Ok guys i can program. I know javascript java and c#. I know that to make a bot i will need also know how to trade. im a very retarded trader i lost 90% of my investment on cryptos and now i want to check if im able to automate a strategy using a bot. Does anyone here knows where should i start ? any frameworks or known bots to test/mess with ?
Trader bots
>Tfw finally figured out how to make money with bots.
>Made 5% last night over 150,000 trades
>Up 30% for the week
I'm in the same dilemma OP it's the trading strategy that's difficult.
What we need is a bot that monitors an entire exchange and catches any altcoin in the early stages of a pump and take out very early for them low but consistent gains.
Other trading strategies rarely work with crypto because it's so spontaneous.
150k trades? Details
>150,000 trades in 1 night
:) we all believe that you made a bot, really good job buddy!
>loses 90% trading
>wants to automate his trading
besides, you are not the first trying to write a bot for trading. most will say it's a waste of time. so do i.
kids like mean shit until they prove something
arbitrage is the only way to make money with bots. find arbitrage opportunities and automate their exploitation.
any """trading strategies""" will just eat you alive in fees and are complete wastes of time.
he prob meant 1 day, and yea thats how many fukin trade a bot does R-tard
i wrote a code specifically to stop at 180k~ trades because of bittrex api, everytrade it hits their api n thy ban u at 200k
Are you trading cryptocurrency using bots? What programming language was the bot coded in?
You think there's a profitable framework just sitting around somewhere? You're a moron. Quit.
What's the limit of request/second before they start to mess with your bot for ddos protection ?
Most people using bots aren't using them as a magic money bot. They just use them to switch around bids and asks to be more competitive without having to submit and cancel orders over and over. Any bot that trades completely on its own will make very minimal gains if any at all.
Minimal like what ? 2 dollars a day ? That would pay back the internet bill
I've been building one and I don't think you're going to want a framework. Any exchange should have a decent API you can use and you can build your strategy from there.
Simplest strat would probably be to detect if you're in a valley and just buy then and sell at small percentages when the price goes up. Don't forget about transaction fees or you're just going to be losing money. The idea with the bot is to do quick small transactions so really just make sure you're not at a peak or the top of a pump and dump. If you're looking to catch pump and dump waves it's easy enough to code a bot detector and just get in early when you see the signs and sell at whatever percentage you're looking to gain. To mitigate risk you can add a lower bound so the bot doesn't just HODL with some fat shitcoin bags.
Another thing to consider is if you're just watching one coin or an entire exchange. The entire exchange route is a lot more cumbersome so maybe start with a coin that sees a lot of action during the day and flesh it out from there
Also, I have no idea what I'm talking about so take this with a grain of salt. This was more motivation for me to keep working on my bot, good luck user.
Don't forget about arbitrage either.
What's arbitrage ?
150,000 trades
$5 fee in and out
$1,500,000 in fees
Explain that pls
Iam quite currius and iam not a programmer, what language do you use to program the bot?
Python is probably the easiest to get one running but that's more personal preference
anyone have experience using GUNBOT? thinking of buying a license.
>$5 fee in and out
nice LARP
>150000 trades
Sure buddy. The exchange fees would have fucked you so hard you'd have to do hundreds of thousands of positive gains and no losing ones and insane price movements.
Thankyou for the answer. Iam planning to learn it, some guys say in /g that its too slow so they need to write some modules in c++. But i dont have the knowledge to proove this.
I do think, that you are right about strategy, i was reading about a qvanttrader. So there got to be a formula whats implemented in an algorithm. What they use to mesury future prices. But i dont know that they use it incase of bitcoins, thats a volitile market...
>it's easy enough to code a bot detector and just get in early when you see the signs
If it was that easy then everyone and their mother would be driving a lambo.
Unless you're and autistic mathematician with a godly knowledge of certain areas, which I won't go into, you're essentially gambling.
Might aswell model your code around the markovian chain, meaning that past prices doesnt matter, ie you're 50/50 on buying or selling no matter what - and the probability that you will win a trade is still 50%.
>some guys say in /g that its too slow
These are fucktard who just started their first year at university and don't know jack
They probably saw a graph with difference in speed between same algorithm on different language
A bot doesn't need much computing power and the possible difference would be negligible compared to delays due to the network
Bittrex limits your open orders to 500, supposedly, so if you've got a bot that's placing 150k/day then you're probably cancelling most. Exchange fees are .25% on a minimum order of .0005, that's only a 100 sat fee if my math is right...
Withdraw/Deposit fees negates most arb ops in the crypto market. In other where the spread is high enough you will get fucked by being stuck with the other pair that you cant withdraw so easily, read fiat.
So then you have to pay taxes or do another trade.
Not as easy as people make it out to be.
I'll just leave this here for you and the others, and tell you that you need to get gud and step up your game.
On other hand some traders use historic data of the weath. If we are talking about probability, how would you take account of the investors actions based on speculation?
So you mean, it is possible to buy hundreads or thousands of items and run multiple measuring of future price positions in a sec?
He said 150,000 TRADES. And that .25% fee is not negligible.
If I buy 1 BTC at 2,651 then the BREAK-EVEN amount is 2,656, meaning that you will have to be 5$ in the green to not lose money.
>If we are talking about probability, how would you take account of the investors actions based on speculation
They see patterns and probabilities where there typically are none. I've seen empirical studies where each tick has a 50/50 change of either being +-1 and the graph will mimic any everyday price action.
That is not to say that everything id entirely random...
I was more referring to a simple one where you just look at transaction rates and if they're all the same then you can probably guess it's being botted. Can even get fancy and catch ones that do a distribution of transaction rates.
Well, it depends. Python is good for prototyping and since you're new to programming it's probably the easiest to get you started. /g/ isn't wrong about wanting something faster like C++ since your strategy should be getting more verbose as time goes on and you'll probably want to do more calculations where the speed is going to end up mattering since you want to determine if buying or selling is the right thing to do within fractions of seconds.
Investors getting in and out is kind of out of the realm of the bot. That's a people thing unless you feel like doing some sentiment analysis on news articles about your coin but fuck that
knowing peoples emotions and psychology should be a must since these play a very big role with amateur traders who are here only to transfer money to the pros
Thankyou guys, it was awsome to have a meaningfull conservation. Hope you guys will manage.
Thankyou for the answer, i will keep it in my mind.
Ohbuddy, gonna watch those, thanks m8
That's why I sell for 0.60% profit each trade
This stuff is mostly limited by the responses from the exchanges, not the speed of the language you use
I can't into computing enough to do bots but just curious: what are some obvious signs of heavy bot trading? Watching GDAX I will see lots that are exactly the same size flashing between buy and sell seconds apart. It seems almost too easy if blessed with decent programming skills.
google it moron
Thanks man I've been looking to nose dive into this stuff.
>im a very retarded trader i lost 90% of my investment on cryptos and now i want to check if im able to automate a strategy using a bot.
Automate your 90% losses consistently?
programming is the easy part, developing a robust strategy is the hard part
>what are some obvious signs of heavy bot trading?
1) The bid amounts increase/decrease rapidly in very small amounts.
2) Bid orders are created and deleted rapidly.
3) Large amounts of extremely small buy/sell orders.
4) Staircase pattern buy/sell walls.
if m60
Small exchanges will have prices that don't match large exchanges. But they will always deviate towards he large exchanges.
Have a bot that compares the prices of alts between a small and large exchange. Whenever the small exchange's price has a 5% difference to the big exchange, buy and sell accordingly.
what time period are you using tho?
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
I spent a month learning forex trading, while programming my bot. Not about to spoon feed you.