Was she right? Should we cleanse society of freaky looking tards?
Was she right? Should we cleanse society of freaky looking tards?
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How can one person be so based?
including OP? Yes
Weak children can't deal and they don't matter.
arabs are pretty much inbred retards anyway
Tards are only tragic when you're an adult. To children they're hilarious.
And they only become tragic when you project your non-tard ideals onto them. Tards don't care that they will never do anything meaningful with their lives. They just want to jerk off in public and know when the next box of Lucky Charms is coming
Yea I find it funny when Semites get angry when whites take claim to their ancients when semites really think them and their Saudi and paki brethren shitskins have anything to claim besides being complete mongrel subhumans
Lol not because she was born Jewish
Man, at least the Arabs managed to sustain a country.
Jews were landless for like 2000 years before someone gave them a country
OF course we should, they're a safety hazard and they contribute nothing to society
How come ayn rand was both libertarian and fascistic
Pakis on suicide watch
Freaks like midgets, albinos, retards, and other genetic mistakes should be forcibly sterilized and put in zoos
Israel was a big meanie for beating up retards.
Absolutely this. Hell, most Westerners loved a good freakshow or human zoo before polite society started frowning down on medical voyeurism or pelting creeps with rocks.
The arab tard force started it
Ah yes. Because Syria, Iraq, Lebanon or Egypt were among the "least developed" countries in the mid-20th century, and not some of the most urbanized, influential and ancient centers of civilization for virtually the entirety of recorded history.
Posting some pictures from before the Middle East went to shit, no thanks to influx of the very civilized Israelis next door.
Lol why so salty?
Salty? I'm refuting Zionist historical revisionism.
Note that this photo could be labeled "Jerusalem 2017" and no one would bat an eyelid except maybe for the arabic writing.
Post more.
Pics of Istanbul now, same author and epoch.
Turkey is not an Arab country.
Feel free to go back in time and tell Cushman to take more pics in Syria and Lebanon
Also here are a bunch of vintage pictures of Egypt, most of them from the 60s. You can clearly see how arabs were still living in tents and fucking camels:
Oh, and here are some Saudis.
A sort of tourist ad for Baghdad in the 50s:
>every country around israel becomes destabilised
She just wanted an excuse to avoid dealing with children.
You'll have to eliminate 2/3 of US population then. It's not going to work, actually opposite happening.
It would have helped the Jews if they numbered in the billions
Those were done by Phoenicians/Mesopotamians/Babylonians. Arab invaders have no relation to them whatsoever. Arabs have always claimed descent from the Arabs who invaded with Muhammed, we shouldn't let them claim the history of the people they conquered.
Quite the coincidence really.
This isn't counting the dozens of other spying scandals and attacks that occur yearly all over the Middle East and that are usually dismissed for lack of proof or claims that political police planted the evidence etc but everyone in Arab countries believes to be the work of Israel (to be fair they also claim that Israel spies on them using literal vultures.)
Or of course all the successful operations that supposedly go unreported.
>Zionist historical revisionism
This guy was a bad-ass, not even gonna lie. I'm not a fan with Israel but this man was a G. Those fucking Kurdish Zionists on the other hand... Thieves want to carve up Arab land all over again.
Maybe you should explain that to Rand, who equates the natives of Egypt or the Levant with Bedouins.
>we shouldn't let them claim the history of the people they conquered.
Technically it was more like other way around with Arabized conquered populations embracing Arab Nationalism.
Arabs trace back to the people who conquered with Muhammed n them, Copts trace back to Ancient Egyptians. Lebanese Maronites trace back to Phoenicians, not to the Arab invaders. White Americans trace back to Britain, not to America.
So what do you presume happened to all the Egyptians and Lebanese who renounced Christianity?
Or Orthodox Aftaq, Sunni Al-Bitar, Alawite Assad (all with roots in Syria dating back over a millennium) founding the Arab Ba'ath Movement?
More importantly, who do you think carried the MENA from the 7th century to the mid-20th century? Because wasn't the fucking Bedouins.
* (Michel) Aflaq
why? Pakis get to prove that they are close to their arabian ancestors who are descended from the prophet.
>implying it was israeli's that turned their countries theocratic
the average habibs just wanted to hang out.
it was the chimps with their conspiracy theories and weapons access that whipped everybody up into a frenzie and permanently crippled them.
You sure sound important, user.
I would bat an eye. Israel tends to go for the more Khaki colored buildings compared to the purple gray. Anyways this scene has existed for thousands of years
>Arab Nationalism
Wasn't this pretty much a joke until 1948?
I thought Arabs were a bunch of quarreling tribes ten steps from finding unity before sperging out over having to play nice with europeans?
Incidentally, that map has long since been updated on consang.net (with some heavy corrections and more countries covered), and you get a better view by checking the data tables:
Perhaps surprisingly, some of the most inbred groups west of Pakistan are the Druze and some Turkic tribes like the Qashqai, though Bedouins follow closely behind, and within Israel Mizrahi Jews and Christians are actually pretty close to urban Arabs. Low inbreeding among Ashkenazi and Sephardi is partially due to their migrant background.
Nationalism wasn't too popular outside Europe before the 20th century, no.
>I thought Arabs were a bunch of quarreling tribes ten steps from finding unity before sperging out over having to play nice with europeans?
You know those regions that are still full of emirates and kingdoms? Yeah, those parts weren't too fond of Arab nationalism. The Hashemite dynasty was a notable exception, nationalism was generally a grassroot movement among modernized (Westernized?) and urban populations in the Levant and North Africa, rather than the old aristocracies. This shouldn't be surprising.
I grew up with a mentally retarded sister
it was very hard and it felt unfair at times but the experience taught me patience extremely well, and it taught me to deal with things that are loud or annoying or both, even if they go on for ages
it's not funny when someone threatens to beat you to a pulp on a daily basis, although it does stop being intimidating, until they do it and get disciplined and then the years-long cycle starts again
>Ayn "do as I say not as I do" Rand
>being right about anything
Glad I'm not the only person.
Autistic and downs should be neutered and forced to care for themselves or placed in a low funded containment facility.
If any of you are still or recently graduated high school did your school have a 'SPED' or 'special education' service where downies and aspies had 2-3 care takers and they would try to teach them?
To me it seems like a complete waste of man hours and tax payer money.
Only those with moderate to nearly unnoticeable aspergers should be allowed to reproduce or walk freely simply due to the fact that they can focus on working and getting by on their own.
They were absorbed and don't exist anymore
"""Libertarians""" are nearly always closeted authoritarians. Squeeze them and they will show their true colors: they only believe in freedom as long as people choose to do what libertarians want.
Didn't you name her as one of your favorite writers back when you posted on Veeky Forums?
the same goes for most versions of anarchists too
the rest they don't realize that everyone would have to think and act like them in order for it to work
>should the arab not be entitled to the sweat of his brow?
Your sister doesnt nor will ever love you, she could kill you by accident and not feel a thing.
Not kill them but just promote fit people reproducing by giving them extra child benefit
>jerk off in public
Lol fucking westerners. Arabs but fucking damascus, baghdad, cairo...... and rebuilt most of the old roman cities
Idk Arabs wrote some pretty good religious fanfiction and books on mathematics, as far as I'm aware Rand just wrote some shitty samey capitalism fanfiction.
>Had a friend introduce me as autistic behind my back
>They never realized I wasn't until one day they brought it up and I til them I've ever been autistic
>maybe I have been all this time
You don't even know what the guy's sister's condition was, who's the actual retard here?
>Should we cleanse society of freaky looking tards?
Well that would have included her sooo..
wtf was her problem?
>Should we cleanse society of freaky looking tards?
Where did she say that?
Children are savage little shits who would make fun of the disabled, they are not mentally prepared to deal with this in a mature manner. It is one thing for a family to allow the kids to meet their disabled uncle, it is another to arrange school trips to the special school and hope that they will all share the utopian views of the leftists bringing them there. All it will do is deeply engrain disdain for the mentally ill and some will become fascists who support Aktion T4 later in life.
It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.
If you're going to start cleansing society of the deformed, ugly, and mentally retarded, there really is no better place to start than with Ayn Rand herself.
When the 77th post is the best post.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.
>let's threaten the very existance of some people that did nothing to us because of our batshit crazy religion
>cry when you get your shit pushed in every time for over 60 years
Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.
Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.
So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?
And here it is again, the Zionist revisionism.
>Arabs are just primitive camelfuckers who cling to religious delusions!
>No one in the Middle East had valid geopolitical concerns over the resurrection of a country that hadn't existed since Biblical times.
>If you reject our argument that God granted us the Promised Land, it must be because you follow some batshit crazy religion!
>All the Arab leaders were backward Muslim fanatics and none of them were modernizers or secular socialists
>Don't forget, Israel did nothing wrong.
Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man's values, it has to be earned.
There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
Holy... you should be a billionaire
>no data
Upper classes are a nation's past; the middle class is its future.
To say 'I love you' one must first be able to say the 'I.'
The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.
>tfw you're a westerner
>you will never be able to wear a fez without being laughed at
>the fez will never go in style
h-he he as if i'd ever wanna dress like a shitskin mudlsime goatfucker
never forget the holocaust goy
that soldier looks like the guy from h3h3 productions
And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: 'I.'