How do we fix the wagecuck problem, Veeky Forums?
How do we fix the wagecuck problem, Veeky Forums?
by removing the concept of money
NEET revolution is the only solution. Enslave all chads and normies and have them pay for NEET needs, and socialize women entirely so that any NEET can have sex with any Stacey anytime, anywhere.
Encourage people to go to school for careers that actually matter. For those who don't want to continue education, the only real way is to encourage industrial growth.
There. Theres your retarded answer to a retardedly complex question that you expect to be answered by a bunch of drunk/high anonymous fucks on the internet. Congrats.
That will never happen. Mankind has some primal need to place value on shit. Its a way of signifying self-worth or status on others. If you rid society of money, it'd just be replaced by something else.
I like u
By deporting all the NEETs to Mexico.
>Encourage people to go to school for careers that actually matter.
There's no demand for those though. There's a fuckton of pajeet codemonkeys, there's a fuckton of pajeet physicians, there's a fuckton of engineers and everything else already, and there's very few amount of institutions that do research, which are those that can cost it.
Admit it, we've come to the point that people don't really need to work to survive, we're only pushing this shit so normalshits feel better at having wasted their life working their ass off for unfulfilling careers and a miser amount of money they can't brag about since others get to survive with many commodities by doing nothing.
There is nothing to solve. Stupid,lazy,unambitious, or just plan unlucky people do not get good jobs. Intelligent, hard-working, ambitious and lucky people get good jobs. Choose which person you want to be, or shut the fuck up
Are you kidding me? Have you actually looked at a job board lately? Theres more positions than engineers available. Or would you rather just continue to be retarded and believe the meme shit you read on here?
Yeah the neanderthals had such a wonderful society
Get a degree from college, community college, trade school, apprenticeship, something that will open more doors. Learn to code, or at least how to use excel. Find a job that's in something other than food service, even if it pays the same; food service isn't exactly known for opportunities to advance. Pad your resume with volunteer work, internships, maybe a part-time job, something that gives you more experience.
Actually i don't know shit about engineers, but the truth is that physicians get no fucking shit, despite there being a lot of people sick.
Ancient wisdom states that if you have to make wage to survive then you are a wage slave and not free anyways. So the current system is working just fine. Join the military or get a farm if you care about not being a wage cuck.
>Live within your means
>Save a portion of your income
>Invest or buy land
>Join the military
>Go from wage cuck to literal cuck.
As robotic labor gradually replaced human labor, wouldn't it also replace the need for labor? Wouldn't we all get robot servants to do all we need while robots make all of our daily goods? Wouldn't we be free to pursue lives of blissful sloth?
You know you're only supposed to take a sip of the kool aid right? You've drank way too much. Myth of meritocracy
tell them to go to trade
You bomb the mines.
What problem?