn't faking, I mean. He was some kind of weirdo Christian. He lived in a kibbutz in Israel for awhile. Elohim City is basically like that, except with more guns and white supremacy. His father was a very high ranking German politician. I think he genuinely wanted to reject that life and political system.

But why did the US government cover for him? Not because the feds told him to do it, but because it's embarrassing. Not only did they have TWO informants with first hand knowledge of the plot to blow up the Murrah Building, but one of those informants (Strassmeir) probably encouraged McVeigh to do it.

who's the second informant?

Carol Howe

It is amazing to me that my professor told me to read Frantz Fanon in undergrad yet owning a paperback crime novel is suspicious. . .

>ATF goes to White Supremacist meeting under cover
>Agent says he's an illegal gun dealer from Jersey
>Asks Weaver for 2 shotguns
>Agent insists over and over for Weaver to saw them down just past illegal length
>Weaver finally does it
>They go to his house hot and heavy using the gun charges to coax him to testify against White Supremacist group

One could argue the ATF is guilty of entrapment...

"ATF are a bunch of pretentious faggots."

-Professor who was a Police Chief and worked with them

Those dogs had it coming you fucking nazi

>The funny thing is, ATF was responsible for Ruby Ridge and started the Waco Seige iirc

I remember hearing back then that Clinton wanted to eliminated the ATF and transfer it's booze and tobacco duties to the Food & Drug Administration and enforcement of federal gun laws to the FBI and as this would have meant many ATF agents and bureaucrats losing their comfy gigs, they concocted a plan to fabricate an incident to justify their existence and continued funding and Waco was the result.

And it worked.

Nowadays you can turn on the news and in even run-of-the-mill policing operations, you'll see ATF agents standing around with their thumbs up their asses collecting a paycheck...

>killing women and children is heroic
>his attack did any damage at all to the us govt
ya fuck off

>his attack did any damage at all to the us govt

it objectively did though, it ripped the heart out of the agencies and seeded fear of citizen revolt on them

What is the 25 year rule; he wasn't 25 at the commission or his execution.

See There's a reason there hasn't a repeat of Waco in the 23 years since then. And as McVeigh himself once stated, the US Government against kills more in a day than he ever could've hoped to with that bomb.

You aren't supposed to discuss events that occurred less than 25 years ago (i.e. 9/11, the Iraq War etc.).

OKC happened 23 years ago

well he is from oklahoma, what else does he have to do except squat by Natural gas wells and get destroyed by tornados