Been reading on the cultural practises of the indigenous New Guinean tribes and holy fuck these people are barbarous. Why didn't colonists wipe them all out? We're talking confirmed cases of paedophilia, homosexuality, urophilia and cannibalism. Are there other historical cultures that were this fucked up and culturally backwards?
Been reading on the cultural practises of the indigenous New Guinean tribes and holy fuck these people are barbarous...
Other urls found in this thread:
Moari were worse. While culture built around cannibalism.
>wipe them all out
Indonesians are doing the job currently
The Catholic Church and the crusaders?
Australian Aboriginals do it too and they are closely related to New Guineans. FUCK that whole corner of the world. Maori as well. Backwards shitheads all of them.
Papuan society collapsed with the introduction of sweet potato decentralizing power and creating autonomous villages constantly warring with each other.
Highland Papuans as we know them are quiet new. Like 400 years tops.
So what was Papue pre sweet potato like?
More centralized chieftains populating the very fertile waterways and drained swamps.
Sweet potato can thrive with less fertility and water than yam, taro and banana. It also handled less heat as well swelling the populations of the Highlands further in elevation. This increased deforestation and hunting, those who had it maximized calorie per meter sq also were increasing protein via pigs too creating a currency system and system of wealth distribution that favored "Big Men" over hereditary chiefs
>We're talking confirmed cases of paedophilia, homosexuality, urophilia and cannibalism.
AAAAnnd that never happened elsewhere in the world
Not to the same extent that it still exits in New Guinea.
The fact that post WWII anthropologists held these extant cultures as some paradigm of non-capitalist freedom makes the actual existence much worse.
We're not talking about a minority of the population committing psychopathic behavior. We're talking about a population where every boy and girl gets raped at some point in time.
Theres one tribe where the girls hunt the boys and rape them or randomly ambush them and have sex with them during a festival.
>it's just like my japanese animes
If only they didn't look like orcs
This was practised on a societal level. Not like in western civilization where there are only isolated cases. Read that link I posted and you'll see how fucked up they truly are.
Protip: 'culturally backwards' just means non-Western.
And non-Western means culturally backwards.
That depends how you constitute culture. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it isn't culture.
t. scaredy babby faggot pussy
No in this case it means 'wipe these shits from the face of the earth'. I'm not talking Indians shitting in the streets or Africans cutting off clits. New Guineans and Australian Aboriginals are fucked.
they should just let all the missionaries and church freaks go make them read the bible.
but they wont because of postmodernism or something.
Let's wipe out America for all the damage it's caused. Take out any organized religious group. So let's destroy Israel, the middle East, and South Asia too. Alexander the Great killed plenty too. So let's get rid of southern Europe. Should I go on you eurocentric fuck?
>Sure, the yam is 'king' during this time as competition reigns between villages for the title of 'tokwaibagula' ('good gardener') but it is also a time that sex rules. Women are permitted by their paramount chief to capture men and have their way with them, as in assault them sexually. A native islander will say that she can 'rep' (rape) the men.
The women lie in wait in the bushes and ambush a man who might be walking to work or awaiting transportation. The only rule is that the man cannot be a member of the woman's tribe/village; it's always a man from another tribe/village.
>Some males who had been assaulted twice, said that they got over the initial shock and actually enjoyed it (what a surprise!). The only adverse part of this ritual is that if a male couldn't 'perform', the women could urinate on him…and bite off his eyebrows…and eyelashes. This act would surely provoke ridicule from fellow villagers.
The festival time is considered a very dangerous period for a man to be out alone so men would usually go out in groups – just in case. Hey, the defense for 'doing it' in the bushes — making love was supposed to bring fertility to the crops.
To be honest you're the fucked one if you don't actively engage in paedophilia, homosexuality, urophilia and cannibalism. What are you, mentally ill?
>New Guinea mothers constantly “rub the penes of their infant sons [and] the little boys…have erections” while they sleep naked together at night. One boy described to Poole how whenever his mother was depressed or angry she often “pulled, pinched, rubbed, or flicked a fingernail against his penis” until he cried, afraid it might break off. “It hurts inside,” he said. “It bleeds in there and hurts when I pee…Mother not like my penis, wants to cut it off.”37 Males also masturbated and sucked children’s genitals, both sexes, using the child as a maternal breast as all pedophiles do.38 Mothers also masturbate and kiss the vagina of baby girls.39 Malinowski reports watching the widespread sucking of genitals and intercourse between children in Melanesia, encouraged by parents, so that most girls are raped by the time they are seven years old.40 New Guinea fathers rarely care for their little children, but when they do they mainly fondle their genitals, using the child as a breast-object “because they say they get sexually aroused when they watch them nurse.
>Mother twist penis, tight, tight…Hurt, hurt, inside. Cry, she not listen… Mother not like my penis, wants to cut it off… [Wounds himself with a sharp stick.] …Now it hurts here, outside, not in penis. Look, blood. Feels good… Good to be a girl, no penis.
Damn fucked up the green txt quote format. Oh well heres another Papuan girl of that tribe.
>Because of the constant brutal abuse, all schizoid tribal personalities are so insecurely attached they are extremely uncertain about their genders, and most of their adult lives replay the early gender anxieties produced by their parental incest/rejection experiences. New Guinea boys begin this replaying of embedded alters at seven, when men conduct fellatio on them, forcing their penises into the boys’ mouths and anuses the same way their mothers earlier used them both in incest and forced feeding. This oral rape begins by blaming mothers as “evil defilers” of the boys who have “polluted and weakened their sons” with their poisonous menstrual blood. This supposed pollution is countered by forcing the boys to suck the semen of men daily for years, saying, “It’s the same as your mother’s breast milk” but it will “make you a STRONG man” and will prevent them from growing into females.46 That raping boys orally can “make them hard” and “prevent them from being soft” may seem bizarre, but believed in wholeheartedly nonetheless.
>The custom of raping Aboriginal children, eating “every second child” and making the older children also eat them is termed “a quite favorable picture” by Roheim.96 Mothers regularly forced their children to eat their newborn siblings “in the belief that the strength of the first child would be doubled by such a procedure.”97 Sometimes the fetus would be “pulled out by the head, roasted and eaten by the mother and the children” and sometimes “a big boy would be killed by the father by being beaten on the head” and given to the mother to eat.98 Since most newborns in the Pacific area, from Hawaii to Tahiti, were murdered by their mothers,99 and since their siblings were forced to participate in the killings, all adults had Killer Mother alters implanted in their amygdalan fear networks which they were compelled to reenact. Hippler says Australian children “attacked infants unceasingly” while “the mother rarely intervenes…Children’s attacks become so common that one often hears adults saying ‘Don’t kill the baby.’ But no one interferes and the child is increasingly made subject to violence and stress.”100 He also says “children are abused by their mother and others…routinely brutally…jerked roughly, slapped or shaken…verbally abusive using epithets such as ‘you shit’ [frightened by] a dangerous world full of demons, though in reality the real dangers are from his caretakers…children are terrified to leave the presence of their mothers.”101 Fusion with the Killer Mother is guaranteed by all these practices, plus the mother’s choking the infant with her milk during nursing, the constant masturbation by mother of her children’s penis and vagina while she lies on top of them, twisting and pinching them as we saw was the practice in New Guinea.102
>The mutilation of young girls’ vaginas is also practiced by the Aboriginals, “in which old men roll emu feathers with a loop of hair. This device is put into the vagina and then removed, pulling away a large part of the womb. The rest of the womb is then cut horizontally and vertically with a stone knife. When this wound is healed, the girl is then circumcised and made to have intercourse with many young men. The mix of blood and semen is collected and given to frail tribesmen as a fortifying elixir.”103 Again, the fusion with the Killer Mother’s blood is imagined to increase the strength of the male who is uncertain of his masculinity. Males marry many wives and even rape their own daughters104 in order to fortify their masculinity, and fathers often have “boy-wives” to absorb some of their maleness.105 It is not surprising that with both boys and girls “almost their only, and certainly their supreme, game was coitus,” particularly “licking the vagina of girls” to increase their strength.106 Gang raping is constant among Aboriginals, as it is in all tribal cultures.107 Roheim calls the constant rape of Aboriginal children “far more ‘normal’ than the sexuality of the European male” since “their repression of sexuality need not be as deep as it is among Europeans.”108
>Highland Papuan culture, and by extension the Trans-New Guinea language family, is 400 years old
Nope nope nope NOPE. You are a fucking retard.
But we must respect the cultures of these people! To do so would be eurocentric and intolerant!
There are inferior and BARBARIC cultural practises contrary to what the progressives and anthropologists will tell you. Any time you need to convince yourself that British colonialism has been a positive force in the world just think of Australia and New Guinea.
They should have left polynesia alone though tbqh. Life sounded super comfy in precolonial times.
Psychohistroy is a complete joke. It's is literally Freud taken to extreme degrees blaming everything on childhood and all childhoods in the past being abusive nightmares.
Care to prove that he's a retard because calling him a retard is not an argument.
Should we speak of the slave rings where children are abducted to be groomed and passed around to the highest bidder?
>that somehow disproves that these acts are undertaken by savages
Top zozzle
It just doesn't make sense how these things actually survive and don't go extinct, what with such population curbing "cultural" practices and all.
Because De Mause is a fraud who takes certain accounts and blows them up to entire societies no matter where in the world.
The guy has no adherence to the scientific standard at all. Extrmee lack of citations, cites himself a lot, lots of crazy fanfic-esque stuff and disturbing adherence to Freud and psychoanalyzing history. There's a reason De Mause is a joke his entire work is all about child abuse torture porn.
>Since boys in antiquity shared the experience of being buggered, Christianity constructed its central myth of the Father sending his son down to be penetrated by a soldier’s lance in order to restage the common experience of fathers giving their boys to a neighbor to be sexually penetrated. Those who accepted the myth, accepted the penetration, and were promised the Father’s love and Mary’s tears in return.
>ywn be jumped by a native bush qt and *viciously* raped
I don't know, man. I rather enjoy my eyebrows.
That's only if you don't cum. Stay hydrated and you should be good.
As I read somewhere else, "To accept him, you'd have to believe that the majority of anthropologist are anti-human fraudsters. And I believe him".
Childhood rearing seems to be one of those oversights of history, even though an exposure to a "traumatic" episode (rape, war, etc.) amongst monkeys and apes produces lifelong changes in behavior more hardwired than various "cultures" of gathering and hunting.
then have a boner, you fucking beta.
You are stupid for reaching that far and you should feel bad.
If you don't know what I am talking about and what anthropologists have written about then you shouldn't comment
It's not a problem, a lot of Veeky Forums and reddit types like to speak on things and make arguments of things no one is talking about.
Quite frankly it's just really common so just swat it and keep it moving.
You're a big man
>the goal justifies the means
Have fun with USA's exterior politics.
He cites himself user. That's pure fraud. The inane bullshit he spews out cam be done by any user here with an errant shitpost but decreasing mouse is fucking serious. He fucking thinks Freud is still relevant and psychoanalytic analysis of historical people and societies makes sense. Fucks sake thays no different then me going in my attic huddling in a ball and just devising what iffy then putting it to paper. No one takes him seriously
Lad's holiday to the Trobriand isles Veeky Forums?
>decreasing mouse
No-one claims they don't have a culture, just that the culture they have is vile and worthless.
>Roheim calls the constant rape of Aboriginal children “far more ‘normal’ than the sexuality of the European male” since “their repression of sexuality need not be as deep as it is among Europeans.”
You realize cannibalism was the PREFERRED form of meat-eating across Polynesia, right?
All of that shit is because they had few resources. Island people tend to be really shitty.
>no food
>kill your children
>your wifes dies so you better have children with your children
>no women so go full homo
>no food so eat other people (some retard thought this was actually good and made it a tradition)
>need to have lots of children so teach them to have sex as early as possible
Also, daily reminder this is what traditionalists want. This is all perfectly rational considering their situation throughout all those years.
I dont blame them, there is barely fucking anything in New Zealand to eat that would garner interest in humans, I mean small mammals but humans are much larger and easier to take down.
It's exactoly like a nymph orgy from some Robert Graves book.
Are these the most beta men in Polynesia?
Most polynesian native men are africa tier in rapeyness and female dominance.
Srs question, why do you guys care what they do? They are primitive tribes people on a remote island on the other side of the world. Let them rape/eat each other all they want, the only people they are hurting are themselves. Who cares?
I'm late to the conversation, but is right. The Trans-New Guinea language family, which was spread by sweet potato-farming highlanders has WAY too much internal diversity to only be 400 years old. Besides that, archaeobotanical evidence shows that taro and yam were domesticated in the New Guinea Highlands between 6 and 7 thousand years ago. That just happens to be--surprise!--when we would expect for Proto-Trans New Guinea to have been spoken, given the diversity of the daughter languages.
Source: Fullagar, Richard, Judith Field, Tim Denham, and Carol Lentfer (2006) Early and mid Holocene tool-use and processing of taro (Colocasia esculenta), yam (Dioscorea sp.) and other plants at Kuk Swamp in the highlands of Papua New Guinea Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 595–614
So, in summary, you, my friends, are the retards. Retards.
t. autistic New Guineaboo
Nobody cared enough to teach them not to harm other human beings over tribalistic superstitions then and still don't today.
you can apply that shitty half logic to anything and everything with disastrous consequences
Why are there so many references to psychoanalysis, do you know that's just bullshit?
Utterly barbaric. The UN needs to intervene.
All of you misunderstand the term "cultural relativism". Cultural relativism is just a prerequisite for objective sociological research. A paper dealing with, say, tribal cultures in the Congo basin would be pretty useless if the author used half the article on calling the cultures "barbaric" and listing reasons for that. For that reason, sociologists treat such cultural particularities dispassionately, on a purely factual basis. The sociologist is not interesting in condemning Aztec human sacrifices, he is interested in the function of that ritual within the Aztec society, in the same way a historian writing a paper on the St. Bartholomew's day massacre or Operation Tannenberg will be preoccupied with facts and particularities of that historical event, rather than using up his words on saying why those things are ethically reprehensible. That doesn't mean that the sociologist or historian doesn't consider those acts barbaric, nor that we shouldn't, as humans, condemn them for being barbaric.
No you can't? You guys are getting all worked up over the actions of a group of stone age people living on one of the most remote/undeveloped islands in the world. They aren't fucking raiding coastal settlements in Australia or some shit. Their violence/degeneracy is completely contained within their thatched hut villages and backwards culture. Do you want the US to go 'liberate' them or something?
im not even taking part in the discussion. you can easily expand and use your logic to say
>why do you care what natioonalistic goverments are doing. sure, they are oppressing their own people and are arming for war, but what does that have to do with you? its not you who is being oppressed
>why do you care what natioonalistic goverments are doing. sure, they are oppressing their own people and are arming for war, but what does that have to do with you? its not you who is being oppressed
And I would still support that line of logic (minus the arming for war part). It isn't our business to be the world's policeman. Why waste resources and lives liberating a bunch of savages running around with penis gourds and birds of paradise feather headbands? What does anyone gain from that?
the discussion is about learning about the trippy things that they do. just because op asked why colooonists didnt eradicate them doesnt mean the whole topic is about that. personally, while the shit i read here is unsettling its also curious to learn how humans can evolve and how horrible we can be to each other on a societal level.
>most of their adult lives replay the early gender anxieties produced by their parental incest/rejection experiences
>all adults had Killer Mother alters implanted in their amygdalan fear networks which they were compelled to reenact
It would be adorable watching retards write cargo cult scholarly articles if it weren't for the fact that morons like you take it at face value instead of seeing it for the sloppy exaggerated mess it is.
It's like trying to explain to a permastoner 19 year old why Zecharia Sitchin and 9/11 conspiracy books with """""citations""""" are a joke.
Basically this.