>TFW no classy gf
TFW no classy gf
>fat uggo thighs, blubber spilling our
>short stubby stumps sticking out of stout hands
>gaudy purse sinking into her ankle fat
She fat
>1/10, nails too pointy
giving this a 5/10, my bae is hotter.
need more feet
classy bitches don't wear Michael Kors
pick 1 m8
girl like this is all i want
these types of girls are money hungry beasts
why not to settle for frugal qt gf
Is this a humblebrag to distract from the fact that she's fat?
>>TFW no classy gf
This ladies hair is how I like my Fallout 3/NV/4 characters.
its a trap!
Your pic related is thot signaling
man i hate that shitskins use this board.
Have you tried getting laid/going outside?
>Michael Kors watch
You fags have no taste
What kind of autism is this?
>expensive purse
>flashy jewelry
>haram clothing in arab country
>not grabbing that high-class pussy
Post more expensive hoes
lol, if OP really considers that as classy, I have some bad news for him.