What role did Britain have to play in WWII?
I ask because some like to claim that Britain did most of the heavy lifting against Germany and Japan while the US played a minor role and could have defeated both powers without US help. Is there any shred of truth to this of is it complete bullshit like I think it is?
What role did Britain have to play in WWII?
The UK could've survived WW2 but all of Europe would've fallen to the soviets.
They played a big role in North Africa, and a big role in Italy and the Western front, as well as fighting and defeating the Japanese in Burma.
This basically
Germany was gonna lose WW2 even if the US didn't jump in. The US's real contribution was stopping the Soviets. Also singlehandedly winning the Pacific theater.
Americas main contribution in ww2 was the same a 1, selling goods to England which led to massive debt for England
Whilst the British empire kept the war s constant one
What role did strawmanning play in this thread? I ask because OP would like to claim that this is a genuine and legitimate query and this is in no way a vehicle for another /int/posting circlejerk on a flagless board that the mods don't give a fuck about. Is there a shred of truth in this or is OP as full of shit as I think he is?
who could be behind this post?
>implying it's not Wallonia's Americans
Is the statistic that brits were involved in
They forced Germany to devote resources to defend Europe from the west, and incited them to waste countless resources attempting to knock Britain out of the fight thru air attacks and thru naval investments. They also provided a base for the eventually invasion of the continent, and pulled America into the war both thru a tireless propaganda campaign and thru tricking Germany into sinking American shipping. It's my opinion that without the war in the West, Germany could have defeated the USSR, but even if you're one of those "HURR RUSSIA IS UNBEATABLE" assclowns, it remains a fact that without Britain, there was no possibility of a free Europe after the war.
There were actually more Commonwealth forces at the D-Day landings than American although you'd never think it after decades of Hollywood.
Britain's role was vital to keeping the war in Europe alive, they served as a near-impenetrable base for the allies.
They did the heavy lifting in Africa and inflicted some damage on the Germans but they definitely needed the US help to strike Germany at the heart, the D-Day landings never would have happened without the US help.
As for Asia, they suffered some humiliating losses in the beginning but can't really be blamed. Once they got back to India and started focusing more on the Asia campaign they blew the fuck out of the Japs when they tried to invade India and then chased them through Burma with flamethrowers.
USA did the most in the Pacific
Britain did the most in Africa
Debatable who did the most in Europe, it was a combination of all the allies.
You're right, I've never seen an unironic post claiming what op is claiming. He's either an /int/ shitposter on holiday or an autistic who can't detect banter
The British navy sank the Bismark.
As someone who had a granddad serve in both Crete (as well as North Africa) and Burma, it really does annoy me when people try to talk about Britain doing nothing in the war. People forget that we were one of the countries to be there at the beginning of the war, and to last all the way until the end, fighting the whole time.
Even Putin tried to talk shit about Britain saying that it's our fault the war happened and we didn't do enough to prevent it. Conveniently ignoring that the Soviets fucking invaded Poland, too, and were all buddy-buddy with the Germans for the first few years.
>I ask because some like to claim that Britain did most of the heavy lifting against Germany and Japan while the US played a minor role and could have defeated both powers without US help.
It's pretty bullshit. The UK was involved in almost every theater of the war, but outside the Atlantic, North Africa, and arguably the strategic bombing campaign, they were never a primary mover in any of them.
And given that the bombing campaign was where they spent most of their industrial capacity, the lackluster results they got chalks it up on the failure column in my book.
That's only true if you count ground forces alone. T he Americans provided the predominant amount of air support and sealift, which puts their overall manpower contribution higher; as it was, the difference in ground troops was very slight (72,500 Americans to 83,115 CW)
This, Operation Sea lion fails in every scenario and the Soviets are unstoppable.
In the East the Brits defeat the Japs U Go offensive under Slim and actually became a decent fighting force and though it would have taken a lot longer the British Empire, China and later the Soviets would have defeated the Japs. US saved France and western Europe effectively from communism.
Poor Germany never stood a chance.
In a hypothetical world where the U.S. isn't involved, I'm not sure you can make any of those predictions. Without an oil embargo, the Japanese probably won't even attack the British, and I'm far from convinced the Soviets would attack Manchuria without the alliance with the west, which is essentially brokered by America.
keep telling yourself that Anglocuck
We did do the most, in both world wars as well. In WWII we held of the Germans all by ourselves when we had no other allies. We crushed the Germans in Africa and Italy, led the Allies in Overlord and Market Garden. We also beat the Japanese in Burma. The Americans joined the war late and the Russians were good cannon fodder
Literally no one believes Sea Lion was ever feasible. Even the German high command at the time thought it was nothing but a fantasy.
One of the reasons de Gaulle was so staunchly against collaboration is that he saw the writing on the wall and knew the Allies were inevitably going to be victorious. The German war effort was doomed from 1939 onwards.
They stood alone against the night.
What? Was the USA even in WW2?
>in both world wars as well
*lindybeige intensifies*