What is Veeky Forums opinion about Pascal's Wager?
Pascal's wager
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Islam is the fastest growing religion and will very soon be the largest religion in the world. Therefore it is more likely to be true.
> fastest growing religion
Hasn't been true for years.
Islam is growing because they're getting more children and because using the sword to spread your faith is actually allowed in Islam
That's a very dumb reasoning.
True is independent of peoples beliefs. A lot of people believe in Hitler does this makes this man right? also fuck off goat fucker you put a foot in my country and i will rape your daughters and make you drink the blood of pigs with all due respect to your religion of course
>True is independent of peoples beliefs
I guess Pascal's wager is refuted then.
Your logical fallacy is "ad populum".
Pascal's Wager is lose-lose. The devil knows there is a God, and will be in hell forever.
Egyptian afterlife sounds fucking horrible desu
Would anyone on Earth be able to pass that bullshit weighting test?
But its kinda true. Also a god would know that your faith was not true and you only pretend to believe for some fear of eternal damnation, different from the true believer who independent of his fears and doubts he still believe in god, God rewards strong faith not convenient faith for the sole purpose of not being in Hell otherwise our god is not honest
Firstly, you can't just "convince" yourself to believe something you don't out of convenience.
Secon of all, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of religion, absolutely denying morality. It's such a retarded way to think. If you even consider it, you're not a moral person (which then again, most people aren't really).
If you read the Book of Dead, yes.
The whole concept of hell is just stupid. Something a dude added because a threat is more convincing than a promise (see how it wasn't even a thing until christianity). Also if you put even a little bit if thought into moral punishment, you can see that NO crime you could possibly commit can deserve eternal damnation. It gets even more ridiculous when a lot of very vague and harmless things are deserving of literally eternal suffering.
If you were an athlete, would you train using the advice of the crowd or the advice of the expert trainer?
>most people aren't really
its kinda hard desu.
>see how it wasn't even a thing until christianity
Hinduism has 28 hells.
The hold the indian population?
Expand on this
It's preaching to the choir.
>After you died, Egyptians believed, your ba (spirit) would depart your body – but only temporarily. The ba would need to return to your remains periodically, perhaps every night, and for this reunion to be successful the body had to be intact. That’s why Egyptians developed a complex process of mummification – because without it your afterlife would be jeopardised.
>There is no doubt that the next world was a dangerous place, haunted by monsters that echoed and exaggerated the wild beasts Egyptians might have encountered in the world of the living. You were, therefore, equipped with spells for fighting off serpents, crocodiles, beetles, snakes and a frightening being known as “the creature that swallows the ass”. You might also encounter some unpleasant henchmen of Osiris, “sharp of fingers”, and the so-called “slaughter place” of the god.
What the fuck
Who would design such a religion
>tfw countless people for fucking thousands of years died terrified, scared of the fucked up afterlife that was made up by evil religious figures
>tfw for thousands of years people died thinking that after that they would have been forced to fight monsters and live, occasionalky, in their rotting body
That's hardcore.
Sounds like a badass adventure tbqh, i'd be excited if i was dying and knew i'm about to go through it
islam saved egypt
pascals wager logically makes sense
but there's like 1237842093 million religions how do I pick the right one?
> “the creature that swallows the ass”
>Pascal's Wager
If god is good, he ain't gonna punish you for reasonable doubt.
If god is evil, you're in deep shit regardless of what you did anyway.
Might as well live like you want at that point.
All except it wasn't supposed to be an argument for God's existence. It was an argument concerning the practicality of belief.
It is impossible for any of the polyteistic religions to be the true one since they are all very localized
How does the wager even work for religions where faith counts more than works? The fact that you're considering the pro and cons of religion itself basically disqualify you from being actually faithful, as opposed to merely opportunistic and conformist.
The ancients used to see said localization as merely facets of the gods tho. It didn't really matter that you called Jupiter 'Zeus' 'Thor' 'Taranis' or whatever the fuck else.
From their point of view, their religion was pretty universal.
>Abrahamic religions
>having a place in the future