Why didn't Islamic terrorism and suicide bombings start until the 80s?
Islam has been around for 1400 years...
Why didn't Islamic terrorism and suicide bombings start until the 80s?
Islam has been around for 1400 years...
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they had really good horses they didn't need bombs
I want you to think really hard user. What happened in the middle east during the 1980's. Reach back to before when you were born, what major political happenings were going on?
USSR? USA? Mujahadeen? Giving guns?
The hashashin were kinda like modern terrorists, assassinating people in broad daylight
How exactly would they have done suicide bombings in 1500 AD?
>Islam has been around for 1400 years
It has actually been around for much longer than that
Adam and Eve were muslims, Jesus too
They certainly could have done them in the 20s or the 50s.
Seems like left wing terrorism prefigured Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, but once this dropped off Islamic terrorism became a major force
>Jesus the Jew was a Muslim
Well it's a pretty radical idea, it took a confluence of many factors. Islamic terrorism certainly existed in the 50's, just look at the Algerian war. Suicide bombing came along after Sayid Qutb wrote his famous justification for Muslims killing other Muslims. That combined with the radicalism and Shia self-flagellation of Hezbollah = suicide bombing
Because the Americans didnt' feel like exploiting them yet.
Palestinians have always been conducting terrorism and there were Arab terrorists against the Ottoman Empire.
It's just only recently the West has been targetted, and only post-Gulf War for Islamist reasons.
i think OP is asking why the mean of attack wasnt an explosion but something else, be it muslims or other terrorists
maybe it wasnt until then that it was possible to build strong explosives at home with stuff you can buy without too much problems
or maybe they werent as outclassed in weaponry as they are current day
Vast majority of terrorism (95%+) is Sunni though
Most terrorism in Palestine was by Zionists until 1948?
Shia where the first to suicide bomb, Sunni's went fucking apocalyptic on the concept
Everyone is born muslim
The first big Islamic bombing in modern Europe was in 1970, when militants blew up Swissair Flight 330 over northern Switzerland and killed 47 people.
That was an outgrowth of the 6-day war in 1967, and gradually morphed from Palestinian nationalism into Sunni Islamist fanaticism.
>Robbing banks
It depends on how you define terrorism.
>and suicide bombing
he was pretty clear about that
Not all terrorism is suicide bombings.
Yes, muslims good boys, dindu nuffin.
Terrorist enlightment
Prehistoric man was Muslim.
This. Ulemas published multiple fatwas on the specific issue of Jihad and the killing of other mudslims. They found inspiration in the radicalization of some US protestant churches.
Duh, that's because the vast majority of Muslims are Sunnis
And not all suicide bombings are terrorism
He a gud boy, didn't mean to blow up that kindergarten.
Nowhere near that many. Besides, most terrorists are Wahhabi, themselves a small subset of Sunni Muslims.
But they're not muslims, they're Mossad agents.
Are you feigning stupidity?
When do ISIS fighters decide to become a suicide bomber after fighting? Is t when they are injured or is there a raffle?
You're retarded
Israel was founded on the back of fascistic violence and ethnic cleansing
Seems like suicide bombers are the lowest head on the totem pole. People who make bombs are valuable, so they always tell others to blow themselves up.
All muslim terrorists are good boys, and Mossad agents. Dey dindu nuffin.
oh noes Israel fights back
and beats the entire unified Arab world in quick succession
They have retarded women as suicide bombers, who have no idea they are going to their deaths. They are the most despicable people on the planet.
A combination of the rise of Saudi-funded extremist mosques all over the Muslim world and increasing Western intervention.
A lot of the Muslim world has probably resented the West for a lot time, but the key is finding the transition from "the West is degenerate but I'm going to continue going about my daily life" to "the West is degenerate so I need to drop everything and go kill them"
Non-state violence against civilians?
Interesting argument. Wahhabi groups and Zionists certainly advance US policy in the same way.
Hamas is an exception though, and so is Hezbollah if you can call them terrorists
>Interesting argument.
>implying pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories about Jews constitute "arguments"
That's all before Israel existed, doofus
It's conspiratorial, false, and offensive to say Jews run the world or whatever.
It's observable that Israel and many Wahhabi actors share US foreign policy goals, like keeping leftists and pan-nationalists out of power and justifying further Western intervention.
When they're done by a Muslim they are.
Which is a completely different topic from Abdul blowing himself up at an Ariana Grande concert killing 20 people and wounding 50.
But incredibly germane to Israel providing medical assistance to Abdul's cousins who fight Assad and the Kurds in Syria
Well first off bombs weren't invented until relatively recently, and second, their situation drastically changed in the 20th century. They switched to asymmetrical warfare tactics because conventional tactics failed them repeatedly.
Muslims believe Christianity and Judaism were originally Islam but became corrupted over time.
It's been around forever: en.wikipedia.org
Again, why conflate 2 wholly separate topics?
It just shows that your motivation is to connect Israel to something geopolitically negative at whatever cost, and not try to solve an actual problem.
Israel, much like Saudi Arabia, is a force for evil geopolitically. This needs to be mentioned in any discussion of Israel and politics.
We aren't talking about Israel and politics.
We are talking about Islamic suicide murderers.
The fact that Israel is even mentioned in the context of Islamic suicide murderers lends me to believe that this thread is full of shills for Hamas.
Hamas is dogshit but less garbage than Israel
Hezbollah however is unironically good
the jews started modern terrorism...islam merely adapted it...
and islamic terrorism did not start in the 80s...it started in the 60s....hell the black september munich attack was in 1972..
as far as the jews starting modern terrorism...they started it after ww2 in jerusalem by bombing the "occupying" british...look up the king david hotel bombing...
also see
Probably picked it up off the IRA
Americans hadn't turned their attention to them before that.
Because Arabs got BTFO so bad in conventional war
lmao, the king david hotel wasn't remotely the first modern-style terrorist attack
See Tsarist Russia, Pre-WW1 Balkans, Interwar era Ireland
t. ahmed
Can't wait till you get deported by Trump
Well for one thing bombs are a pretty new thing. For another, Muslims haven't been this low in power in a long time.
The political pressure that jump-started the actualization of the Zionist movement was caused by a specific suicide bombing by Jewish terrorists in Europe
>why weren't there suicide bombings before bombs?
>why weren't there kamikaze attacks before planes?
Almonds ==> activated
2 reasons:
1) Once Israel started kicking their teeth in the Arab states began realizing their insignificance. The easy Way to combat this was reverting to the toxic mix of religion and misguided nationalism.
The USSR invading Afghanistan only strenghtened this. The USA provided the Logistics for a functioning Ideology.
2) After socialism and capitalism failed (measured by lost wars and standard of living) Islam was the natural fallback. It is well suited for the arab tribal structure and is easily mixed with the shallow nationalism that the socialist and authoritarian regimes caused.
>bombs were invented in 1980
Muslims are WeWUzers of the first order, they believe than Alexander the Great was muslim for example.
The actual reason is complicated
Basically in the post-war period there were 2 competing ideologies in the Arab-Islamic world: Socialism/Arab Nationalism espoused by Nasser's Egypt and Wahhabism espoused by the Saudi's. Nasser based the entire legitimacy of his ideology on destroying Israel, and after the disastrous six day war his brand of pan-arabism lost a lot of appeal.
Simultaneously the Saudi's were building their own ideology, based on Wahhabism and Sunni Islamism. They trained religious fighters to fight mainly Israel, but after the death of King Faisal in 1975 the Saudi Royal family became more pragmatic and less ideological. The focus moved from Israel to countering Communism and later Islamist Iran. The Saudi's with Pakistani aid were able to transform anti-communism in Afghanistan into a religious struggle, creating the first true Islamic army in many years with the Mujaheddin. Meanwhile, Islamic Iran was styling its war against Iraq as religious, as was Hezbollah against Israel in Lebanon. With Communism defeated and Islamism seemingly scoring "victories", it became a relevant ideology again as the last true pan-arabist state, Iraq, was crushed in the 91 Gulf War.
By the mid-90s the Sunni vs. Shia conflict began to reemerge, this time led by the wahhabist Saudis and Islamist Iranians respectively. Both framed it as a religious struggle and armed their respective islamist groups. Meanwhile the muslim world remained backwards, Israel and the west reigned supreme, and social inequalities were only growing. With the death of arab socialism, the viable option remaining for anti-establishment movements was Islamism.
OR, the Jews did it
The jews die it ofc!!!!!!!!
I would add that Islamism was very convenient because it secured the existing tribal/social structures.
And the metaphysical component of a religious ideology made it more resitant to defeats. Pan arabism was very materialistic and at the point were it became obvious that it could not deliever it was burnt out. Islam on the other hand was very handy to justify defeats and hardship with the ideal of self sacrifice and the promise of heaven.
>making shit up on an anonymous image board
Fuck off to /pol/ already.
nice stormfag photoshop nigger
>Muslims are WeWUzers
Litteraly the opposite, muslims don't like what is Pre-islamic, that's why you don't see egyptians going "muh ancient egypt" or something
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam
Bullshit statistic. Give me the link