PIVX is the most underrated coin and will be a top 10 coin
you will all fucking see
PIVX is the most underrated coin and will be a top 10 coin
you will all fucking see
why do you think this? What makes it better than Monero or Zcash to you?
the same reason he prefers to shit on a street, no doubt.
Is this a Pajeet coin? I thought the dev was some American. I wish this board had flags already.
yeah Im white
anyways, this coin is great because first of all, the marketcap. 55 million in circulation and only 2 dollars per coin
Its also constantly having work done to it as you can see by the active twitter
its also a masternode
What's a master node and why is it significant
of course it's a pajeet coin. why haven't you ever seen monero or zcash shilled here? correct. but you'll see this $2 dog shit shilled with promises of lambos and bla bla bla.
who even are you faggot? did a pajeet steal your money and now you hate all coins you arent familiar with?
settle down pajeet, no one wants to get raped here.
So I have about 25k in PIVX, bought in the drop at around 80cents.
Should I start a MasterNode? Read it's like 10k pivx per node. Anyone know what the payouts are?
you should learn how to use the potty, pajeet. get your priorities sorted out..
Well I don't plan on selling them, so I may aswell get some use out of them.
who would buy your unused toilets?
do it
you might as well. pivx certainly isnt getting any cheaper
It's 60cents off its ATH? and has an average trade of 500k usd a day. Are your really that butthurt?
Yeah I will have a read into now, at the moment it's annual return is 5.4% - better than just sitting there doing nothing.
the cancer killing Veeky Forums
not bad, for doing nothing. Cheers user!
On the plus side it made me wanna buy some PIVX
Im seriously jealous, I need to acumulate waaaaaaaaay more
plus this shit is going to be worth hundreds per coin one day if it follows the typical low marketcap/masternode trend
Im jelly
Have Indians invented anything useful since the number zero??
I sold at peak in June and went on a shopping spree during the dip.
When I bought PIVX around the 80cent mark, the returns were around 120% haha I should of started one back then.
Does anyone know how the returns work? Guessing it's got to do with more masternodes working the less % you get. Any place to find out how many nodes are currently running?
not exactly sure but perhaps this might have an answer
Dude, yes.
Run 2 and stake the remaining 5k.
Pivx is the passive income coin to beat all passive income coins, and it's presently undervalued.
Not to mention that it should at least see the $40-75 /piv in the next year or so.
People who are sleeping on it/counter-signaling it are either foolish or jealous.
Quality meme mines
So how exactly does this work? Where is this money coming from? This whole masternode trend is getting crazy.
Nice read there, quite enjoyed that. It seems at some point that Masternodes may be out of reach for some people. Say the coin was $10 - that's $100k to get a MN up and running. I think this thread has awoken me.
The coins minted get split .This coin creation in PIVX has 45% given to stakers, 45% given to masternoders, and 0-10% used for proposals to improve PIVX
Thats how much a Dash masternode costs
but pivx is cooler because of the purple
Yeah just reading up on other MN now. Crazy times ahead I think!
It's a solid design.
The purple is gay.
Love the coin, but they need a branding update before they blow up again.
Probably a new super bug that is germinating in the Ganges river that will wipe us all out.
Rarely see Pivx posted here. I hold this coin. August should be a good month. Enjoy boys.