ITT: based quotes
ITT: based quotes
haha I get it cuz jews are bad and are responsible for everything bad in my life haha it has nothing to do with the people I identify with because I'm right and other people are wrong
haha kill le jews amirite heil hitler XD nice history & humanities thread my fellow aryan superperson
Best one comein' in
I always liked this quote a lot.
>"I ignore polling as a method of government. I think that shows a certain weakness of mind - an inability to chart a course whichever way the wind blows, whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow. If you can't force or are unwilling to force your people to follow you, with or without threats, you are not a leader."
Lee Kuan Yew, Senior Minister of Singapore
is he saying you should give into your animalistic impulses
>jew detected
WP is just as bad as zionist shills waiting to be offended on Veeky Forums of all places.
>fast boards area bunch of mindless newfaggots memeing
>slow boards are filled woth tumblr/reddit trash
haha totally my dude because if it is against people shitposting about jews 24/7 they have to be paid shills right haha its just so obvious every single person not with us is literally paid to post on a weeb forum haha /pol/ on my fellow nazis
>0.2 ₪ has been deposited into your account.
haha yeah you show that dirty rat jew, 100% truth that anytime an user on Veeky Forums gets fed up with seeing the same shit day in day out and tries to go against the grain he is always a secret internet jew agent who gets money in exchange for trying to troll middle schoolers from /pol/ by the israeli government in an elaborate plot to influence minds across the world to get people to racemix and abandon morals and stuff so jews can make more money because they are greedy evil goblins amirite?
So glad /pol/ opened my eyes to how the world really is.
Raimi laying it down:
>0.2 ₪ has been deposited into your account.
No. In the spirit of the thread I'll answer with another Jung quote.
>There is, in fact, no access to the unconscious and to our own reality but through the shadow. Only when we realize that part of ourselves which we have not hitherto seen or preferred not to see can we proceed to question and find the sources from which it feeds and the basis on which it rests. Hence no progress or growth is possible until the shadow is adequately confronted and confronting means more than merely knowing about it. It is not until we have truly been shocked into seeing ourselves as we really are, instead of as we wish or hopefully assume we are, that we can take the first step toward individual reality.
Ok...if you want to be a shill thats on you, if you want to pretend to be one thats on you too. But dont get all antsy when you get called out on posting cat pics and sticking up for the jews for no real reason, no one is trying to kill them all.
It's less about sticking up for jews and more about trying to counter the same faggotry of opinion this website has. I liked it when /pol/ was acknowledged to be a joke/containment board and nothing was taken too seriously. Now it feels as if a new generation of users have taken this stuff as gospel and take any opportunity to share the same shit over and over again on any board or thread they deem necessary. Case in point Veeky Forums. I had high hopes that at least 75% of the threads here would be nice relaxed threads about history no one really learns about in school, instead & Humanities is the dominant half and is used as an excuse to post borderline /pol/ material.
So you don't like that people have different opinions than you and therefore you feel you have the right to shut them down in a torrent of shitposts with cat pictures.
Not sure if you were reading. I'm fine with opinions, just not to the point where this board might as well be /pol/ with a history theme.
But I realize that trying to reason it out is just going to met with posts like yours, or people calling me a shill or jew, so I will continue to shitpost right back
is /pol/ hiding under your bed too?
Back to
Nazi trash
I think you are having a boogey man syndrome, what do you actually loose by people spouting jew memes? I dont think you personally gain or loose anything, it is inconsequential as the mongolian sock puppet forum you are posting on. If you really cared you wouldnt really waste your time here.
>Now it feels as if a new generation of users have taken this stuff as gospel
I dont think you are mentally aware of where you are. Have you heard of the Habbo raids? Pools closed? Racism and "anti antisemitism"(whatever the fuck that means) is hilarious. You are simply here to disabuse people of that notion because you are jewish and it hits close to home so you consider yourself a special exception, you arent, everyone is fair game.
God made me out of nothingness and did honor me with his image.
Cease to make a parade of sayings which you have derived from others, and to deck yourselves like the daw in borrowed plumes. If each state were to take away its contribution to your speech, your fallacies would lose their power.
Tatian - 2nd century christian apologist later turned heretic
>What are you gonna do, stab me?
Gaius Julius Caeser, 44BC
pick one
Come on, wether you're a /pol/tard or not you still must admit that it's a funny quote.
This quote should offend /pol/tards more than anyone since it's implying Christianity is both false and Jewish
Yet they don't get offended.
Makes you think huh?
t. jidf
I'm not sure if this is bait... I feel like it is, because Descartes doesn't look like Voltaire, right?
Why are you so fucking mad?
I see you all the time on here, all you do is go REEEEE every time anyone says anything about jews or other races, it is part of history you simple minded faggot, if you aren't strong enough to ignore it, I recommend a softer website you like google+ or maybe
Does anyone have that long Maistre quote on human brutality?
>I hate Jews XD
yeah, really nice "opinion" you got there
The difference being that we are going from drawing swastickas and roleplaying as black men with afros to making dedicated attempts at rationalizing NatSoc doctrine and hours-long posts made to argue the inferiority of certain races.
Do you see the difference between juvenile humor and actual bigotry? You can't conflate the two.
>if I make something witty then people will never investigate the evidence
>this thread
I lost it when I heard this on the commentary for Spiderman 2
lol you're a fucking autist. it's a stupid joke shut the fuck up. the least you could do is complain in a thread where there is actual /pol/ shitposting. jew jokes are far, far, far fucking older than /pol/
he had this written on his tomb
I'd swear to God, if I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it. I wouldn't even want them to clap for me. People always clap for the wrong things. If I were a piano player, I'd play it in the goddam closet.
t. Schlomo
literally no one said that
what was his fucking problem
Salty after failing to convert Jews to Christianity
Throughout history most problems in western nations can be traced back to Jews. They are a group that would best a footnote in history.
Veeky Forums is a containment board for people who are too triggered for /pol/.
I disagree with this statement, it's as though you only perceive the last couple hundred years.
on top of this, I am an avid victim-blamer. you're basically using logic equivalent to what SJWs use. if you can't protect yourself or your interests from those who wish to assert power over you, get fucked. as in, literally, you are going to get fucked and that's reality. if a western nation is succumbing to the interests of an outside group, it's the fault of the nation.
>russians hacked our election! evil russians!
more like trashy hackable election process.
Never trust an anglo
Whose trust did Cecil Rhodes betray? He always made his intentions crystal clear.