Hey Veeky Forums, post what motivates you to make money. My motivation is to eventually score a beautiful blonde big tittied wife like pic related, What is yours?
Hey Veeky Forums, post what motivates you to make money...
I want to be 26 years old in some cheap tourist country fucking all the women and getting fucked up on all kinds of drugs while enjoying the beach and warm weather.
Nothing. I do it because it's fun. If you need motivation, you're doing it wrong.
I want a flat chested japanese high school girl!
financial independence - freedom from the wageslave life
I will never understand this whole "blonde bimbo trophy wife" meme that Americans fall for. Is that really the sort of woman to start a family with? The sort to raise your daughters?
Be happy.
Enough so I can comfortably live a reclusive life and say real smug like that money doesn't buy happiness
Who said bimbo, moron?
To be finally free. Work is modern day slavery, without it we starve and end up on the streets. We are forced to work. I love my job but i wish i was not bound by it, i want to be a truly free man. Pls
this chick is a serious butterface
I already got my new mower with crypto gains, next things on my list are a bed for my son and a new fence.
get out of the 9-6 work cycle aka wagecuckery
Been poor for the past few years, only affording basic necessities. In other words my motivation is pretty much survival at this point, not looking to be homeless or in prison.
>beautiful blonde big tittied wife like pic related
Literally a professional bimbo
I want to not be destitute when I'm old and senile
You sure you didnt meant to say your wifes son?
One less thing to hate about myself.
kek beat me to it
Epic meme Veeky Forums bros.
>post what motivates you to make
Nothing, I don't make money
I wish I could smell his feet
Go to Africa on nigger safari. Im sure once you are rich enough they let you hunt niggers. Its too good of an idea for a scumbag not to profit with it. There must be. I wonder if money should be enough or you need to be one of (((them)))
Same bro. Same.
You like bitches with top heavy unbalanced bodies(possibly fake), with heavily applied make up, a fucked up nose, poorly taken care of hygeine, prematurely aging skin, and ugly fucked up feet?
Damn, I wonder how a real woman would motivate you
Child abuse and C-PTSD have really fucked me up. I can't deal with people day in and day out like this new service economy wants. I wanted to work in manufacturing or something. Those jobs are all gone, so I tried tech. If trained my own H1B replacement and Lost jobs to the Philippines.
I want enough money to live. I've worked hard. If worked until my feet bled and my arms were melting from too many chemicals. I've worked multiple jobs and literally gone months only sleeping 4 or 5 nights a week. I've been homeless before, more than once. I've lost literally everything, and as much as I pretend I'm okay and bounced back, I never really have.
I just want an existence worth living. I don't want to regret being alive and have that be my first thought in the morning when I wake up anymore.
I just want to not want to kill myself
If you also mean she's got butter on her face, yes. That's how fucking terrible her makeup looks.
I want to be a NEET without having to worry about money.
Jesus christ you people have terrible ideas of life, no wonder you'll never get rich.
If I bought some property would you want to live on it and farm?
well good times also. But mostly pussy.
I just want to pre order videogame without feeling guilty later.
3/10 foot game.
give an effort next time m8
I wish I could pay for all the repairs my car always seems to be needing.
Same here Op
how do you shit post?
smart phone?
Bimbo wife when?
try walking, you fat fuck.
I want a huge acreage to fuck around on while being naked freely. Nothing better than putting around on an atv with my cock and balls flopping in the wind.
She isn't blonde but my wife has huge titties, sucking on them is glorious. If you think that you need money to score her, wait until you have her...
live alone surrounded by anime figurines and never work another day in my life
Daughters? Fuck you I'm having sons.
Everyone that chases wealth for women is pathetic.
I just want to replace work with hobbies.
>this will be me in a month
You know she's just gonna take all your money in the end right?
Buying the Carribean
Well, I NEED to be rich. That might be the only way to convince the parents of the girl I like. And yeah, she's young.
Being broke is my motivation nigger
how many btc for gf like this?
I want to buy a farm, keeping animals, growing vegetables and being financially independent
>he fell for the women meme
I'm from /pol/ and I approve of this meme.
I want to be financially free from my boyfriend. I was very successful, before him, and then he started controlling me. He was very insecure about me, being better than him. When I had my job, he was constantly causing problems that eventually made me quit. Now I do not have a job, and I started studying something. I have made some profits, and made him have profits as well, even though he does not understand what he is doing. Yet, I was stupid and he knows all my accounts. I really need to sustain me for at least 2 years, I came with him, and I am on a different country. Not sure what will happen :( I have like 0.5 bitcoins that are hidden from him, and around 700 stratis, I have been holding these bags, hoping I will make the right bet. Wish me luck anons.
Good God, look at those titties.
Chad is fucking her since highschool for free, here's for motivation.
Good luck to you . Some guys are fucking retarded neets who don't know how to be happy for what they have
>MGTOW bitter sub8
>Chad is fucking her since highschool for free, here's for motivation.
>for free
Not Op, but this is just bullshit.
Nothing is "free".
Do you really think a "Chad" just gets to fuck women for free ?
Do you honestly believe that he doesn't pay a single cent for dates and other outings ?
Newsflash !
Nobody gets to fuck anyone else for free.
There's always money or some other resource involved.
At least be serious about this shit.
Not everyone is a betabux you dumb faggot
>Chad pays for dates
>Chad goes on dates
> financial independence
> be able to take care of my wife (beautiful big titted asian who loves me and is low maintenance) and her future children
You're missing the point.
It's not about being a beta bux.
It's about knowing that nothing in life is free (especially not women).
It doesn't matter if you're a "Chad" or "beta bux" women want men with money and confidence.
You don't see women getting with broke men (men who don't have cash nor a single cent on their bank account).
He needs to have money.
Access to quality pussy is of course a natural drive.
However, unless you're an 18yo boy or bitter deep down, 10 hours of youtube pick-up videos should give you the basics to get one or two fuck buddies.
Like many, I want power. The power to being able to say "the next three weeks I'm not going to do X, but instead I'll focus on Y." Money is a prerequisite to such a situation. Mind you, if you're a manager or an obsessed daytrader, you have the money but not the power, because you can't let go at will.
Dumb cuck wants to marry a bleach blonde fake-titted coalburner and let her take all his money
Youre everything wrong in this world
>You don't see women getting with broke men (men who don't have cash nor a single cent on their bank account).
poor people reproduce more than the wealthy and educated.
Controlling you how? If you consciously made some bad decisions it's all on you. How the fuck can somebody make you quit?
I can't say that I don't wish you luck though I've been in some bad situations myself, but from what I've read of your post it seems like this all was most likely 100% your fault.
no u r
Go smoke your grass somewhere else, hippie.
This is all the path to become a broke lonely cuck
Find a sweet girl who gives a shit about you and wats you to succeed and maybe you won't be so depressed user
>just learned the n word yesterday
OMG who puts wicker furniture in a foot of water?!?!
>capitalism breeds these scumbags
Even zucc isn't such a piece of shit. You're going to live an empty life chasing power highs and it'll never be fulfilling. Good luck user hope you find something meaningful
How do I make money