Mods should ban any thread or poster who promotes holocaust denial. This should pretty much cut the /pol/ infestation of this board by 99%.
Here's a solution
more like 20%
>Getting mad that a board about history is full of people with ancient ideologies
Jee willikers thats just crazy. Its almost as though studying history liberates one from the biases inherent in one's own epoch. Why oh why can't everyone just subscribe to a Whig version of history like me?
>dude just ban things that trigger me xDDD
If mods banned any thread or poster who promotes holocaust denial, Hitler would have been able to seize the Soviet oil fields an the war would have been over by the end of 1943.
> just silence them
So liberal, so progressive.
Historical revisionism is bad.
ban holocaust and holodomor deniers
>This should pretty much cut the /pol/ infestation of this board by 99%.
All it does is encourage them. Censoring retards instead of addressing them only makes the retards think they're right, and that goes double for /pol/tards who buy into Jewish conspiracies for everything.
For every holocaust denial thread we didn't have to see we'd get three "mods delete another holohoax thread, I WONDER WHO COULD BE BEHIND THIS JIDF ON DAMAGE CONTROL".
The solution, OP, is to hide the fucking threads. Censorship won't spare your poor eyes the ravings of /pol/tards, but it's within your own power.
If we do that then we might as well start banning other pseudohistorical bullshit which is about 2/3 of this board.
While i do not condone banning based on conflicting opinions, i do support purging repetitive threads and topics that were discussed a million times.
>Historical revisionism is bad.
I'm not a holocaust denier, but this is a stupid meme. Historical revisionism is NECESSARY because history is regularly misinterpreted and needs to be reviewed in light of all the evidence, especially as new evidence appears (for example new archaeological finds, soviet records, etc).
Open up a history book written 100 years ago, usually the narrative will reek of 19th century ideology. Same goes for any given period, the same will go for stuff written today.
Historians shouldn't complacently take any dominant narrative for granted, it should be challenged if there is cause to challenge it. Holocaust denial makes a weak case based mostly on memes, but to silence it because "muh revisionism is the devil!" is just utterly fucking dumb.
In any case, the holocaust is so politically loaded that it's perfectly rational to take any narrative, for or against, with a grain of salt. Once we're all dead it will be revised again, don't you worry.
this. really just by making this thread all OP did was open up the door for more /pol/ shitposting
>Holocaust denial isn't history.
Sorry, but icky stuff is history too.
It should be banned on /pol/ and have that board focus only on things that are relevant today.
Holocaust denial belongs exclusively to Veeky Forums.
>You're not allowed to talk about history on Veeky Forums
>4channers aren't allowed on a Veeky Forums board
I don't understand why is Holocaust so impossible to accept for some. Nazi policies against Jews were very well known. The existance of camps. Extermination attempts in occupied territories. Einsatz troops. SS-Totenkopf Verbande. etc. etc. It's all there.
Apart from Jews the Germans murdered millions of Poles and Russians, whose death tolls are even greater than those of Jews. Yet no one ever denies those.
They're just as retarded as you are.
Well, that is because you are conflating literal holocaust denial with the umbrella term holocaust denial which doesn't deny the existence of the holocaust but rather questions some of the "facts" (i.e. 6 million jews) surrounding it.
I've always wondered if there was some personality disorder that people like you suffer from. This instinctual kneejerk reaction you liberals have to "omg ban it i dont want to see it" is both pathetic and hilarious.
>This instinctual kneejerk reaction you liberals have to "omg ban it i dont want to see it" is both pathetic and hilarious.
This is in no way a liberal grievance when you consider that just about every person making holocaust denial threads to argue in favor of it are unable to be reasoned with when presented facts and evidence. Everything is a Jewish conspiracy, every source is Jewish propaganda and every poster defending the Holocaust is a Jew or a shill. After awhile it just gets boring, repetitive, and wasted space in place of good threads. I'm not saying I agree with him, but you're wrong by jumping to conclusions about what his political beliefs are.
>delete facts because they are inconvenient
This is bullshit. In literally every "Holocaust" thread so-called Veeky Forumstorians get eternally BTFO'd by /pol/acks by pure facts and statistics until the mods delete it. Why do you wanna hide the truth so badly?
How about ban every poster who calls everyone a Jew after they are finished? This could be the final solution to the /pol/ problem
This, also, there are people who can be swayed into a more intellectualy honest answer if you have the patience to adrees every issue put forward. Also, the holocaust is thought ina horribly dishonest way for propaganda. It obviously happened and the blame goes to yhe Nazis, but thete are a lot of misconceptions that are plainly retarded.
>holodomor deniers
But holodomor is bullshit and not a controversial position to say it was a hoax
Typical Jew.
>muh pol posters
literally worse than pol posters
they weed out the reddit
Well yeah, that's honestly what the far left has been promoting for a while now.
member when /pol/ was a joke/containment board? I member
>be /pol/fag
>never actually deny the holocaust
>avoid ban
>keep /pol/posting
We wuz antibiotic resistant bactera and sheeeit!
>holodomor deniers
holodomor is a myth spread by goebbels to incite ethnic rage
Ban freedom of speech and critical thought. Good goy.
> RT must be saying truth if murrican commies don't like them
>ban things that offend me
nobody is forcing you to stay here /leftypol/