Why does Jehovah look like the antagonist of the Bible? You think he could have better PR than this.
Why does Jehovah look like the antagonist of the Bible? You think he could have better PR than this
If you take God to be the psychological projection of the people at the time, telling a dude not to sacrifice his son is a pretty big deal
He did tell Abraham to sacrifice his son though. Just not literally.
The story is analogous to a man who love his wife more than God, when that's the case the wife becomes that mans savior. But when he finds his wife with another man, he proceeds to kill his wife, the kids, and himself, because his wife was his idol, his god, a highly influential part of his life. He worshiped her.
The sacrifice of Isaac, like a lot of the stories in the bible has multiple lessons. It's a lesson on idolatry among others, since Abraham loved his son too much. If anything ever happened to Isaac, if he stubbed his toe on a rock and fell down a hill and broke his neck, if he was trampled by a herd of cows and died, caught a disease and died, whatever...if anything happen to him, Abraham would have probably lost his faith and cursed God and abandoned his role in creating Jacob/Israel.
So...God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, out of his heart and place God above all. God being what though? God is described as the ultimate in justice, ultimate righteousness, love, perfect morality, utter perfection. A blind faith, that despite the darkness that surrounds everything, there is a light and justice.
So the man who kills his family because he finds his wife with another man, a common narrative, it's because he loves his wife more than the ultimate truth. Which is God.
This in general is the cause of a variable of suffering. Loving things too much, including people to the point that in a certain event you don't get what you want, or are betrayed, you will feel more devastated due to your misguided logic, rationale, and focus.
So Abraham circumcised Isaac out of the top of his heart. God made him do this and it ultimately made Abraham stronger.
In Abraham's mind, if anything happened to Isaac, he would now know Isaac was in God's hand afterwards, no reason to over-react or worry about Isaac too much anymore.
>Why does Jehovah look like the antagonist of the Bible?
Because "Jehova" is Jaldabaoth, the antagonist of humankind.
Because of your contemporary moral presumptions.
I never thought of it that way. Thank you, user.
Np user, it really is a meaningful lesson. I learned it from Todd White fwiw. He's a bit more literal than someone like Jordan Peterson, but still has a quality insight.
Who are they? I'm a South American Catholic so I'm not familiar with them.
Todd White is a pastor/teacher. He's more traditional and devout.
Jordan Peterson is clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Brilliant guy, understands the engineering perspective of 'understanding God', from both a evolutionary and psychological standpoint. That's the best I can describe him, not sure if it's entirely accurate but that's the best way I can describe him lol. He's just a brilliant dude. Can reverse engineer peoples motives and paint vivid pictures of where they're headed when they're equipped with faulty logical and rationale.
Will Durant wrote that the Christian Morality destroyed the Christian theology. The precepts of Jesus Christ diminished and overtook the Jehova of the Bible.
That's great except it carries no spiritual significance
Do they have YouTube channels with their preachings/lectures? I wish priests here would be more eloquent.
I seriously think the confusion comes into play when man attempts to define morality. There is only one truth and one morality. A perfect and just decision for everything.
The problem is, as people, we can't read minds or the true intentions of people. We don't know which people, who may be evil, can be turned under the right circumstances, who will repent. Who's hurting others because they're hurting. So we attempt to box things in, in advance and issue judgement based on surface information. I think this is the major problem with fundamentalist.
Like sometimes the "moral" action is to remain quiet to learn more, instead of jumping to a conclusion and putting someone into a box with a label on it, all because that someone is currently acting "immoral" or "bad" by your personal assessment/judgement. By boxing them in like that, by placing a label on them in advance like that, you are now kind of tempted to think they're deserving of a condemning judgement, which can lead to a misplaced punishment etc etc..
Hence the MASSIVE focus on forgiveness in the new testament. No one can change/repent unless they have room to. Forgiveness grants them that room to change.
I honestly think this was in the Old Testament as well, everything the Prophets spoke of, it always had to do with taking care of the poor instead of walking over them, taking care of the widow, loving your brother etc etc.
The Israelite's though, they're human and prone to pride and wanting to judge others from a high horse etc etc...you see the same traits in certain Christians too. Shows what kind of self monitoring and knowledge and wisdom one needs to contend with "sin" or "evil." I know those words sound cliche to a non believer, but it's just a testament to bout one faces against degenerate behavior. It's a tough fight to keep certain emotions in check.
>I wish priests here would be more eloquent.
Same here, if it's not prosperity they're teaching it's some ridiculous stuff that sounds more like hate than anything
Meanwhile, there's people who need to understand clearly what they're going through.
But yeah, search youtube for Todd White and Jordan Peterson. They are different types of people, but again, they both offer great insight.
>if it's not prosperity they're teaching
Should correct myself, as some of their stuff is actually encouraging more often than not.
But yeah, it's refreshing to hear quality teachers. Super refreshing to hear someone like Jordan Peterson, just because he talks about everything under the son that has to do with thought/psychology
Marcion was right!
>Why does Jehovah look like the antagonist of the Bible?
>Having Noah's ancestors betray the covenant by building the tower of babel
>have to scatter them because of this
>call Abraham to build covenant and a nation
>Abraham's ancestors keep breaking his covenant with him
>shows miracles and powers in Exodus
>people still grumble and groan
>At the time of Judges
>Israelite betray God again and again
>God abandons them
>they plead for help
>God helps them
>they betray him again
>Call up Samuel for a king
>Saul betrays God
>God chooses David instead
>David ushers in a kingdom
>David betrays God
>God punishes David
>David dies and Solomon takes the throne
>the high point of the Israelite kingdom
>God is happy that this is the case
>But if Solomon betrays God he will lead Israel down a road of destruction
>Solomon betrays God
>Kingdoms splits
>Multiple kings betray God and worship Baal and Asherah
>God has to deal with this
>God punishes Northern Israel by the Assyrians
>Judah is the last hope
>Prophets come from Judah
>The people don't listen to the prophets
>God is furious at the idolatrous style worship of him in Ezekiel 8
>God lets Babylon take Judah
>God still gives Judah hope
>Judah comes back as the Jews
>God is going to reclaim the nations through Israel
>but God is still the antagonist cause of butthurt atheist who don't understand biblical culture
why is jehovah one eyed in this soviet poster?
Because he had the power of a gorgon.
The story is analogous to a man who love his wife more than God, when that's the case the wife becomes that mans savior. But when he finds his wife with another man, he proceeds to kill his wife, the kids, and himself, because his wife was his idol, his god, a highly influential part of his life. He worshiped her.
How many hundreds of years of apologetics and reinterpretation did it take to cook this little diddy up? Perhaps Talmudic?
I dunno user
>Be Uzzah
>Be devout, faithful priest of the Lord
>Driving a cart pulled by smelly oxen carrying the Ark of the Covenant
>For something that contains God this thing is awfully light and unsteady
>Fucking ox stumbles
>Reach out to steady the fucking thing
>God smites me dead because He's autistic and doesn't want people touching His special box
>Why does Jehovah look like the antagonist of the Bible?
Because he is.
Real Christians worship the God of Christ and Paul, not the Jewish Demiurge.
Because Jehovah is not God, he's the Demiurge. The real deal God is the father of Jesus, and his plan is to save our soul from the flesh, created by the fake god, Jehovah, the Demiurge.
>Believing in Manichaeism and dualistic eschatology
how's the weather down there chief?
>somehow God isn't responsible for evil