It's time to post those figures friends.
> Age
> Job
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
It's time to post those figures friends.
> Age
> Job
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself data miner
>> Age
>> Job
>> Penile Length
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
>> Major Assets
>> Debts
>> Self Made or Inherited?
t. penniless NEET
Did I post this myself?
> Age
> Job
I "own a record label"
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
~1100 BTC 1200XMR =~2.7MM
> Major Assets
Besides crypto? Nothing really
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made
>Crypto trader
>14M Crypto, 2M stock, 100k cash
>My fully functional cock
>Self made
> Age
> Job
student, part time software dev
> Penile Length
why would i know that?
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
~40 ETC
~12 ETH
~50 LTC
~42 XMR
~0.25 BTC
~10k € on bank account
~300 € in cash at home
> Major Assets
no major assets really
got some oldtimer moped worth ~600 € but thats about it
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
>Penile Length
200,000 USD/15.3 BTC/36 ETH/ 200 NEO
Major Asset
>2 Apt Complex
>Self Made or Inherited
Inherited, but i put the work in also.
>tfw 30 and still browsing a Chinese terracotta warrior forum
Software engineer
House $280k, car $36k
$155k mortgage, $5k college loans (1% interest so always pay minimum)
Self made (see: college loans)
Could have bought btc in 2010 after a guy in my masters CS cryptography course gave a preso in it. I thought it was dumb and would get shutdown by Obama so I bought none. Now cursed to browse memes until retirement.
rate my crypto portfolio
>> Age
>> Job
PhD student
>> Penile Length
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
about 75k€
>> Major Assets
mfw a gf
>> Debts
lol, no
>> Self Made or Inherited?
fifty-fifty. my grandpa set up an ~5k€ stock and ETF account for me when I was a kid. Was around 20k€ when It got handed to me at 20. Some k's from the parents and the rest is what I had left over from my wages and from working in construction every summer holidays from 15 to 25.
Meh, could be better, but I'm happy, and looking at the various stats, I'm at least not doing to bad.
freelance writer
>penile length
~2k usd
>major assets
~30k in my name, but my family is paying it
>Self made or inherited
"get a finance degree" they said
"don't be a programmer, programmers are unhappy" they said
I swear I was 13 and ready to get hyper-into computers to replace a social life because of my borderline autism. Then my family said "no, don't do that, you'll have to work at night and you'll hate yourself." so instead i went and got good at drawing. 12 years later and all the most successful guys I know are the ones who used all the free time in their youth to master multiple languages and environments. these guys make 80k+ working from home.
Fuck. My. Life.
> Age
> Job
web dev
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
> Age
> Job
> Penile Length
6.5" BPL
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
£33k in cash,dont trust banks, £400 BTC
> Major Assets
Have an expensive laptop but thats it lol
> Debts
£2k uni loan
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made
planning on investing around £3-4k in BTC as soon as it hits a low, so soon maybe
> Age
> Job
Financial analyst
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
30K cash
20K stocks
> Major Assets
Condo 240K
> Debts
35K mortgage
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made
> Age
> Job
C# at father's work
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
25 XMR bought at 30$ + 10,000 roughly from 2 years working for my father
> Major Assets
Triumph TR6
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made so far
There's a reason why you are jobless
>getting a job from daddy
>self made
pick one
> Age
> Job
Crypto trader
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$15k cash, $50k in meme stocks, $250k in crypto (50/30/20 btc/eth/memes+NEO)
> Major Assets
Live with parents still
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made
i think the low was already hit the last few weeks
>Almost 26
>Oilfield Tech
>6 inches
>Bout 20k in total cash, 2k in stock, .8 BTC
>No major assets, live on family farm but working out in field most of the time
>$21000 student loan
>A little self made with lots of help from parents
>> Age
>> Job
commercial weed/master gardener
>> Penile Length
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
200k cash, 4BTC, Shitload of VTC, Golem, and Ardor
>> Major Assets
Car, House, Rifles
>> Debts
paid cash up front for everything
>> Self Made or Inherited?
self made
> Age
> Job
marketing consultant
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
300k condo
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
condo was gifted by parents, everything else is self
>> Penile Length
Damn, why are you not getting rich in porn with that?
> Age
> Job
Never had a job, should be going to uni in a couple of months
> Penile Length
7 inch
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
£1 in cash, £11k in XRL
> Major Assets
Probably my computer
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made, parents never gave me any money cause they're poor
Am I doing well Veeky Forums?
>> Age
>> Job
Done with university in about a week, financial advisor in 2 months (contract is signed)
Until then I am unemployed
>> Penile Length
about 16cm
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
Cash: 20€
Stock: 0
Memecoins: 100€
>> Major Assets
Net value I would guess 10k over all of my belongings.
The most valueable single item would be a single MTG-card (a "Time Walk" from beta which I bought at 200€ around 13 years bacck).
>> Debts
About 25k in student loans.
>> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made.
But I have loving and supportive parents. They are just not rich and could not support me with anything but actual help when e.g. moving or when I needeed small amounts of money (50-100€ when the wallet was tight).
Hell, earning a good amount of money and not minimum wage after this long way will be godlike.
yeah maybe though im optimistic it will shoot down even a little just before of after August 1st
Full Stack (((Web dev)))
$4k cash, $12k coin with 50% BTC, 20% ETH, 10% LTC, rest XRP/ARK/ETC, no stock
~$7k credit debt to get on my feet two years ago, plus $5k student loan
Self, middle class mom helped here and there with a couple hundred bucks, no inheritance bullshit.
>freelance copywriter
>5 inches on a good day
>bout 30grand I guess
>lliterally all my beelongings fit into a backpack
>bout 5 grand in student debt
>came form the gutter, nobody gave me nuffin (self-made)
> Age
> Job
Recycling business owner
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
Personal Bank account : 20k
Company bank account 328k
Cooper ingots: 50k
Gold coins: 20k
Virgin polycarbonate: 57 tons or about 171k depending on market price
Btc: 12
SiaCoin 94,328
> Major Assets
> Debts
2k credit card
> Self Made or Inherited
Half and half, I made my own company with my own resources, but learnt everything I know by working in my dads company since I was a kid. Also my parents paid for my education
> Literally everyone except one guy is well above 6"
I'm betting every networth above $999 is just as fake.
i guess poorfags dont reply. well heres one.
Private Highschool Teacher
400 0000 jpy 700 cad 150 usd 11.29 antshares, 5295 reecoins .04 btc
none. literally sleep on a bedroll in my apartment. happily
44k defaulted student loan, left country to earn money
no excuses. went through school easily, blew my loans on drinking. went to artschool because my girlfriend went there. had no sense or guidance to think about my future. relied on being a chad because i could have comfy rich gf. depressed after school a year essentially homeless couchsurfing contemplating an hero everyday at the flavor of the weeks house in a narcotic haze. defaulted in this period because I thought id be dead anyway .(somehow this year i slept with like 20 different 8+ chicks maybe best time of my life looking back). starving.
worked my way out of absolute poverty doing arbitrage on yard sale shit and computer technician hustle. volunteered 30 hours a week teaching. applied to teaching jobs, professors who loved me had connections.
now comfy japanese gf , nice subsidized apartment
tfw poor but more proud and confident
It's time to post those figures friends.
> Age
> Job
Publix at $9.50 an hour; but I make 3-4x that making websites for people. This has always been my main source of revenue, also still living off pickings from my YouTube network scam two years ago.
> Penile Length
5 inches.
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$563 in my bank account, $2,000 in my Coinbase account waiting to buy back in to BTC, holding a big $3200 ETH bag, I bought damn close to the top
> Major Assets
A 2000 Toyota Camry. This is the FIRST thing that I will be getting rid of when my investments mature/I save enough for a new car. Being an immature teenager, id like to get a muscle car for college.
> Debts
0. I'm so cash poor because I've been paying my high school tuition for the last two years. Thankfully, however, the government is paying for my college.
> Self Made or Inherited?
Entirely self-made. My parents haven't paid for a single thing(save for food, shelter but come on, I'm 18) since I was 16. While my parents are certainly well off, they made it very clear that they wouldn't be helping me with shit after 16. I pay for my own private school(or did, I graduated), and bought my car after my first summer job.
I'm also working on an app/website that aggregates and summarizes news.
What else do I need to do to improve myself?
forgot to delete the first line, my b
theres an extra zero on the yen ,
Comms VP at a Fortune 5
>Penile Length
100k/450k diversified/0 memes yet
>Major Assets
In process of acquiring property in WA/OR to use as passive income generators/memestash for OR housing bubble
>Self Made/Inherited
Self Made, although I cant pretend my folks didnt give me a helping hand (place to stay and food) when I was broke and didn't have direction after college. Drugs and alcohol put me in a bad place but I beat them both.
> Age
22 1/2
> Job
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
170k in savings, 350k in stocks, 5 bitcion.
> Major Assets
$4,000 gaming pc
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Parents are very wealthy so they gave me a lot of money to begin with, I also made a lot of money on my own from stocks and crypto. So a mix of both I'd say.
i actually think you're doing pretty fine for where you're at now.
you're 18. keep working on side projects during your free time, because that's what will get you where you want to be. degrees are great, and will get you the meeting if youre fresh out of college and have interned somewhere. your projects and actual self driven work will get you the contract/job/deal that you need to hit that next level.
i will say skip the muscle car though.
Yeah skip the muscle car. If you want something nice look at used luxury cars. I picked up an old baby AMG for ~$6k. Understated power.
> Age
> Job
> Penile Length
8.5 in., 9 on a good day
> Cash + Stock + Memcoins
$2k checking, $10k emergency fund + $15k Roth IRA + 3 BTC
> Major Assets
House $250,000, car $8,000, education B.S Business MBA (surprised no one has mentioned their education as an asset)
> Debts
~ $50k mortgage
> Self made or inherited?
Self made, worked all through college in my 20's and paid cash and got government grants for performance. Student loans are for suckers
> Age
> Job
Net admin
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
nothing noteworthy
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
the only thing i inherited was poverty and alcoholism
>College Student (future med student)
>7 inches
>7k cash from a "business" I ran two summers ago, 5k checking account, 6k savings account, 100k investment portfolio, 15k Roth IRA, 1 XMR
>2015 Ram 1500 Limited (paid off), probably $30,000
>Largely inherited except Roth IRA, savings, and cash assets
The business I ran involved BTC, going back in my wallet and looking at transactions is sickening. 100k worth of purchases with current prices. My undergrad is paid for from merit scholarship, parents going to pay for medical school. Sitting a nice position when I type it out. Very thankful
>Penile length
locked in chastity cage
>Cash Stocks Memecoins
3000 € + 4 BTC + 100 ETH + ~1 BTC shitcoins
>Major assets
Self made or inherited
100% self-made
>so many mid-to-late 20s guys
is this the board with the oldest 4channers
>tfw oldest nigga in this thread
>tfw smallest cawk
>tfw at least not the brokest muhfugguh
feels kinda tolerable biz
0 debt
self made
Age, 28
> Job shitcoin trader, general crypto entrepreneur.
> 6.5inches
> 10k cash no.stocks, 750k in shit coins (pic related)
> crypto
> owe wife family 60k
> self made
Was broke AF in 2012 growing weed.
>Web Search Evaluator
>18cm (too lazy to convert it to freedom measuring units)
>10k USD in savings, 1k USD in DGB, RDD, SIA, and Bitcoin
>No assets
>No debts
>No clue what to do with my career, since my country has 0 jobs and I have 0 skills other than having fluent English.
t. penisless NEET
> Age
18 (really)
> Job
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$12k AUD
> Major Assets
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self Made
> Age
Turned 22 last month
> Job
Went to unemployment office (((career center))) today
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
300 in cash
1.1k NEO
> Major Assets
nah senpai
> Debts
12k in student loans
> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made when NEO moons?
>> Age
>> Job
Web Dev
>> Penile Length
7.5" pencil dick
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$5k cash
$20k stocks
$0 coins
>> Major Assets
None, I still live at home
>> Debts
$20k student loans
$15k car loan
>> Self Made or Inherited?
Self made, I grew up severely poor.
If you grew up middle class and had your own room, an allowance, and didn't have gangs in your schools you're not self made.
in your late 20s/early 30s either you start caring about money and do your best to improve your stead and make smart choices or you stay a poorfag forever
unless youre one of those rare folks who somehow gets a one in a million memeshot and gets famous/wins the lotto/invents some shit
if youre cool being some cog that makes shit tier money just to live then thats all good, but thats a choice everyone makes consciously or unconsciously
If you're smart like me you start caring around 18 when you go to college.
>> Age
>> Job
First year computer science student
>> Penile Length
Not long
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
0+0+much doge coin
>> Major Assets
Probably some meme coin
>> Debts
> 0
>> Self Made or Inherited?
Parents money
7 inches
20k cash 80k stocks 0 crypto
I have a car
0 debt
Inherited 50k
> Age
> Job
Full time student, turned down a job at KPMG as an auditor to finish uni
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
2kCad chequing, 7.5kCad TFSA, 0 stock, 0.1BTC
> Major Assets
6k car, 3 year college diploma (upgrading to B. Commerce)
> Debts
0 so far, paid for college while living on my own and working part time
> Self Made or Inherited?
>> Age
>> Job
bar staff/student
>> Penile Length
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
Cash £4,560, Stock £400,000, BTC 0.4
>> Major Assets
Purdey Shotgun, Porche 2016 718 Cayman
>> Debts
>> Self Made or Inherited?
>"own a record label"
What does this mean
seller of craigslist/ebay shit
6.5" now 7" when im not so fat
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$3400+000+$1300 in silver/gold
>self made or inherited
Disability Support Worker, waiting to hear back on a paralegal job
Big penis
2000 cash
20,000 Superannuation
8000 in index funds
5000 in Shitcoins
No major assets
50,000 in student debt. (HECS so whatever) 1k on the credit card
Self made but I'll inherit a lot when my family begins to die. They all have long life genes though.
All figures are AUD
code monkey
25k cash, 90k stocks, 10k crypto
$8k car, bout it
$0 debt
self made
> Age
> Job
$11 an hour and some change at a retail store
> Penile Length
6 incherinos
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
Cash is like $400 ATM (Not typically this low but I've had a lot of recent expenses)
No stocks
Whatever the fuck is in my 401k at the moment
250+ Antshares/NEO
> Major Assets
60oz of silver
1994 toyota camery
Decent amount of guns and knives that at least hold value so long as they're kept in good condition (Probably 2-3K worth at least if I had to spit ball. Got some examples that already have become rare gems)
> Debts
around $120 right now. paid out of pocket for community college and did a semester of uni but couldn't afford it so dropped out.
> Self Made or Inherited?
Neither. I'm not made. I pay my dad $100 a month to live at home, but pay all of my other bills beyond that and also pay for most of my food. I couldn't afford to move out in this area without at least one room mate, but right now there's no point when my rent at home is so great.
Not especially proud or accomplished feeling, but I live comfortably and earn my way. Probably going to shoot for a better job soon since they're starting to get handed out like candy in my area now, but I might see what's going on in my own company before jumping ship. They're starting to make big strides in reinvestment and modernization to try to compete with Amazon and new competitors entering the market. If I end up getting a raise to $15 an hour, I might go ahead and stay a while longer while using the extra money to pick up a trade or something. Been working on getting my A+ cert but had to take a hiatus from studying because of bad circumstances.
In this thread
Live Action RolePlay
> see so many 6 inch dicks
> thatsalie.jpeg
>> Idontbelieveyou.jpeg
>suddenly it's "hip" to include your bitcoin amounts
Months ago nobody posted their btc in threads like this
That's why people like me own more btc than you can dream of
Bet I've got more Monero than you
> 20
> Conscript Army/Uni Student
> 5.5"
> 24k in meme coins
> Nothing
> Nil I have a huge safety net everything will be subsidized until I finish school
>Crypto self made, Financial stability inherited
Reminder that everyone on the internet is 6'5" with a 7" dick
He's working on his first album.
drug dealer
>graphic designer and developer
>15k in coins, savings, and car
>self made
>no debt
>Stock Trader
>around 1 million
>50/50, started with some family money
>> Penile Length
300k cash
~2M stock
no coins
>>Major Assets
capital share ~45M
other than mortgage no
>>Self Made or Inherited?
i left the house at 17
> Age: 35
> Job: I.T.
> Penile Length: 6.5
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins: have around 2K dollars of cash on bank and 12 dollars worth of btc, no stocks
> Major Assets: condo unit, a house and farmland
> Debts: none, i'm not that stupid
> Self Made or Inherited?: 50/50
he curates a bandcamp page for a bunch of "musicians"
nothing to personal what line of business are you in?
>It's time to post those figures friends.
>> Age
>> Job
Software dev
>> Penile Length
John Holmes
>> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
>> Major Assets
2 houses, 1 Corolla, 1 Yukon, 1 jag
>> Debts
Right now, house payment, primarily to use the interest as leverage on taxes
>> Self Made or Inherited?
100% self made. I was a homeless druggie teenager. Now I have a wife and two teenage kids. Fugg, my daughter just started cross country in highschool and I live on a golf resort. Life is good.
> Age
> Job
Medical student/investor
> Penile Length
Honestly over 8 inches
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
$37 000 in cash+$25 000 in stocks+$40 000 in memecoins (very early investor in bitcoin)
> Major Assets
About $15 000 000 in real estate and farmland
> Debts
Med school debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
I come from an affluent family. My parents died young and I'm their only child so I inherited all their money and assets, also got inheritance from my grandparents and my spinster aunt.
Most of my cash, stocks and memecoins are actually the result of me buying bitcoin with the money I made working in a grocery store during high school.
What i got from this thread was the avg income here is over 100k. Avg penis size is 7.
Lmao... keep lying to yourself kids.
Either Veeky Forums is the meeting point of the 1%, or about 95% of folks in here are lying.
>As of 2015, a systematic review of the best research to date on the topic has concluded that the mean length of an erect human penis is approximately 13.12 ± 1.66 cm (5.17 ± 0.65 in).
You know what that means? A 6.5er is more than two standard deviations from the mean, and with over 7, we are very far into special snowflake land.
Oh, and WTF is wrong with you people that list their shitty cars as major asset?
Some random shitty Camry or Dodge is not an asset, it's a liability. It looses value every single day and costs money on top of that.
And no, I'm not one of those "frugal" guys that live in what is essentially a vegetative state, trying to convice themselves that they are going to "make it" by saving pennies, but please be realistic.
If you have some vintage Ferrari that will most likely gain in value or a truck that you use to earn money, sure that's an asset, but your random shitbox, or even worse, your average middle class look-at-me car? Fuck no!
If you need one, or want one, fine, but dont trick yourself.
Is there anyone here who makes things and sells them. Ive thought making a couple electronic accessory or devices to sell. Like griffin technology. But im guessing people here manufacture other products even if they are non electronic in nature.
Pretty sure 90% of the people on Veeky Forums come here to LARP as successful rich entrepreneurs/techwizards/engineers. Just like everyone on /b/ has a 130+ iq and a massive schlong. I mean no one would lie on the internet would they?
Nice job user!
Are you a US resident?
> Age
> Job
software engineer
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
cash: $10K
stock: $300K
memecoins: $4400
> Major Assets
literally nothing.. well I do have a motorcycle that I bought for $3K
> Debts
> Self Made or Inherited?
self made
> Age
> Job
Gender-Queer Enthusiast
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
About $150k income per year, BTC $1k, Stocks include Microsoft, Facebook, SnapChat, etc.
> Major Assets
LGBT+ Culutal Center
> Debts
Too many to count, student loans are annoying
> Self Made or Inherited?
wait a second do I have the smallest dick of all these posts, wtf!
>15mil inherentence
I don't think you know how that works
> Age
> Job
> Penile Length
> Cash+Stock+Memecoins
> Major Assets
Crappy car worth about 3k and I could probably get 500 out of my computer :/
>self made or inherited
Self made besides car which parents brought me and I'm very thankful for as I remember how difficult life was without a car