>mfw realizing I've held through multiple dips greater than the entire 2007-2008 "financial crisis" for my entire crypto portfolio, i.e. my life savings, and still come out ahead without even getting worried
Why are normies such fucking pussies? Holy shit.
Mfw realizing I've held through multiple dips greater than the entire 2007-2008 "financial crisis" for my entire crypto...
lol and you still haven't figured out yet that hodling is a meme?
do some math; the % you could have gained playing highs and lows will make you fucking throw up
I trade too. Of course I fucking trade. But in the end holding always nets me more than trying to time the market.
You cannot reliably time the market. Holding is the only way to reliably make money.
so.....wtf is the point of this thread?
>I held and everyone's a pussy
>no I traded too
>I matter
Point is that I thought the "crash" was like a 98% drop or something.
Turns out it was fucking nothing.
People in finance talk about it like it's some horrific trauma they all went through and shit. It was literally fucking nothing.
So I ask again:
Why the fuck are normies such pussies? Why do they have so much trouble holding with dips and freaking the fuck out?
>people in finance
......how about working class americans?
some people lost EVERYTHING
some people, okay?
it wasn't "literally fucking nothing" to some people
you know what, it wasn't even JUST americans
it affected people around the entire globe you spoiled fucking brat
grow up
The market only went down like 70% or so and then shot straight back up.
A 70% or so correction IS literally fucking nothing.
So how the fuck did people lose?
You mean, people who couldn't afford to pay the mortgages for the houses they lived in? Yeah, they shouldn't be living there.
Who the fuck lost anything if the markets only corrected a bit and then shot back up again?
you have to be at least 18 to post here, kid
I'm in my mid-20s. I remember 2008 and everyone saying how the world was ending and the markets were dead and everything.
But when I actually go and look at the stock market like the Dow it's literally fucking nothing. Crypto portfolios do bigger swings than that weekly at least. So what were they all complaining about?
you sure as hell aren't acting like it
look at the fucking market cap, you dolt
People put in more than they could afford to lose. Fell for the FUD in the news, then proceeded to sell low.
Just your average day in biz
I have looked at it, and it tells me that pretty much all normies are pussies who can't hold.
It's so goddamn simple.
Why the fuck do normies freak out and act like the sky is falling but in crypto this happens daily and people just accept it?
nobody knooooooooooowwwwwwwwsssssss okay??
You don't have to keep posting in this thread, you know.
Go outside.
no u
you guys clearly have a crush on each other
Because they're investing their own hard earned money, not allowance money from their parents.
So am I. I'm 23 and have roughly 30k invested. I still don't see the big deal with only 70% down if it's obviously not gonna go to 0.
Except it wasn't obvious you fucking moron. People lost their fucking jobs and were in full panic mode. If someone gets laid off and can't find another job in that kind of economy, no shit theyre gonna pull out of the market.
Alot of people were suffering. You will learn one day when you have to work for a living.
some people actually use the money generated by their investments instead of it just being numbers on a screen
I told you I fucking do work for a living. I have a full time career as a consultant. Stop making baseless assumptions you fucks.
I get losing your job and that does scare me. That makes sense.
It's the people who complain they lost all their money investing or trading that seem like fucking idiots. First of all because a market that corrects 70% probably isn't going to drop much lower unless it's a crash and second because 70% isn't actually that fucking much. A little nerve-wrecking sure but it shot back up again, so naturally you should never sell at the bottom...
Because unlike crypto it was a lot less certain it would swing back. Crypto swings high and low every day, it's expected so no one really panics. It is when the unexpected happens that people panic.
What kind of literally inbred retard spends his principle instead of cash flow?
Holy fuck. These people shouldn't be allowed to trade.
people on a fixed income, aka retired people
Do people really think a 70% drop still isn't the floor? It's not even the first time it's dropped 70%....
It just kind of bothers me that people who invested in that time have to treat it like "oh yeah I lived through the 2007-2008 crash, it was so fucking serious and scary, you people have no idea" when it wasn't even that bad if you were investing in the stock markets. They think it's so bad that they should have everything regulated and handed to them on a silver fucking platter when in reality they're just fucking pussies for freaking out over nothing.
Again, losing job + home is a different story. I'm just referring to market investors.
>be retired, over 65
>have so much of my money in the fucking stock market that I can't afford to live for 2 years if it goes back
So like I said...retards
2008 crash wasn't just the stock market crash it was a, mostly, global economic crash. The stock market recovered relatively quickly only because it was pumped with money via QQE. According to economic data the economy is only now entering full recovery and QQE is being removed slowly across the globe bar Japan. Some will dispute that economic data. A stock market crash is a reflection of an economic bust cycle. This means lost future wages, wage growth, or even worse losing employment forcing a depletion of savings.
Shut up and fuck already, jesus.
iktf. The only way I can imagine 2008 being bad at all emotionally is if you were on margin and decided to hold
Pretty much. The market ALWAYS recovers.
I've actually been in crypto before I got into stocks and it's taught a lot about just holding and not freaking out
I have hands of steel thanks DGB
That's what I'm talking about.
I can hold through what normies seem to consider "traumatic" levels of crashing with my entire life thanks to this stuff....yet these people literally demand the rules be changed, regulation be added, and the government try to "fix" everything just so "nobody has to go through it again."
You have only known a bull market
Stupid kids
>t. newfag who thinks he can time the market
Yea they wanna crush each other that's for sure
Because they have way more to lose than a 23 year old. You know, house, kids, college funds, wife's vacation money, money to pay the BBC bull to fuck the wife, stuff like that