Poloniex has suspended trading of USDT_BTC.
My bot hit an exception in it's try block and shut down. Thought there might be a bug. Nope. Logged into poloniex and tried to place a trade and it failed there as well.
Poloniex has suspended trading of USDT_BTC.
My bot hit an exception in it's try block and shut down. Thought there might be a bug. Nope. Logged into poloniex and tried to place a trade and it failed there as well.
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fuck yo bot
I warned you, but everyone's too stuck up their own asshole to believe me. Major announcement tomorrow.
Polo is a joke, Blocknet shitting on tristians failed exchnage when?
They suspended trading but there's still orders actively being placed.....
Like what?
Weird shit is happening on the exchange right now though. Price has jumped almost $50USDT within 10 minutes. Someones buying.
You'll see. I'm not going to bother giving details, You people don't deserve it. You treat insiders and leakers like dirt. Even pol treats their insiders better than you ass holes do.
>hmmm, btc moon mission?
Is it possible these orders we're still seeing are STOP limit orders? I feel like it would have halted already still if so.
You don't seriously think a place like this shithole would threat insiders well, do you?
should I buy USDT on bittrex?
You're just a generated id like everyone else here.
Guess that's on all of you then eh.
I'm the owner of Poloniex. Nothing is going to happen tomorrow.
Kill yourself LARPer
Please share some info user.
Ignore the trolls and haters.
I used to post inside info and TA and also got shit one, only some believed me but they knew most of the stuff beforehand,
why are you even telling us about this announcement then. fuck off
GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!1
>everyone trades in CAD instead
>canada becomes crypto currency capital of the world
because he is larping
USDt is working fine on polo
Something is definitely up yeah. The price surged on Polo almost vertically.
Cool story bro
everyone gets made fun of on anonymous image boards sweetie. have you considered LARPing on r/bitcoin?
annnd it's falling down like a stone.
No idea what was that
Is this your first time following BTC/USD?
Check out bitfinix if you want to watch where the real volume is.
fuck your larping. insider my ass. even if you were there's no chance for us to make sure you're not some larping shill. fuck you. reeeeee
you got banned
Guess you will find out soon enough.
Doubt it. My bot follows the api rules perfectly.
please give me a hint great user, should i move all my shit off polo?
oh noes, I'm so afraid. all the tension.
keep larping faggot. have all the attention your mama won't give you.
your balance there sure showed him
great for rare mega whale watching
Has nothing to do with Polo. Has much more to do with ICO's. Wait for the announcement. Other insiders have been dropping bread crumbs for weeks to the people who are smart enough to pick up on them. Most of us were/are also involved in crypto.
wow another new shit coin is about to be released. Gee what wonderful news.
about what time should I expect this announcement? by whom?
more importantly is this bad news for crypto?
It's bad press for crypto, But it won't kill it. It's more about the people and what they've been doing with it, and more importantly, where that money has been going and who it's been funding.
Owner of Poloniex again. It'll be the crypto apocalypse but also good news for crypto.
I'm a poor fag, desu. That's all a dyslexic mexicon can afford.
how's the sheet music business going, monkey boy?
>Is the owner
>gets ignored
wow, give us some intel then please
Ok I'll bite. has it the potential to crash the markets?
The savvy plumbing investor wins again.
FBI is announcing that there a links to cryptocurrencies funding ISIS tomorrow
I wonder who is behind this
It depends on how the market reacts to a bunch of evil people, scammers, and terrorists and murderers (some by proxy of investment) get arrested and their funds seized. Realize when i tell you, This board is full of those people. I'm sure it's not hard to tell. It will also open the door for forced law changes in many countries and how they deal with crypto.
So it just depends on how the market reacts, which is unpredictable at best of times. The public reaction will also factor in.
It says gif
Why isn't it moving tho
I've been cashed out to usdt since the last pump. It's obvious my intelligence is far superior to yours as I do not need insider information to see the market.
>Realize when i tell you, This board is full of those people.
This is the part when the wheels completely fell off for this larp.
You missed a lot of sweet dips then.
Did you invest in ICO's? If you invested in the wrong ones well... Gl with that. If not, then you should be fine.
Mhh ok. Now I wonder : according to you does that event has something to do with the crazy Monero rise? Like someone quickly exchanging a very large amount of BTCs for Moneros to stay under cover ?
nice! just bought and sold 100k
Are you saying everyone who invested in bancor is going to jail?
>crypto is used for illegal transactions
Very perceptive of you user. But most of that was because of the BTC-e incident, which correlates to whats going to happen tomorrow. But not all of it.
Step 1: make a trip
Step 2: leak info that actually turns out to be real
There you just earned our trust. Do you seriously not comprehend how anonymous boards work, LARPer? Anyone can pretend to be an "insider".
Ok interesting. I guess we'll see tomorrow if this is legit or not.
Your trust isn't required. You will find out tomorrow. I'm not the only insider who's been leaving clues.
Yes I have too. It has to do with BCC, BTC-e, the SEC, USDT, and Run DMC.
goy vey the suspense is killing me.
Here's the most likely outcome after running 100k iterations in my head. Trump drags Satoshi Nakamoto out infront of the camera, who is under duress. Waterboards him and gets his private key. Trump shouts something along the line of "I am now the bitcoin". Some fbi raids some random shitcoins nobody cares about proving nobodies as safe as they thought they were. Market surges 3k+.
Welp there goes my retirement fund.
s-sub 2k bitcoin senpai user famalamadingdong?
I trust you user. I wish I knew the best play for this. I bet you have an idea too. What's a wage cuck 33 year old just trying to get my piece of the pie supposed to do? Any help will be followed exactly as laid out.
Mother fuck.....
Thank god I spent two extra weeks perfecting my system.
Managing 200+ high-frequency bots purely for crypto gains, no problems yet.
Back to the design table OP.
>Those participating in unregistered offerings also may be liable for violations of the securities laws
Uh oh. Good luck, faggots.
dude what the fuck I'm tired of seeing you, you're not funny.
Well, Im the owner of bitcoin and I say something is definetly going down tomorrow.
that was my first post in this thread fuck you guy
most likely means your famalamading shit, I see that shit occasionally too
stop typing that you faggot
die faggot
>your famalamading shit, I see that shit occasionally too
Enjoying your first week on the 4chanz, famalamafaggot?
there's some good life advice for you faggort
Its 2014 all over again. What do you think?
almost certainly
Greedy fags pushed it back to 2950 so yeah 100%.
After thinking about this for a while. This is actually good for ETH.
It's been about 2hours now and i still can't make any trades in USDT/BTC.
Can anyone else here confirm this so i know it's not just me.
Look at the trade history. Yes it's still working.
For me working perfectly
Protip: you have to be able to buy at least 0.0001 btc. If you're too poor for that then no, you can't make any trades.
Old news
What kind of faggot shit is this?
I've been making 0.0017btc trades thank you very much.
They wont even send me the god damn support email link so i can contact them about it.
What in the immortal fuck is going on over there?
You're a cool guy
So is being in USDT a good thing or bad thing?
It's just a tether to the USD that works off the BTC blockchain. I guess if BTC were to collapse so to would the tether.
same here but usdt to anything
>being triggered by famalamading
Aha! So it's the tether they are blocking...
Wonder why tho
no idea, I contacted support but almost everything is sitting in Tether right now so it's doing nothing for me
I don't know what you larping fud faggots are talking about but you just costs me fees. USDT is working FINE on poloniex.
don't go on poloniex tomorrow ...