fuck it, ive tried making money legitmately for way to long with little return.
post your best scams.
fuck it, ive tried making money legitmately for way to long with little return.
post your best scams.
warranty fraud for free electronics and shieet
i've been getting free clothes all day lately it's so easy just make a fuking complaint to them and say their shit was fucked up and you're a big time customer and not happy at all
>Wash ass with hands
>Grow potatoes secretly in the local park
>Kill an old person and squat in their house
>Filter piss and drink
>Eat own cum to not waste protein
go into a stall and sit down. pee but make sure you pee for a lot longer than usual. use some toilet paper to clean your wiener. flush.
now people will think you pooped but you really just peed.
are you me?
Take out payday loan then close whatever bank account the payments are supposed to come out of.
Take credit card, get cash advance, don't pay bill
Bet with local bookie, if you win collect, if you lose don't pay. Safer with amounts under $5k but I've seen it happen with 13k+ and literally nothing happened
Buy counterfeit cash on darknet, use to pay bookie for losses or spend in small amounts
Make eBay account, sell gift cards, get paid, don't ship gift cards
next level
Steal from stores and return the items later. Or just steal. Ez.
send your credit card info to the CIA
How to Kill Your Credit Score 101