Does it makes you feel weird that Christianity is heavily influenced by Roman Society? A pagan civilization?
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It's literally not though. Maybe for Roman Catholicucks, yeah, but all the Romans did was help spread it
I only think american protestants are truly bothered by it. Once read a rant from one about how it was satanic and wrong that christians had adopted the names of the gods for the planets.
Me being a black man desended from dlsvery and a Roman Catholic, Im not really bothered by it at all since my African Heritage is hard to trace back, I usually cling to my Catholic roots to justify my lineage.
Its a lot easier to claim Roman decent as a catholic than it is for me to try and claim African hertiage and honestly as a black guy I really don't like the whole african king meme.
In reality it was the Greeks who heavily influenced Christianity.
>the greek religion
Nice try Julianus
American I suppose?
Do black americans not look more into the westafrican kangdoms? These were the most cultivated, almost nationlike entities in subsaharan africa that were culturally independent and not caliphates after all.
Not as long and dramatic as eurasian history but hell euros and white americans love identifying with celts, pagan slavs and germanics which were culturally on a roughly similar level then Benin or the Asante kingdom.
Well, they stopped being "a pagan civilization" the moment it became the official religion of Rome. In terms of influence by the remnants of pagan traditions, it doesn't really exist beyond superficial rituals that were later assimilated into a larger tradition. Even then, most of them (Christmas trees, Easter Bunny, etc.) have German origins.
I have yes sir, though like I said its hard to trace my heritage to this unlike most Europeans as you mentioned can claim family names or titles. Unlike African Heritage, blacks were stripped of their title and name sake upon slavery. This os probably the only thing that i am butthurt about whe it comes to the whole sibject honestly. As a black guy in New York i have been beyond blessed with good stature.
I have yet to go through with a dna test. I am told that I may be able to trave my roots through this tl the exact area/village in which my ancestors came from.
I know as a fact that my heritage is west african but possibly south african and Mediterranean as well.
>culturally on a rough similar level
You could argue it possibly, but the difference was Roman hegemony had touched these germanic tribes where African Tribes nearly only had a taste per say of Rome
...your equating catholic with christian
You are dumb. Thank you for ending the thread with your stupidity. Leave before you do the same to others.
you're gonna need to be more specific
Greeks but no.
Why would it?
neo platonists
You all flow out of chalcedonic christianity idiot
>feel weird that Christianity is heavily influenced by Roman Society?
how more vague can you get, be specific
Christians are good but they haven't taken the green pill yet. Does it bother anyone able to comprehend the world beyond dichotomies? No. Do most protestants have the capability to comprehend the world beyond dichotomies? No.
Easter is known as the passover season in every non-German and English speaking country. Just like "son of god" doesn't sound like "sun of god" in non-English speaking countries yet atheist think they've uncovered some vast conspiracy.
What about Christian Africa ?
>hurpity durpity doo
It's an objective fact that in Germanic countries "Easter" is a rip off of the celebrations of Eostre, the pagan goddess and it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.
>Does it makes you feel weird
No. It was also influenced by Greek society, medieval European society and many others. The old testament was written by Hebrews over hundereds of years, and was obviously influenced by the society they came from.
>Krauts were the only people to celebrate something on that day.
Sorry buddo.
So called Easter is known as the paschal in every non-German and non-English speaking country and has to do with the Passover.
Classic silly Catholic claiming every accomplishment or anything ever done ever under their umbrella.
You retards think roman civilization didn't effect Christianity? Such ignorant scum, i'm truly baffled how you all came to such unenlightened conclusions.
Chalcedonic origins are a fact, nothing to do with catholicism unless your denomination doesn't accept any of the roman creeds.
If so, get out Arius
lol. I'll bet you're also one of those dumb fucks who thinks even the apostles were catholic.
My denomination doesn't and has nothing to do with Arianism. Which really just doesn't believe in the Trinity. Are you now going to claim the Trinity is only a catholic thought and couldn't possibly have come from elsewhere?
Are you fucking mor-mon or Jew-hova witness? If so you're no more Christian than Islam is Christian. Christianity has no room for Joseph Smith or Jew-Hovas. That's not being a Christian.
It's other way around. Everything what was good we kept, like Paul siad, everything else was wiped out.
If Christians were capable of reason, there would be no Christians.
>TheChalcedonian Definition(also called theChalcedonian Creed) was adopted at theCouncil of Chalcedonin A.D. 451.Chalcedonwas anearly centreof Christianity located inAsia Minor(modernTurkey). The Council was the fourth of theEcumenical Councilsthat are accepted byChalcedonianchurches which include theEastern Orthodox, Catholic, and most Protestantchurches. It was the first Councilnotto be recognised by anyOriental Orthodoxchurch; these churches may be classified asnon-Chalcedonian.
So you're a miaphysite, or some weird fringe denomination that calls all others unchristian.
lol. No I'm not a meme Christian, but there ya go again with the whole "if it's not catholic it's nothing" thing. Remind me, where did Christ say that again? Oh wait, you can't. Hmmm. Let's try again, remind me where Christ said any of the creeds? Go ahead, I'll wait.
Remind me where Christ said I have to accept anything about the chalcedonian council to be a "real" Christian and I'll be the first to repent and immediately convert to whatever you suggest. Go ahead, user. I'll wait.
You didn't pick up that the vast majority of denomations accept it? Making you look like an ass by immediately calling me a Catholic?
Jesus said nothing about Joseph Smith or being Micheal ya shit.
Nice try Julianus
>"I have no real argument," said the response.
Again, my denomination has nothing to do with Mormonism or JW. Even if it were,
>he thinks his Catholicism isn't just as cringe worthy as Mormonism
lol do you even know what this was about, may I remind you claiming that I claimed that all accomplishments were catholic because I pointed to the chalcedonian creed. And the wide acceptance of the creed means you are spouting nonsense in implying anything of the sorts.
off yourself
>off yourself
Hahahaha. Translation: "I'm stupid and wrong and have no clue what I'm talking about but I'll keep pretending I'm the 'real' Christian because I accept what others tell me to accept." Honestly, you're a disgrace to the Lord and the faith. Good luck, bud.
>attacking the tone
>on Veeky Forums then of all places
damage control
Ha. All right welp it's clear this little shindig is gonna go nowhere. Can't say I'm surprised you're retarded, but sometimes they do. Oh well. Later, pal. Don't forget to say your prayers.
pic is you
>all this hate for Catholic Christians
There really isn't much influence of Roman civilization except for the fact that we took their capital as our capital.
Actually there is. A LOT. It's mostly because how certain concepts were translated into latin an linked to an equivalent roman term to make the romans seem 'christian'. Augustinus did it. It was mostly with legal terms.
So christian concepts began to be understood within the roman legal mindset