Why has the black always historically taken a liking to communist ideology do most blacks really hate whites en masse as Malcolm x certainly did (not a meme) do blacks still connect with the radicals such as black panthers?
Why has the black always historically taken a liking to communist ideology do most blacks really hate whites en masse...
It's almost as if the negroid wants full scale revolution for the "oppression" that was gaged upon him
>giant run on sentence and an unrelated article
could you translate
Most blacks aren't communists and dislike the Black Panthers. There's some racial resentment but the unironic KILL WHITEY types are a vocal minority, just like most whites aren't Klansmen.
The rapper Nas is meandering about some nog shit
I do not understand why /pol/ posters become surprised at instances where you treat people like uttter shit decide mount a challenge against their oppressors.
Why on Earth would black radicals look to the right that has legitimised their ill-treatment. There are, of course, Black nationalist movements - but most of those have been horribly unsuccessful at governing Africa.
And what is OP doing
That nigger wrote 4 paragraphs and said literally nothing shame because illmatic is great
I'm not exactly surprised African Americans would drift to ideology that is basically "give us free shit or else".
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the do
>Why has the black always historically taken a liking to communist ideology
Well, any ideology that promises equality, freedom, and revenge for past injustice tends to be pretty popular toward oppressed people. Far leftism was relatively common among the civil rights movement, since people were a.) very aware about segregation and other institutionalized oppression and b.) pissed.
>do most blacks really hate whites en masse as Malcolm x certainly did
No. It's mostly relegated to afrocentrist wewuzzers like the Nation of Islam and whatever that Black Israelite group is called. Even Malcolm X mellowed out after his Hajj and stopped advocating for violence.
>do blacks still connect with the radicals such as the black panthers?
Besides those who were directly associated with the radical groups who are still alive, not really. The Black Panthers are essentially defunct as an organization, and the Nation of Islam's membership has decreased by an order of magnitude over the last 50 years.
communism is the workers ideology
nignogs dont work
fucking americans, can we ban all of them?
Fuck off before I make the EU force you to pay more Somali settlements more then you already do
>massive redistribution of wealth.
Hmmm, no idea user.
>No. It's mostly relegated to afrocentrist wewuzzers like the Nation of Islam and whatever that Black Israelite group is called. Even Malcolm X mellowed out after his Hajj and stopped advocating for violence.
You're lying user and you know it.
Lol he mentioned like 4 different black organizations some mental gymnastics from that user if you ask me
Fuck off every white I know looks at the kkk as a clownish joke the kkk hates most of euro population as well.Only Anglo/Irish were part of that dumbass movement
>Why has the black always historically taken a liking to communist ideology
Low iq.
Blacks inevitably end up among the lower classes in a capitalist system with a majority european population because they have a lower average IQ than europeans.
Because they obsess over Jews and Jews obsess over Germs
Next thread
Malcom X refuted a lot of his previous messages after his Hajj. He says he would continue to hate racists, but wouldn't hate white people just because they are white.
No, my objection was to the statement "only these fringe black groups hate whites". Afrocentrism is rampant among blacks of all classes and walks and it is obvious to anyone who has the willingness to look.
someone remove this mongrel from the room please
A commune is tribalistic in nature.
Blacks form tribes instinctively, being gangs or cliques. What today's black tribes lack if authority figures, in other words - elders.
So they hope a communist government will care for them.
I'm whiter then you it's not my fault that you don't know the US history (your overlord) now get back to work Wiggums you need to pay off your fleece tax to make room for your paki roommates and your bull reconstruction surgery transplants for your mum
Baiting you/shitposting
Very intelligent thread
They're not communists they're reactionaries
I dare you to upset a man on a full stomach
The US Communist party made it a big point to be anti-racism.
Why is Veeky Forums racist, but goes ballistic if you say the slightest thing bad about women?
going by questionnaires and google search trends, you are incorrect. Racial hatred among blacks is the norm
>Malcom X refuted a lot of his previous messages after his Hajj. He says he would continue to hate racists, but wouldn't hate white people just because they are white.
which is an empty statement given it's political utility. MLK bought white whores and beat them, there's obviously nothing racial about that
>he beat dem good
Any source
Why are blacks in america, jews in europe, natives in latin america, kurds in the middle east, etc. overrepresented in radical egalitarian movements?
First off you need to dissociate the notion that all left-wing movements are sjwism. This phenomena only began to have relevance in the 1960s and REALLY took off in the 1990s. Secondly, Blacks seemed to gravitate towards communism (in the Maoist sense and third world liberation against the first and second world) because most authoritarian right-wing movement's just weren't compatible with the interest of Blacks. I'm not saying right-wing authoritarian movements were flat out anti-Black in every instance but far too often the interest of Blacks and Europeans in such instances just weren't mutual. Take for example fascism. Marcus Garvey originally supported fascism and what it represented (especially for a downtrodden group like Italians against the great powers) but stopped supporting it once Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
I'm curious as to how Blacks viewed the second world. None of the second world countries sans East Germany (and you could make the case East Germany was the good Germany while West Germany was the imperialist Germany) had colonies in Africa Russia historically had good relationships with Ethiopia. Also the USSR supported communist movements in Angola, Mozambique, ect which seems to jive with Black communist ideology.
>Even Malcolm X mellowed out after his Hajj and stopped advocating for violence.
And it fucking pisses me off every time I hear that clown Farrakhan invoke his name. We all fucking know you're the one that greenlit him, you evil fuck!
You're serious? You really think the majority of black people hate whites?
Which, lets be honest, makes him about as good as Governor Wallace because he said "maybe segregation isn't such a good idea" after he no longer had political power.
But it's a true statement. Most blacks are indifferent.
What alternate world Veeky Forums have YOU been browsing? women hate threads are a pretty regular thing on multiple boards.
An ironic picture to choose seeing as black judges are statistically more likely to mete out harsher sentences to black defendants than white judges.
That's not even in the top five craziest things I've heard about Detroit Red.
>An ironic picture to choose seeing as black judges are statistically more likely to mete out harsher sentences to black defendants than white judges.
Oppressed people gravitate towards ideologies that promise equality and economic opportunity...
Hmm an oppressed people being attracted to an emancipatory ideology. Hmm wonder why that could be user
>Why do useless, non-productive people favor communism?
Is that your question?
It's almost as if you already knew the answer by linking the shithheep of a article
Cherry pick all the tweets you one, but it's the truth.
*you want, rather
It's an "enemy of my enemy" type of situation.
>why do poor people like the idea of a classless society that'd guarantee minimum life needs?
Gee I wonder...
Worldwide HaitÃ?
this SJWshit is annoying but you'd be jittery too if a bunch of people hated you for no reason.
/pol/ on the other hand apparently has no initial motivation.
>SJWshit is annoying but you'd be jittery too if a bunch of people hated you for no reason.
They have a reason. It might not be a convincing one, but it's there.
If you are at the bottom of the ladder forceful redistribution seems very attractive cause you can only win.
Also this whole international solidarity meme seems nice in the Face of racism.
Also due to cultural factors the overwhelming majority of blacks lacks the skill to compete in a capitalist environment.
Thing is people frame other international shit in their lense. The left right shit in the European and American view or much more accurate to say political alignment falls a part outside the West when you have secular nationalism, Islamic socialism, Left wing groups that are very pragmatic.
Compromise is democracies is abhored in the west and in a similar vein pragmatic jumping and group ideology shifts are seen as shifty too.
Did I accidentally click /pol/?