what can be done about repetition?
seems like we have the same few threads every single day.
what can be done about repetition?
seems like we have the same few threads every single day.
I feel like we need to make more easily-posted image collages with sources on them for common questions. Like that one about how genetics tests show that modern Italians and ancient Italians are pretty much identical. Or that one full of quotes from Russian/Soviet leaders about the impact of Lend-Lease.
nothing can be done about it.
Same as with every other board. Post about things you want to talk about instead of stupid meme and template threads.
I'd agree with this.
So, to fix this, an ideal Veeky Forums sticky would
>show genetics for ancient societies and how they link up to modern residents
which stops the "We Wuzism" of shitposters here
>show the actual confirmed oldest civilizations and cities
to prevent "muh Hyperborea, muh indoeuropean"
>classifies what aryans are, exactly
goes without saying
>shows and gives examples of the civilizations of different continents, their time period and how their tech was
this stops the "dude MUDHUTS lmao" plaguing every africa thread, and generally prevents anachronisms from being posted.
>something explaining common political idealogies, from authoritarian left Communism, Liberterian left Anarchism, to Liberterian right Liberterianism, and authoritarian right Fascism. Hopefully there'd also be a section on common misconceptions, i.e "Dude Nazi stands for national socialist, therefore they were leftists", and also a section on the extremes of these- why communism doesn't equal stalinism, why liberterianism doesn't equal objectivism, and so on.
>a guide, possibly Veeky Forums approved historians
for continued research.
>a quote page from great leaders
for fun.
>Veeky Forums approved youtubers
probably necessary
>explanation of religions
to clear up misconceptions about hellenism/kemetism/general paganism but also misconceptions about catholocism/islam/judaism/modern religions.
>a link to learning antiquity langauges
cuneiform, attic greek, ancient hebrew, classical latin, and so on. its the last thing I can think of.
Don't reply to them and make threads on more obscure and interesting history.
90% of the repetition threads are from /pol/ crossposters
>Hitler good, Stalin bad
>Holocaust denial
>"why does nobody talk about the holodomor"
>black egyptians
>lack of african empires
if we have the same few threads, then it must be because it interests a lot of people
don't whine just because people aren't making threads to cater to your interests. Make the threads you want to see, and avoid the ones you don't want to see
This would be a good idea, and let's not forget a big, shiny link compiling evidence of the holocaust with refutations to common denier arguments.
This 100%. I'm also getting very tired of bait threads and the people who reply to them. Perhaps mods could ban blatant bait threads? or is that not feasible?
Just put the torrent with all the ark of the covenant files and osprey books
maybe a sticky with relevant reading material, idk
Our current sticky is deplorable, it doesnt even have the fat Roman Newsreader
make a erowid board where you mandatorily have to be high of some psychoactive substance!
Mods need to delete threads for which a thread already exists. The earliest one stays the later one don't because the poster obviously never bothered to use catalogue.
Seriously there are three Hannibal wasn't African threads and the other day half the board was Byzaboo threads.
Maybe revise the rules for essentially duplicate threads.
I know it's borderline a meme, here, but humanity was an error. Communism or ancap shit are /pol/ materials, it doesnt belong here.
fuck off to r9k
This would be neat too.
To be fair, it was the anniversary.
This is all nice and good, but it's pretty clear that the mods on this board are either absent most of the time or simply fucked in the brain.
They seem to have no problem with people making the same thread over and over, even when said thread is explicitly against the rules (like /pol/ material).
They are just bad at moderating.
Shit, I didn't realise that, fair play lad. I should have remembered. I actually lived in Istanbul for a few years, they celebrate the anniversary too kind of like a civic day of festivals around the city. Absolutely triggering. A full day of reeeeeeing internally and I'm not even a big Byzaboo desu.
We need to remove humanities since all they add is crossposting from /pol/ and reddit. The history segment could be fixed if people showed their sources.
Trypillian mega-sites were not cities.
>Or that one full of quotes from Russian/Soviet leaders about the impact of Lend-Lease.
can someone post that one please?
this is true but it's not like we can do anything about that.
Should I make a 5th thread about that ancient Egyptian DNA study? We only have four going right now.
That's Ian McNiece you pigheaded philistine homo
late, but please don't.
can confirm. some mod hit me hard last night.
I got a 24 hour ban for making a dubs joke (fair enough, I took it like a man despite having spent 10 mins writing a wicked post with sauces when I found out), yet we can have 3-5 threads on the same topics circulating.
Rules points to underscore and enforce.
-this is not pol
-use the catalog before making a thread, it's not fucking hard unless you are intent on shitposting and shilling etc. if so, see rule one.
Also why is the news reader from Rome not the sticky pic?
It's inherent in the ephemeral nature of image boards. The only true solution is to find a different site
I got a 24 hour ban for posting a pic of a war crime.
>what can be done about repetition?
Draw more pregnant Anne Frank art to anger /pol/
Also, just ban anyone who posts /pol/ sources like shitty .jpg infographs or neo-Nazi propaganda videos out of hand.
Want to deny the Holocaust? Find a better source yah cunts.
>complaining about repetition
>on a history board
That's what it's all about, OP.
Also a point-by-point refutation of that "21 questions about the holocaust" image that comes up once in a while. There's pic related, but I don't think that's enough.
There are literally 20 "the holocaust never happened prove me wrong lol" threads daily
make it fucking stop mods please
This doesn't disprove anything.
Maybe if we just start spamming them with drawfriend's works they'll self-deport back to their containment board/echo chamber and stay there.
We could outline our basic goals on here, make an image and/or text post. Then make a thread and keep it bumped for the mods to see it, they take it down? we make another, we could just flood Veeky Forums with them. It is for improving /his after all
>Well they COULD have lied so they did
this desu
I'm down for this, I'd be happy to provide common resources for learning Latin, and I know a good bit about the Roman Kingdom (pre republic, pre empire).