Keep hodling and you are going to lose everything. Huge crash incoming

Keep hodling and you are going to lose everything. Huge crash incoming.


any day now right? $1600 right?

>selling during a crash
>buying high, selling low
This meme never gets old, does it op?

Complete opposite. Buy alts. Lots of them

Nice try SEC
Sell alts. All of them.

I sold my ETH because it seems to be correlated with however good (or bad) Bitcoin does. It hasn't changed much since yesterday.

Can't wait to see the hopes and dreams of NEETs destroyed in one fell swoop.

what if it crashes to 0

OP is saying to sell before it crashes retard, not during

everybody should take this small bounce as a last opportunity to sell EVERYTHING

Then I will buy all the bitcoins, and be queen of the ashes

The only 100 percent way to make money, safely, is when it dips
Never sell, you'll never miss out

This will be my superfund

what if it crashes to 0

Then buy even more.

you will be waiting for the rest of your life.

hoddlers: "y-you only lose if u sell xD m-muh 1% gainz over the span of 6 months"

It'll be removed off the exchange.
All your money,gone down the drain

That's impossible since it would be bought up immediately by somebody for free. (All of it)

Seems like you are mentally challenged my friend

I'm here waiting just for the dip.
Hoping for $1800

Wtf is a depression nap?

Idk, but sad people usually sleep a lot

What if there is no dip and it just moons?

what if it goes to 100k?

daymemers: n-no worries i know i lost some money, but its because i just didnt time the market right, its gonna be better next time

Yeah, I've been watching the books all day as I have a short (sell) opened. There's virtually nothing propping the price up except bots. Get ready for death, user. Seriously, GTFO now. I'm not saying this as a short owner, but as a fellow user.

Sell now, buy lower. Don't cuck yourself (yet again).