NEO General > Happy Bagholders Edition

>Smart Contract 2.0 platform launch on August 8th >Awesome AMA on Reddit
>New Website and better wallets incoming

Are we feeling bullish yet? What did you guys think about their answers?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not yet soon

Looking forward to the partnership deal with Bancor.

I couldn't be happier. I KNOW, dead certain, that NEO is going to make me rich. It's just a question of when.

When will the icon in blockfolio and bitterex change ,':^*

I wonder how many people have had the same thought about other coins lol

You know, I kinda have a feeling about this one. Most other coins seem to promise more than they deliver. If NEO is all about focussing on making an ACTUAL functional core, then the proof will be the pudding.

And Coindash. Then we moon fo sho.

pretty lame FUD, guys. it's almost like you NEO FUDsters are starting to give up :)

How large is the client right now? seems king of big for being so young. Thinking about getting into ans today.

Are there tutorials on how to set up a new wallet?

when Pajeet catches up on his data entry

The only problem I have, is that I didn't buy more while it was $4.80. People like to shit on this coin but it's held steady the last couple dips.

My bet is by the end of the month.

It's interesting how NEO is doing as well it is. It's in the infant stage. The devs have 0 interesting in marketing. It has performed better than others in the last BTC crash.

Neck yourself, chink.

I have 560 ANS. Can't wait till it hits $1000

Go back to /pol asshole

Think about how much NEO promises and how much they have delivered. Why is it any different again?

>No interest in marketing
Dude they just spent like a month on a rebrand and they still hasn't done it

>they still hasn't done it
go back to grammar school, pajeet

What do you mean? They actually have code and not just a pie in the sky whitepaper. They have promised what they have delivered and have been honest about their development and the scope of their partnerships. In my opinion they are 100% on track to realizing NEOs potential in the long term. And listening to the community of developers surrounding them means they care about delivering the best possible product.

Sick my big peneis poorfag that a breed of dog? :)

low IQ poltard

Dubs for neo

Check em....


dubs for neo

Dubs this time

should I get in on this or nah?

Can you check these dubs?

we're gonna make it lads

Summary of the AMA

When do i buy back in? Weekend dip just started right?

Cattish on ANS/NEO

Viperish on ANS/NEO

BTC is dropping again, so wait some more to get back in, or buy now and just don't think about it as it continues to dip.

>BTC is dropping again
it's not, it's going up

>In terms of Microsoft, yes we have cooperation with Microsoft China because NEO is built with C#

Reminder that they think all you bag hodlers are retards and you're proving them right by shilling their scamcoins.

we have cooperation with Google because we searched for cat pictures there

How did they hold a conference at the Microsoft Beijing office then? I doubt M$ just loans out conference space. Not shilling, just a nervous bagholder looking for at the very minimum a break-even exit.

>I doubt M$ just loans out conference space
You'd be wrong:

You got fucking gooked. These scammers have been deliberately misleading people for months about having significant working relationships with alibaba, Microsoft and JD. They came out today and officially announced it was just a prank, bro - we literally don't have shit.

they didn't claim to have a microsoft partnership

they were honest and cleared up this rumor in the ama

how many neo have you accumulated big boy?

>clear up weeks of deliberate ambiguity and half truths after the damage had been done and they'd pocketed millions from it.

their blog or whatever got translated to english before the conference and a couple retards on reddit and biz ran with this idea that they are partnered, they just had their presentation at a microsoft office

nobody with a brain bought neo because of this

they are not pocketing anything, read the white paper, the funds are locked up and released over time purely to fund development of neo

fuck off

>yes, we have a working relationship with Microsoft
>because Neo is coded in C#

Straight from the gook subhuman's mouth.

time to go back to /pol/

he did not say working relationship, and you are conveniently leaving out the context, in the very same sentence

i have a relationship with amazon, because i am a customer and i buy things from their website

that is called transparency, there is nothing ambiguous about the statement, it is right there in front of you

when do I stop seeing ants on my blockfolio and start seeing green polygons