I only got about 5 btc total. So I won't be rich.
Maybe I can get a cheap apartment or something
I only got about 5 btc total. So I won't be rich
hope it will be in NY desu senpai
conspiracy theory: big people want to stop little people from buying it while it's so cheap so that they can buy it all up and laugh when they miss the next opportunity to leave wageslaving
Zerohedge comments are rage-inducing and ROFL material at the same time.
I guess precious metal bags are the heaviest.
Get 21.
21 in about 2027 = richer than a motherfucker.
It's just physics.
Look at the comments. It's just boomers in denial holding their metals.
Fuck off, /poltard.
>that guy fonestar in the comment section all those years ago
>defending bitcoin nonstop
>everyone laughed at him
>myself included
>fast forward to 2011+6
>bitcoin from 200 to 2500+
>i ain't laughing anymore
>jump on the crypto bandwagon
>chuckle nuts on zero hedge still beating crypto down after 100 billion pour in
>"muh gold" as it drops for the 5 consecutive year
>fonestar is most likely a multimillionaire as we speak
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Boomers and poltards are fucking stupid, they deserve what's coming to them.
After some mining pool mines a block, what's to stop me from taking their proof-of-work, saying it is my own, and stealing the block reward out from under them?
If my understanding is correct, you can't brodcast your block to the entire network at once. So why can't I listen in for their PoW, then immediately brocast my version of the block to more people than they are broadcasting to?
The reward from one block is 12.5 BTC, over $20,000 dollars, it would be incredibly worth it just to do this once or twice.
zero-hedgers have always been mad-max tier goldbugs
When they are not predicting the next big financial crisis for the next week.
Or the week after.
Or the week after this week.
Or next month.
I am serious, in 2 months the big crash will come.
If someone is admitting openly to read zerohedge AND take them seriously, it is a top indicator that this person is retarded.
The top picture is so fucking retarded. Not BTC will never be 1,000,000 a piece just fucking no. Keep dreaming.
For that it would have to have a market cap of 21,000,000,000,000. Or 21 fucking trillion.
Even Apple the biggest player in the stock market only has a cap of 0.8 trillion.
The total stock market is 72 trillion.
So you are seriously thinking that BTC will hold a 30% share in an industry as massive as the blockchain.
It is entire plausible that crypto gets a market cap of 72 trillion but thinking 30% all of that will be in bitcoin is wishful thinking.
I've been on ZH for years.
>Great resource on ponzi fiat system
>Commenters are all stackers (I'm one too, but also a coiner)
>Commenters cannot into bitcoin and are very assblasted about PMs being suppressed for 7 years.
At this point ZH is only mildly useful. Stay away from the comments section but read the articles about central bank actions.
>At this point ZH is only mildly useful.
It was a good resource sometime ago, now the articles are getting more click baity.
Almost all of the guest articles are a load of scaremongering horseshit.
The actual news and economic information is pretty good so long as you remember the site is always picking the most bleak shit to cover.
They are worse than fiat slaves, I'm a gold bug too but I also recognize there are other assets out there than just gold in the world. Some of my best returns are from flipping antiques and collectibles on eBay.
>1 year ago
>BTC will never be 1000 a piece just fucking no. Keep dreaming.
>6 months ago
>BTC will never be 2000 a piece just fucking no. Keep dreaming.
>3 months ago
>>BTC will never be 3000 a piece just fucking no. Keep dreaming.
how can people who are actively part of the economy not want to be rid of fiat? these people don't even seem to understand inflation
>Literally "ron paul - its happening" the website
The entire market cap for bitcoin is $42b ... if everyone cashed out right now, there wouldn't be $42b coming out... i doubt there would even be $10b.
The point I'm getting at is that the market cap isn't reflective of the actual money in bitcoin.
It could go to $1m ... at that point, 1sat = $0.01
I see pennys on the ground all the time and people don't pick them up, sometimes nickels...
There is a lot of money out there, more thsn you or I realize, and things like bitcoin can go crazy high when irrational people with money get involved.
Just look at beanie babies.
When it starts hitting $100k/btc, thats when you start to worry.
What happens if this drops tho?
>When it starts hitting $100k/btc, thats when you start to worry.
Depends on the pace and level of acceptance. If it's still just a bunch of shit exchanges handling volume and it hits 100k, be worried. If an ETF is approved and CNBC is starting to cover Bitcoin like they would gold, you've got pretty widespread mainstream adoption, a major currency is destabilizing...$100k could be very sustainable.
If everyone cashed out all their money at their bank at the same time, the fractional reserve system would collapse too. The FDIC can't insure the whole nation in the event of a massive bank run.
I hate peoples like you that think you know what your talking about. The fact that you wrote all that and still don't have a understanding what market means is mind blowing. I can make one trade worth 5 dollars and make the market cap become 5 dollars. You sir are a faggot I'm sure your one of them faggots that owns eth
you get another fork and BitcoinQuantum is made
BTC becomes BCQ
Interesting. Care to explain?
>I can make one trade worth 5 dollars and make the market cap become 5 dollars.
What did you mean by that?
They have some scoops and early market news. Just mentally filter the doomsday scenarios and it's a decent news source.
Tell me an example when they did released early market news which I could not read at any other website or conduct on my own.
That's practically a non-question. Every piece of news will reach several outlets. Also, every news outlet is biased in some way, even if only in their selection of relevant stories, these are just the doomsday gold nuts.
So I should read zerohedge, filter out the relevant news by myself by ignoring their constant armageddon-biased bullshit and double-check the "less-armageddon sounding but still bullshit"-"news" to then have valid news and informations?
If I would need to constantly validate/invalidate the news because my media constantly releases hillarious bullshit every day, it costs me time and therefore money.
So why using zerohedge in the first place?
>When did you realize you are going to be rich
When I reallized my crypto-currencies are already worth $300K and the field is still in its infancy...
Been into BTC since 2011, made some mistakes, but learned a lot from them, and I unironically think I will be worth at least $20 million in a few years.
If I give you a dollar for a single sat as a kind of joke and it's the most recent trade, suddenly BTC's market cap is in the trillions
its called being realistic goy
So this is basically going to depreciate alt by like at least 50% for some time if not for the foreseeable future?
>NWO or state actors crypto.
>they just make their own so that way they could issues taxes, and have authority in legal situations or times of national emergency
>tfw btc will always be drug money
Unless you are an absolute cuck you don't want BTC to be an official zog fuck you in the ass and track you for life currency.
>people really think they are 100% secure
There will always be ways to steal money, by force or by technical means. A QC could easily take control of wallets, maybe not the chain itself but the amount of power will allow other ways to control the devices and tools you use crypto with.
There is no free lunch, there never is and there never be.
Marginally, crypto might take off because it's better than the previous system but that does not mean it's not vulnerable to its own unique issues.
I'm going to laugh the day btc forks or fucks something up and everyone loses 01010s into a forgotten memory
>wanting us to lose our 0's and 1's
You're an absolute piece of shit.
How did you cash out without getting your bank account frozen? Please elaborate, I don't want my money to be stolen from me.
Forgot to post pic to get your attention
you can sell me your bitcoins and I will give you cash or gold.. for a small fee of course.