Why were Greeks pedo fags?

Just finished reading Plato's dialogues. Why was homosexuality (particularly pederasty [boy fucking]) so common among the Greek elite? My understanding is that the masses looked down on it, but the sophists, scientists, warriors, etc. practiced it all the time. Why did they all want to fuck little boys and each other? Did they have a biological drive to do so? and, if so, where the hell did that come from? Was there something in the water? They claim it strengthened their understandings of each other and metaphysical/intellectual connections, but we all know that was an excuse to be fags. WHY WERE THEY ALL FAGS?!

Maternal mortality rates were terrible, especially for urban societies pre-germ theory. (it wasn't usually childbirth per se that was fatal, but the possibility of accompanying infection, which was more risky as you concentrated more people together). When there are no, or at least few women around, fucking a guy in the butt, especially a feminine little boy, (relatively feminine anyway) seems more attractive. See: any prison.

Just finished reading The Franklin Coverup. Why was homosexuality (particularly pederasty [boy fucking]) so common among the Western elite? My understanding is that the masses looked down on it, but the politicians, scientists, soldiers, etc. practiced it all the time. Why did they all want to fuck little boys and each other? Did they have a biological drive to do so? and, if so, where the hell did that come from? Was there something in the water? They claim it strengthened their understandings of each other and metaphysical/intellectual connections, but we all know that was an excuse to be fags. WHY WERE THEY ALL FAGS?!

It was huge for Spartans due to their culture. The state would take the boys from their mothers and they would be forced to live with grown men for what? 8-10 years at a time? They literally ate, slept, and shat war. The boys would do everything from get schooled in combat, carry armor, and 'serve' the men. This brainwashing of war mongering made them raging homobutts. Probably the scariest homosexuals to ever walk the earth.

Yeah, but what could compel a straight man to actively seek out a dick to suck or a hairy man-anus to squeeze into? You would practically have to kill me before I put my tongue on a another man's dick, and I would definitely die before taking his load on my face. I just don't understand how a man could do it and (more importantly) how a man could WANT to do it.

>trying to understand the past while projecting modern concepts
I can't even understand why my neighbors do what they do, let alone ancient Greeks.

Sexuality is a romantic power-play between two partners. Power Dynamics, dominance submissiveness have ways firstly defined sexuality

Sexuality as "orientation" is a modern phenomenon because of scientism and nihilism. Sexual identity is no longer romantic or spiritual, we identify with the atoms over higher cultural traditional beliefs and imaginings

Why, biologically-speaking? No force on earth should be able to compel a straight man to suck another dude's cock.

Because sexual actions weren't based around identity back then, there were just normal and homosexual acts and people didn't normally build themselves around those acts. Only recently has sexuality been evenly cut between "straight" and "gay" and all this culture has sprung up around it

Bill Nye pls go

>any degree of cultural relativism is bill nye
Most of our perceptions are psychological. You're talking about people who viewed getting fucked in the ass as gay but fucking someone in the ass as manly.

Homosexuality and pedoism is found in nature.

Monogamy and sexual prudishnish is a human construct.

It's not about perception at all. Males are overwhelmingly attracted to females and vice versa. The rate of homosexuality in the animal kingdom is negligible. It may have been an act of power or a kind of intellectual exchange, but the idea of it being pleasurable in any culture that has ever existed anywhere is ludicrous.

Chances are if you were drunk or horny and you got a femine man to suck you off and take it in the ass, you'd probaly not care that much.

You are only saying you woulnd't like it because you were ingrained by society that you should be ashamed like they tried with masturbatiion.

>Males are overwhelmingly attracted to females and vice versa.
You've gotten some decent responses for a somewhat pragmatic reason here . 20% of Afghanistan males still rape little boys, ask them why they do it. I'm not even making the comparison though because in the Greek context they don't seem analogous.

Perhaps some people were legitimately freaks and others just had a different way of doing things. Maybe the line between high fiveing a friend, kissing a friend on like they do in Europe and fucking him in the ass isn't as clear as we realized?

if you had to ask the average laymen, its because it was being able to exert their power in a much more intimate way, not to mention the temptation of doing the taboo

Basic biological concepts of sexual attraction disagree with you. You'd have to be SEVERELY brainwashed (not just influenced by culture) to find yourself sucking a dick as a straight man.

>You are only saying you woulnd't like it because you were ingrained by society blah blah blah
Stop with insane progressive rhetoric please. Holy shit.

>Maybe the line between high fiveing a friend, kissing a friend on like they do in Europe and fucking him in the ass isn't as clear as we realized?
The difference is where the line is crossed from innocent touching to straight up homo intercourse.

I'm less interested in pederasty. I can see how a little boy with feminine features may come off as attractive, but a pandemic of straight men seeking gay sex is hard to rationalize.

Because Greek bois looked like this

question: is the "WHY ARE PPL GAY TF THATS GROSS" dude OP?

>homosexuality is common

>Why were Greeks pedo fags?

The Jews hadn't civilized them yet. They were worshipping the sun and the wind before the Hebrews came along.

>sexuality is a social construct
>whites are barbaric, Jews are the true bringers of civilization

Is Veeky Forums bizarro /pol/?

basically this. the Greeks had no real morals before Judeo-Christian morality hit them. prior to that they worshipped pagan idols and fucked little boys and defended it proudly.

>I can see how a little boy with feminine features may come off as attractive

So being a pedo is normal, but being a fag isn't. Interesting.

>Not being able to separate arguments from bants

You've taken too many redpills, you need to even out.

What does that even mean? Does he need the red suppository?

What part of "feminine features" don't you get?

d-dick sucking lips

Doesn't make it any less pedo, profligate.

>The Jews hadn't civilized them yet.


They literally fucked women in the butt. Why do you think they used so much olive oil? Oddly enough the city where it was most common, Corinth, was considered a hotbed of perversity.