>people actually expected this coin to get to $1
It's dead. it's dead. OH GOD it's DEAD
Other urls found in this thread:
duh. are you surprised?
just let it die
stop creating threads
>Coin launches a week ago.
>Hits 1500 SAT in one week
>Whitepaper and significant development forthcoming
>Declared ded by Veeky Forums
Sounds about fucking right.
I'm in this for about $20. Let's see where it takes me in 2 years.
FUD for the love of FUDing
Low effort FUD
Always do the opposite what Veeky Forums says
That means I'm going all in on SIGT honestly
Knew it would drop. Glad i didn't buy into the shilling at $.08-$.12 that it was headed to the moon. Might put in a few bucks now.
There was shilling when it was 200sat, you would have made easy 10x even if you didn't catch the top. There's no reason for you to be glad
crashing now
Same here have 200. If it goes to .10 I made $ if not oh well.