Which historical figures most fit the idea of Niestzsche's ubermensch?
Which historical figures most fit the idea of Niestzsche's ubermensch?
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people are going to be triggered by this prob but you know it's right
unironically this
t. dumbass who never read Nietzsche
He declared Christ his ultimate opponent. He's the opposite of the Overman.
Nietzsche shit talked Jesus all the time. He was in opposition to Christianity.
Success breeds jealously
he hated his message of love and acceptance, but you can't deny that Jesus willed himself to a position of great influence and power...
Depends, are we going with the Edgy master race interpretation or the idea that men do not need God and that all we need is to look inward and be our best selves and thereby will ourselves into power??
He did, hence why Nietzsche recognized him as his only worthy opponent. But at the same time Jesus is not the Overman as Nietzsche conceived of it. The Overman is of the earth, Jesus is the enemy of the earth.
exactly. He reached the right end, but with the incorrect means to embody Nietzsche.
I would really have to just give it to Empirical Rulers, really. Anyone like Napoleon and Alexander the Great would embody will to power, but I think it misses a component of Nietzsche's Ubermensch.
They aren't the edgy master-race touting people claim they're supposed to be. They're just a realization of man's potential and they're supposed to "go down" and share the message with the rest of mankind.
Napoleon and Alexander the Great are not Overmen, according to Nietzsche (even in his apology of aristocracy, he mentions the fact that these people are fundamentally damaged).
In his times, Nietzsche said that Goethe is the closest we've got to get a ubermensch.
>his only worthy opponent
Did Nietzsche really frame it like this? What an edgelord.
Not in the exact manner, but he did say "Dionysus vs. the crucified one" at the end of Ecce Homo, and the whole final stretch is talking about how Christianity is his antithesis.
I didn't say they were ubermensch. I just said I would give my nomination to them because they come the closest in my mind. They ARE fundamentally damaged because war was not the way to "go down" to the people and lift them up. In order to be an ubermensch you need to lift other humans to the level of ubermensch bt making them realize that they have a potential to reach....not by conquering their lands
>the Edgy master race interpretation
if we're talking about knee cha, why would we talk about how others interpreted his writings? dumb af senpai
>the Edgy master race interpretation
But that interpretation is correct. How many times does Nietzsche have to repeat the importance of self-overcoming in great individuals, the importance of the hammer and in saying "No!", the harshness of future men, and the Overman in metaphorical reference that suggest its spiritual height above all others before the concept finally gets through to you?
Nietzsche even points out that ancient men would laugh at the things we fear today. Why would he do that? Because he is aware of how infantile we have become and how stronger we used to be. Hence why he speaks so much on the poisons of Plato and Christianity. To truly live Nietzsche's philosophy you must be willing to forgo all morality and tendency for mercy.
The latter obviously since it is the only valid interpretation.
Where did Nietzsche say the ubermensch couldn't be a fag? Alexander fucked guys but he was still a great man. Nietzsche fucked hookers as well.
>Alexander fucked guys
>believing the propaganda
Name the dude Alexander fucked and prove it. I'll even give you the hint as to there's only two that you even have a shot in hell at proving, and the only way you can is if you've possibly read something I haven't (pro-tip: i doubt it).
>Where did Nietzsche say the ubermensch couldn't be a fag?
king david
>ITT summerfags who don't even understand what he meant by ubermensch
You do realize Goethe was bisexual right? Guy was a proponent of pederasty.
Nietzsche thought pic related
Closest thing in our age.
>You do realize Goethe was bisexual right? Guy was a proponent of pederasty.
Surely you'll be able to provide me a contemporary source that Goethe was a bisexual pederast then? And when I say source, I don't mean that literally 1 book that bases this entire theory on 2 lines of 2 of his personal letters to his close friends. Or are you just going to believe the massive modern propaganda of reappropriating or attempting to "out" every single historical person as gay? Or are you going to base your entire theory on a passage from the end of Faust because you're too stupid to understand how an intelligent writer can acknowledge that others are homosexual so he can include homosexuality or homoeroticism in his work rather or without just automatically being gay himself? Or are you confusing his lifelong love of women, admittedly including young women, and just adding pederasty into the equation just...because?
Honestly, just fuck off Pruys. You fucking faggot. I fucking hate you and everything you represent.
He would come pretty close though, in ASZ Nietzsche after all claims that Jesus would have come around to his point of view, had he lived longer.
tbqh gayness is the Ubermensch sexuality.
We've already acknowledged that women are inferior, actually not even inferior, totally subhuman. And that men are the shit. Why not just take the logical conclusion, completely cut women out of your life and exclusively have romantic relationships with other buff sexy Ubermenschen?
Wew lad. You've gone full Plato.
>We've already acknowledged that women are inferior, actually not even inferior, totally subhuman.
I know that Nietzsche is sometimes labeled as a woman-hater, but he made a lot of remarks that implied he thought highly of them. Consider the fact that a lot of the things that he criticizes them for would be considered good or strong traits on his terms.
>"the perfect woman is a higher type of human than the perfect man, and also something much more rare,"
May be a bit of a backhanded statement, but it shows where he thinks a woman's potential can ultimately extend to.
So nah, the übermensch in all likelihood would not be exclusively homosexual.
Memes aside bisexuality seems like a solidly Nietzschean option (if we can consider sexuality to be optional). Limiting yourself to just one gender doesn't seem to be what it's about at all.
Good women are good, good men are good, sex is good, why not have it all at once?
Niestzsche thought Wager was an ubermensch for a while until he found out we was a Nazi.
Possibly so.
MJ is the real answer
Submissiveness is unfitting for the Overman, and if you're gonna dominate you might as well dominate a sex organ that's actually designed to be dominated.
Wagner [sic] wasn't a Nazi as the party didn't exist in their time. He also fought in a left-wing revolution against capitalists.