I live in a bad area and don't trust offline paper wallets. What is the best online wallet I should move to before Aug 1st?
I live in a bad area and don't trust offline paper wallets...
jesus fuck just print it and put it bible
i keep my bitcoin wallet in my parents house dude. dont you have parents that live somewhere decent
you think niggers dont read the bible?
my house is broken into every other month, nothing phyiscally is safe
parents dead
print a paper wallet and put it in a folder called "job applications"
blockchain info
just google you faggot
Wtf. Why haven't you shot everyone that comes in your house? You need a weapon more than you need bitcoins. lol
ive looked at these and most are saying theyre not safe
friend down the street did that and was arrested
Well then you didn't look very good.
You don't seem to be awfully good at making life choices either way.
It allows you to control your private keys, so it should be safe
Then just wait until the SW lock-in is nearly guaranteed and everyone starts talking about lambos, and then buy. Should be around August 4-5th.
Follow the BIP91 pattern. Same shit happened a week ago and the price went from 1800 to 2800 in 2 days because muh optimism.
you don't get to choose where your born
put it in a bitlocker drive then email it to yourself.
Jesus dude where do you live? I'm guessing it's because of niggers sorry man one day you'll be a successful attractive black guy the type rich white men pay to cuck their wives I believe in you.
you'rea fucking retard if you don't think cyber-niggers will hack ur online wallet.
1. get offline paper wallet
2. get safety deposit box
3. ????
4. profit!!!
Or you are too brainlet for that?
safe deposit box
You know you can add a password to the paperwallet as well? Make several copies. Even if your niggers found the paper wallet, they wouldn't know what to do with it and even if they do, they'll need the password to unlock the private key.
Hardware wallet in a safety deposit. Quit being stupid.
put wallet data on a few usb drives and encrypt them
I can guess at least some of your inadequacies are your own fault.
buy a trezor, then they need a passcode/ recovery seed to access your cold storage bitcoins. you can buy a trezor with bitcoin directly from their website.
Memorise your seed maybe?
Have a "paper wallet" that you save onto your dropbox or something
Just buy a bookself with a bunch of history and mathmatics books and cut a compartment in one of them. Thief's are too retarded to know what books are
Why do you live there?
wow this woman is fine.
also: get a seed wallet and memorize the passphrase
She is absolutely gorgeous. I would give her the D even if she gave me aids
she got left in the oven to long
Pick one race traitors