Fasting is really beneficial to health:
Fasting improves IQ:
Fasting is really beneficial to health:
Fasting improves IQ:
>be Muslim
>my "fast" consists of getting up before sunrise to gorge myself on food.
>then not eating anything at all until nightfall
>then gorging myself again
Are you the guy who is always talking about how Islamic nutritionists and scientists confirmed pork is poisonous on Veeky Forums
>to gorge myself on food.
Where does this meme come from? Most people I know as well as myself only have a normal plate of food at morning and another one at evening.
It's probably New Worlders that pull shit like this.
Anyone stupid enough to believe that shit needs any iq boost they can get
Considering I am fasting for around 19 hours, I can't really gorge myself because that upsets my stomach.
yeah, what possible benefits could there be to not eating? i'll just continue to cram disgusting frozen pizzas into my fat gullet
Itt: butthurt hungry muslims
Just ate breakfast, I think I'm gonna step out for coffee and cigarette now. See you at sunset Abdul! Try to keep your blood sugar level up!
Don't kidding yourself, its like Thanksgiving dinner + festival for 30 day every evening, Im Muslim
Yeah my name is worshiper of
Good thing Mohammed developed a plan for IQ improvement because Muslim nations have the worst amoun of consaguineous marriages in the world aka. they're inbred retards.
>all these un/fit/ anons in this thread.
OP isn't necessarily wrong.
With digits like that, the post MUST be true.
Where are you from? Maybe it varies by culture.
Whether pork is poisonous or not is irrelevant. The reason why you shouldn't eat it is because pork is fucking disgusting
>be non-Mulsim
>I don't fast
>I gorge myself on food 24/7 and masturbate to 2D girls on the chans
>try to justify my actions by criticising Muslims
t. Mohammed "pork is bad this 7th century rambling says so" Al jafari Al jihad
Don't worry, soon all Europeans will be able to experience the benefits of Ramadan first-hand (or else be beheaded)
I paid my jizya this month Mehemt take it up with Islamic councils of the UK you're not allowed to harass me! Even the salafi imams said so!
Too bad islam is terrible for your critical thinking skills.
It's not bullshit.
Depends on what kind. I personally hate pork roast and think it's disgusting. However pulled pork sandwiches or any kind of pork with barbeque sauce is fucking god-tier
How reliable is this chart?
Very reliable redpill, Joe Rogan podcast said so.
Can confirm that Moroccans gorge
I'm a Jew
that's even worse
The sources for the map.
who cares. Inbreeding removes recessive genes from the genepool as a whole
No, pork is bad because pigs are pre-sentient
See you next month fucboi.
> Inbreeding removes recessive genes
This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this board regarding science and that's saying something
Nice meme