This is the most significant Bitcoin story since MT Gox was "hacked" - That event sent BTC to the basement, so I expect this will be even worse.
See you faggots at sub $1000.
This is the most significant Bitcoin story since MT Gox was "hacked" - That event sent BTC to the basement, so I expect this will be even worse.
See you faggots at sub $1000.
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, it's not moving
>the baddies have been bamboozled
>closure on the mtgox thief
>price dropping due to massive loss of trust
I think you've got that backwards, guy. News with the term "mtgox" isn't magic bitcoin kryptonite
literally nobody gives a flying fuck you moron.
Cry more for not making sweet gains.
Magic The Gathering Online eXchange
Uncertainty about the btc-e funds. 66k bitcoins have been moving, are they gonna get dumped?
If the 600k bitcoins from mtgox are returned to their owners, expect a huge dump again
There is no way this is looking good yet price is not moving yet
>600k bitcoins being returned to owners
>4 billion in bitcoin already laundered
Unless the 600k bitcoins from mtgox were sold to new owners
Wow, all the bad guys are out of Bit-Coin now, ya hear that? Probably a legitimate investment after all!
Buy the rumor sell the news.
Heres the BTC flow, look at those numbers =P
And here is 66k BT being collected and send of
Where did it go?
Who is in control of it now?
Is it lost?
Yeah I'm a BTC HODLer and I really don't give a fuck about this.
Oh fuck I'm selling my 100k Bitcorn right now! SELL SELL SELL!
wait till late august grampa, im still waiting for a lower price to get in
>See you faggots at sub $1000.
i hope so. More coins for me
Hopefully you dumb faggots who are new to this will listen to the old hands telling you to buy in on BTC and Monero and hold onto to the fucking things instead of jumping ship to whatever here today gone tomorrow shitcoin scam is popular with these shit flinging monkeys.
but honestly
> sub 1000
never again in your life. We'll be lucky to see sub 2000 ever again.
I mined 10 bitcoin when it was new and spent it on weed. Oh how I wished I had HODL instead.
More like "look one more bad guy in bitcoin", "oh and they said this bitcoin exchange website was a criminal laundering ring, no way we're touching bitcoin exchanges right darling?"
"oh shit your brother Mark has money on that other bitcoin exchange, tell him to withdraw it all in case he loses everything just like those poor people on btc-e"
"bitcoin is for criminals and too risky, not touching it with a 10 foot pole"
Assuming the feds confiscate all the coins and don't set up a reimbursement system (which would take MONTHS). They'll most likely use the precedent on the books when they took all the coins from silk road 1.
In case you're all too new to remember (and judging by all the spam this board gets, you are), they set up an auction for blocks of the coins starting around 20% above market rate to discourage immediate dumping
LOL, I am way over 1000% on BTC and started mining in late 2013. Sold perfectly at the ATH and will buy back again @$900.
Good luck goys. Sell now before it's too late!
...relieved 1 person in this thread understands the history and implications of this.
What if it goes up though?
Best post on this subject is here:
Is it possible to solve captchas for bitcoin
The market always does the opposite of what you expect
Price is being propped up by whale bots on bitfinex, manipulation at its finest
The miners are over 50% in favour of BCC as of today. Fear = volatility. The ph33r level has never been this high and the biggest BTC market on Earth just got busted for laundering stolen coins.
user is right. whoever gets the most miners will win. come november nobody will give a shit about segwit2x and 90% of miners will be mining bcc. btc will be a worthless shitcoin. dump it while you can.
It's possible to do a real job in exchange for Bitcoin or fist which can be exchanged for fiat
Where do you have 50% of miners supporting BCC
You're living in a fantasy land kiddo.
Yes, I won one of those blocks.
>regularly bid on seized assets and shit
Hell of a deal considering what transpired in recent years.
Get in here fags, live in 10 mins
so how will that affect the btc price ?
I wish you were joking
>making shit up
Where does it say 50% of miners support bcc?
Very little. Doesn't stop people from shouting that the sky is falling to cover their shorts
>See you faggots at sub $1000
You better take responsibility for this throbbing erection, OP.
Now I'm drunk and high and I'm still more capable than you faggots. What's it like to be living in current year and unwilling to do even elementary DD on your investments? Excuse the source but leddit fags know what's up on cryptocoins:
Like I said before I've been in BTC since a few months after the Genesis block. The biggest opportunity since 2014 is only hours away. GET INTO FIAT NOW SO YOU CAN REBUY THE DIP FFS!
>being this retarded
>nocoiner wants to evolve into newcoiner
>credit card delays me from starting
>this happens
Dodged a bullet there. Wait and see until the situation stabilized. I'll stick with USDT/BitUSD for the time being.
>hard fork next week which EVERYONE in trading world knows about
>exchange shut down and causes panic
>implying this wasn't a set up so the US can buy all the bitcoins for cheap
he gave you the most intelligent advice you can receive on this board all month, you brainlets are literally helpless
yeah in the future you should mine btc and grow your own weed.