I've really come to hate postmodernism in all it's forms. does that make me a fascist?
I've really come to hate postmodernism in all it's forms. does that make me a fascist?
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& Humanities was a mistake.
>hate postmodernism in all it's forms
Doesn't make you a fascist, just someone with bad taste and no understanding of architecture.
>bad taste
>I've really come to hate postmodernism in all it's forms
Better burn every book you've read that was written after the 1920s, every TV show you've enjoyed, as well as all those exciting new history books and your video games!
Buzzword spewing idiot.
>everything since the 1920s has been post modern
>after the 1920s
Nigger, modernism was starting during that time.
>hating a trend means hating everything influenced by it to an extent
They all have elements of post-modernism, some of which carried over from modernism, which began a lot earlier than you claim.
Also if you really "hated" post-modernism and everything it has brought science, history and literature, you would hate everything I listed because its influence is inescapable.
These commie hacks had the right idea- en.wikipedia.org
I don't pecisely hate it but i feel like i exist in a world where the rebellion against the old order of things is ubiquitous and inescapable and i no longer have any connection to it, i dont know what we're rebelling against anymore, and where to go from there
Its a demoralizing confusion
>Also if you really "hated" post-modernism and everything it has brought science
What has postmodernism brought science other than a degradation of peer review and allegations of bigotry?
Degradation of humanities into feelgood garbage.
Chances are you probably don't -- you hate what you think is postmodernism regardless of whether it is postmodernism or not. It is mischaracterised a lot.
1920 is a fairly early time to claim for post-modernism even if early modernism did have elements of it. Post-war is probably the earliest I'd go.
>I've really come to hate postmodernism in all it's forms.
You do realize that you're posting this on fucking Veeky Forums, right? This place fits the criteria of postmodernism to a fucking T.
That said, if you hate 'high brow' contemporary art I can totally understand you. However if you think about it, the art world is right about the antithesis of post-modernism as it is generally defined, they just use the name in the same way as the DDR kept Demokratische in its name.
Postmodernism is based. 99% of the time when somebody is criticising "postmodernism" they're really criticism modernism.
well, as it turns out my hometown changes its symbol to this abomination. "Rebranding" they call it. I think its horrible.
They dont actually change the coat of arms but will display it less in favor of this piece of vomit.
its so wrong i dont even
where is that building from?
>when you get tumblr to graphic design your town
here is the coat of arms for reference and for your consideration
>implying i read any original productions (as opposed to historical research, analysis etc) published after 1920
filthy plebs
It isn't real, it's just art.
its shit
>uses the wrong decade
>gets promptly BTFO by multiple replies
Also, IIRC Lyotard, philosopher most closely associated with the actual use of the word, identified its (postmodernism's) beginnings with the postwar period.
so it's an edited photo? i was wonsering because i recognize the location but ive never seen that weird stuff on the building (it's actually tel aviv)
No, it means you have a shred of self-preservation.
is that the new macintosh plus album?
What do you consider "Postmodernism"?
>Better burn every book you've read that was written after the 1920s
>Implying any book written after the 1920s is worth reading.
Name a single book written after the 1920s that isn't dumb as hell.
that's real fuckin disgusting
Daily reminder modern architecture looks like shit because metal is the building material, rock building material always looks aesthetic.
It looks like they were trying to make it look like vaporwave but totally fucked it up. Here's my gift to the Finnish people.
It doesnt make you a fascist. I means you are still a human.
Issac Asimov's Understanding Physics Vol I, II, & III.
>Brave new world
>Catch 22
>Slaughterhouse 5
>The Great Gatsby
>The stranger
>American pastoral
>The colour purple
>Kite runner
I know this is bait, but there are literally too many to mention
the 80's is strong in this one. thank you
Nah. However due to how sloppy people are with designating what people are some can claim contemporary fascists promote post-modernistic thought with the whole "alternative facts" thing going.
He literally said that he hated post modernism in all it's forms fucker
Ronald McDonald's condominium complex.
No, it makes you sane. Liberal STEM professors hate it too.
I am still waiting
What pre-1920 books have you read that you would consider being superior to the post-1920s books I mentioned?
Postmodernity sucks and I say that as not a fascist.
>art I don't like
>real art
>art I like
every fucking thread