Why does /pol/ delude themselves with that Christianity is a white nationalist warrior religion when its pretty passive and non-racist?
/pol/ and Christianity
Because /pol/ has never, even once, cared about actual truth values. See their continued obsession with the idea that a pizza parlor in DC is a front for a massive international cabal of pedophiles and that Hillary Clinton personally kills and eats children. Feels over facts.
>this is what anti white leftypol shills actually believe
Because they're not interested in Christian living or the life of churches, they're interested in identity and symbolism, so they view Catholicism in particular as a symbol of European patriarchal tradition.
T. Sneaky jew backstabbing leftypol double agent
lmao no
Is this history?
Is it humanities?
Why have you posted it here?
leftypol thinks Veeky Forums is their anti white safespace
God, I hate /pol/ so fucking much. The /leftypol/ bogeyman doesn't exist. People like you are universally disliked by anyone that isn't a part of your hivemind.
>God, I hate /pol/ so fucking much. The /leftypol/ bogeyman doesn't exist. People like you are universally disliked by anyone that isn't a part of your hivemind.
kill yourself, SJW
I'm not an "SJW" you malignant fucking aspie.
>I'm not an "SJW" you malignant fucking aspie.
kill yourself, SJW
I mean, god forbid someone just thinks /pol/ is stupid without being aligned to the radical left.
>not being a white guilt faggot is stupid
this is what the mainstream left actually believes
>says the faggot who can name subreddits
So it's either be a cuck, or be a nazi? You're beyond saving if you think in such extremes.
>not being a white guilt cucks means you are a nazi
your words not mine
I'll suck your dick if you don't fuck off, nigger.
aww, the leftypol shill is acting tough :(
Because they choose to romantice the middle ages, thanks to the refugee crisis and the violent acts of some of these people. Theres no intelegent reason the need it a symbol thats all
>It's not okay to think that /pol/ infests the board, get backlashed with "hurr durr there is no /pol/ bogeyman"
>It is okay to think that people who hate /pol/ are from an obscure board on a chan that most fags have never would have cared about if not for gamer gate
So there is no /pol/ bogeyman but there is a /leftypol/ one right? Even though no one gives a fuck about 8ch?
>Even though no one gives a fuck about 8ch?
Why are you trying to defend leftists raiding Veeky Forums?
There is no /leftypol/ bogeyman you big fat autismo
I'm not defending that shithole, I'm pointing out its irrelevance.
>There is no /leftypol/ bogeyman you big fat autismo
stop lying, lerftypol shill
fuck off /pol/ shill
fuck off leftypol
Fuck off /pol/
You have to be braindead to not know what The_Donald is even if you can't name subreds.
fuck off polroach
aww, the leftypol SJWs are out in full force
Get out of the computer lab and back to class sweetie
why are leftists so repulsive?
Im just gonna spam these
why are bootlicking polsheep so annoying?
>Im just gonna spam these
why can't you leftypol shills form any coherent arguments?
>implying you ever offered an argument
>calls others sheep
>worships Muslims and feminists
leftypol is so deluded
Not like you can either
/pol/ is mostly pagan now
>So there is no /pol/ bogeyman but there is a /leftypol/ one right?
Social justice is unnatural and contrary to the ethos of Veeky Forums therefore it can only exist here as an outside influence.
If Veeky Forums is the "internet hate machine" which is a more logical outgrowth of that worldview, /leftypol/ social justice or /pol/ style hatred and bile?
>posts an anti white leftist
why are you SJWs so stupid?
Veeky Forums has 250,000 different users every hour, /leftypol/ has like 800 users in total. How do you get it into your head that there are enough of them to effect posting habits here?
You can't tell the difference between Christianity and Christian Identity?
You're kind of dim, dude.
this is leftypol
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he did not exist.
>implying I even like mudslimes or whores
lmao deluded polsheep think if we aren't with them we are SJWs
I can't wait until Veeky Forums gets mods.
Cheers to everyone who volunteered to try and clean up "& humanities."
Yes, a braindead ledditor.
Go back.
>reee, just let me post my anti white propaganda is peace!
kill yourself, SJW
They're a death cult.
all leftists are anti white cucks, I bet you lick the boot of your local BLM chapter!
If jesus saw /pol/ he'd be appalled. No where in the new testament does it say to hate people. His message of peace, love, and brotherhood was total hippie commie bullshit. The old gods are where it's at.
Why do all leftists want to attack white people for not worshiping black supremacists?
why do leftyredditors try to colonise this board so much? don't they realise Veeky Forums is radically opposed to their psychopathic immoral and genocidal mental illness disguised as ''''ideology''''?
You do kow that /pol/ is the board with the most redditors?
Fanning the flames
>girls will bang me if i hate my own race!
this is what leftycucks actually believe
>t. a leftyredditor
Gee, almost as if some sort of "bowls" of "wrath" are being filled.
You seem to be under the impression that im not simply shitposting
Why are leftists so ugly?
Because of contrarianismand le fedora mene made christianity hip again plus christianity its considered "european".
That's not how you spell /tv/...
>pretty passive
It's not aggressive, but I don't think it's passive either
This is true
It's just meme LARPing 99% of the time. Christianity was largely centre in Europe for a long time and has a central place in European culture and histor. I imagine they also like the hierarchical nature of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. It's still fucking stupid to meme about bering a racist/nationalist because Christianity is probably the most cosmopolitan religion of all time.
>Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord!
Mene mene tekel upharsin
Believing that all men are entitled to God's forgiveness is not anti-racist, nor is the commandment to love thy neighbor, love does not imply total acceptance. If it did we would have to love the sin along with the sinner.
The story of the tower of Babel is evidence enough that God intended us to be separate and not one unified people.
Only if you take it as a historical account, which you would only do if you were a chucklehead. The books of the Bible come in genres; only certain accounts are historical. Grammaticism is cancer.
>Only if you take it as a historical account,
Are you retarded?
Even as an allegory it still contains the message that it is God's will that man be a multitude of people and not a unified society.
Why do redditors delude themselves with that islam is a tolerant hippie religion when its pretty expansionist and implicitly arab supremacist?
It's a folklore story about why people spoke different languages written before modern linguistics were even a thing. It's an OT story anyways, those primarily function in Christian tradition as giving context for the New Testament's teachings and linking the fundamentals of the Christian faith with its antecedent, the Jewish faith. Also, by your logic the story of Babel says that it's wrong to learn other languages and participate in cultural exchange, which goes against the Christ's explicit message to go forth and preach to every nation, that all may be made one through Him.
/pol/ and maybe /int/ used to be the only places to go to talk about history but even then it had to be about the context of the crusades and victories over Islamic hordes or Rome stuff. Heaven forbid anything Semitic or African be discussed analytically or even Indigenous American to a lesser extent.
A lot of anons with interest in history came here from /pol/ but the bigger issue has to do with compulsive shitposting.
Pic is the preemptive response to being called a buttflustered sjw.
I think they aren't really christian
Kinda like Hitler, just saying it so that he would get support
>& Humanities
This thread is bad any everyone involved should feel bad