>classmate tells me about her religion
>it's some neopagan shit that has zero results on google
>keeps referring to herself as a viking
>"northern crusades were an attempted genocide!!!"
>learns to write in runes
>does "medieval" martial arts
>is pretty much pic related
What do i do, Veeky Forums ?
Classmate tells me about her religion
Other urls found in this thread:
Cut down every tree she starts to worship
Accept that being a Pagan is a bout as stupid as being a Christian, but likely much more fun.
>does "medieval" martial arts
Lol, whats that?a
She's trying to dual-wield axes. it's not only impractical, but also really stupid.
realise it's none of your business
>What do i do, Veeky Forums ?
Accept that some people will sink to retarded depths to prove that they are special snowflakes and admit that you won't be able to change that fact.
...are you me?
Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do. Still, pisses me off when i have to listen to that crap every day.
Eh, I used to get mad about my stereotypical retarded college classmates, but I eventually gave up.
Be thankful she is not a christcuck at least? Those people are real anying and prude for the most part, I'd assume a viking girl is more dtf when she is in warrior mood.
half the time it's the opposite, especially with "born again" Christians
make fun of her relentlessly
Christianize her nether regions
Move out of America
Seriously, it sounds like everybody in the US is fucking retarded manbaby, at this point i am actually starting to hope that niggers are going to take over, at least they don't come up with retarded bullshit like eighty more genders or worshiping thousand years old religions just to feel special.
well, at least she follows an European faith, kike lover
>European faith
>Not a bunch of shit pulled out of the Kabbalah, freemasonry and western esoteric tradition.
You realize that the viking stuff there is more advanced than the african stuff, right?
I live in Germany
Dear god, it's spreading in here too. I've never been so happy to live behind the former iron curtain.
>You realize that the viking stuff there is more advanced than the african stuff, right?
>posts pic thhat proves himself wrong
what did he mean by this?
Honestly, it's more a symptom of great living conditions coupled with alienation from society. Large cities in America may have been on the cutting edge of that, but now that conditions and prosperity is improving in Europe, it's over there too.
Any of your rural areas where life isn't so convenient and social ties are still relatively strong are exempt from these happenings.
>Having no reading comprehension
Let me repeat.
Did that get through your thick skull you retarded cunt.
Lel I knew a pagan girl too, except she didn't even get into euro culture. It was really a group for disparaged lgbt. She wouldn't ever shut the fuck up about it and gender issues. That's literally all she ever talked about.
sounds like gf material tbqh
Ooh gotta stop you there, I think the vast majority of "posing with a katana in my sick duster" pictures come from small Midwestern towns.
>Cletus is this mad he's actually defending primitive huts
You insert your benis in her vajina.Nothing else matters.
Northern crusades was genocide targeted at a ethnic group succeeding at completely eradicating the Prussian people.
>tfw you're an autist that can't help but be a special snowflake and you're surrounded by normies that could easily be normal but prefer to be edgy snowflakes for some fucking reason I can't fathom
Fuck her, tell me your wouldn't like to colonize that germanic pussy.
If I had a germanic girl i would chain her and make her call me "dominvs "
Get really mad and complain about to strangers on the internet and then proceed to do nothing about it or engage her in debate because you are a huge pussy
join a monastic order
arm and armor yourself
call yourself a crusader
learn latin
practice jousting
Don't do this. You would be even more of a larper than her
I'm done with this fucking board. It was good at first but holy shit. Why are people even replying to this 17 year old's made up story? How is this "History?" I'm fucking mad about it. Fuck you guys
I was there day 1
it was never good
t. 2007fag, if you joined after 2008 you're part of the problem
I've lived in the midwest for 25 years. It just gets worse as time goes on.
Outviking her and take her as your thrall
My man it's fucking summer what did you expect.
But seriously the combination of /pol/ raiding, r/the_donald endless brigading, and unabashed stormfront and Hitler worshipping posters will kill this board if the mods don't do something fast.
Do you Christians even study anything you talk about? Modern asatru is a primarily reconstructionist methodology and they've divorced most of the fluff people pulled from in the 70s
every time some christian says "LARPAGANISM LMAO" it's always these Crusader wannabes
is this Thor and Jormungand fighting?
>Dual-wielding axes
The issue will be sorted out when she tries to go ham on a pumpkin or some shit
How does she blocks? Not HEMA instructor but a thrust could easily fuck some barbarian waving axes like a mad man
>keeps referring to herself as a viking
>"northern crusades were an attempted genocide!!!"
She obviously have no idea what she is talking about
Integration into civilized society =/= genocide.
Just because you're not allowed to chimp out and raid your neighbours anymore, doesn't mean you're being persecuted.
no just pepe and wojak
>"northern crusades were an attempted genocide!!!
Well, I don't know if they were an attempted genocide, but it seems pretty clear that they were an attempted culturecide
I would LARP as a Phoenician pagan if such a group existed
Pagan-christian tended to be a two-way and this time it was the poles who started it. Then the Teutonic knights came in, fabricated a document and became the biggest chimpers in the region
raiding tended to be a two-way affair*
You know the Christians raided the Balts too, right? Point of fact, the Balts had actually been the victims of Christian aggressions in the region for over 150 years before the northern crusade got rolling. Also, "raiding" isn't some mystical pagan barbarian religious rite, it's a catch-all term for a kind of soft warfare approach that had as varied a list of reasons and justifications as any other form of warfare, and it was common amongst all people, even Christians who raided each other and people of other religions, although raiding was more common in certain types of political structures, particularly decentralized ones.
This guy knows what's up
Challenge her to a holmgang, if she declines shes not a real pagan.
If she accepts, rape her
Its a win-win either way
>t.æsåtru pagan from scandi
>dual wielding axes
fucking scrub
Jk, im not a delusional faggot who goes around screaming superior aryan race and "white is right"
>it was the poles who started it
>im not a delusional faggot
>t.æsåtru pagan
Then enlighten me, please.
>In order to enlarge his dominions, Konrad unsuccessfully attempted to conquer the adjacent pagan lands of Chełmno in Prussia during a 1209 crusade with the consent of Pope Innocent III. In 1215 the monk Christian of Oliva was appointed a missionary bishop among the Old Prussians, his residence at Chełmno however was devastated by Prussian forces the next year. Several further campaigns [2] in 1219, 1222 [3] failed, instead Konrad picked a long-term border quarrel with the Prussian tribes.
The poles pick a fight they can't win, have to be saved by their "allies" and then get abused by their new "allies" for a century or so.
Hitler was a delusional faggot tho
You know, just because im an æsåtru pagan doesnt mean i worship hitler, thats /pol/
Sorry for the confusion, tho i dont know what i could expect from some random user online
If Hitler was so smart, why's he dead?
Just be satisfied in knowing that she has absolutely zero idea what the pre-Christian peoples she's claiming heritage from actually believed or practiced, and she's a huge fucking dumbass. Let her have her fantasy if she wants it. There's no point talking to these people. They want a sense of history and belonging without putting in the fucking work.
There's a difference between some kids cosplaying out in the middle of nowhere and the types you find in the inner cities who legitimately struggle to find their place and turn to more and more bizarre forms of "identity." Mainly, the former eventually grow out of their phase or migrate elsewhere where they're better tolerated, while the latter hold on to what they've created with a deathgrip because they have nothing else in their life. One is an act of rebellion, the other is an attempt to fit in -- the motives are completely different.
Although, it's not to say small towns don't have their occasional counterparts to the above either, it's simply that they're more rare and when they do occur, they tend to have exceptionally bad relations with everyone nearby and flee to a larger place where they can be accepted or at least not ostracized.
the board was dead on arrival.
the mods don't give a shit.
I know sleipnir is the offspring of Loki, but so is Midgardsormen, Hel and Fenrisulven.
Also, your point being?
is it bestiality if your'e an animal while doing it?
bagans are cancer.
did the nords invent /d/?
Posting neo-pagans from Vice.com aint supporting your cause...
Its like you dont know the difference between Æsåtru pagans and neo-pagans, really gets the old noggin joggin
wtf i love paganism now
I mean, the teutonic knights raided their neighbors whenever they were pagan, orthodox or even catholic and they were under the rule of the pope.
which makes me wonder why the pope never defended his catholic polish subjects against the encroaching teutonic knights?
Posting neo-pagans from cripple-chan aint supporting your cause...
Yeah, thats neopagans, congratulations.
Again, whats your point? We can have a sensible discussion where you might learn something or actually come with arguments, or you can just keep on shitposting
If you can't beat a "female viking" in an argument when she's wrong... just...don't worry about it.
Im ashamed that those people call themselves Æsåtru, its enraging
Again, source?
You know, im actually interested in holding a decent conversation about Norse mythology and Æsåtru (as it should be) but it seems all people want to do is post pictures and live in their echochambers....
why does odin favor christians?
Seeing how you are asking me that question, im inclined to believe you have absolutely zero fucking idea what Æsåtru paganism is, and how it works
seeing how you dont answer my question im inclined to believe you are just a shitposter
>how it works
It doesn't.
Wow, someone actually wants to have a discussion on the subject? Well, from my understanding of the eddas, odin wasnt omnipotent nor god of life and death. The valkyries bring whoever they saw worthy to the halls of åsgard, while the rest went to hel, odin had very little to do with that process, and the eddas never state that he controls life and death, seeing how he dies in ragnarok himself.
But that and the eddas are folklore, not something "we" believe in. Whats important to us is our ancestors, culture, and nature. I believe the eddas are important, it shows us how to live and bring wisdom from earlier generations.
Short, i know. On mobile.
Anything more you wanted to ask?
One race chooses to live a simple life. One race is unable to live anything but a simple life
Those are actually goreans, based on fictional novels, nothing to do with neo-pagans
>posting muslim photo in norse thread
>That creepy wehraboo kid who would ACKTCHUALLY everything and claimed to be an expert at martial arts despite being 5'3 and 108 pounds who graduated at age 20 and turned out to be a wiccan who thought he could control fire with a raging diaper fetish and anime/mlp obsession