What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The government lost the ability to change with the changing economics. Same thing happened around late 19th century.
2008 season happened.
Cold war legacy and being the sole superpower after 1991 leading to imperial overstretch. Combined with an overreaction to 9/11.
Philosophy doesn't contribute to capitalism. Why refine yourself if you can go through the motions—to school, to your job—and be a good little consumer—buying fidget spinners and iPhones until you're dead?
Overconfidence after 1991. America had another opportunity to basically rewrite the global order (the first opportunity was in 1945, when they were about 60% of the global GDP by themselves), to make things better. They got off to a good start with the Persian Gulf War, then fucked it up and decided to start intervening all over the world with no clear strategy or goal other than "muh freedom".
And now half the world hates them and the other half only likes them because they're useful. They were honestly more popular and influential when the Soviet Union was still around.
The Counter Culture movement.
Unbridled Turbo-Capitalism
Nothing. Go cry to your climate alarmist cuckolds.
Biggest meme in I don't know how long.
SJW and feminism
The delusions of the rest of the world
>Saved civilization
Name one trouble after WWI where the us wasn't part of the cause
Second gilded age, and rampant interventionist policies
The old WASP american was whittled away at and deconstructed. Who is an American any more? Who cares. America is a money transfer station for Chinese technocrats and Mexican day laborers now.
Being such a major world player our actions will always have some impact on issues all over the world. Being part of the cause is easy, being part of the solution is what counts.
Being the world hegemon has its downsides.
For how long tho? Looks like you cucked yourself with china
>Greece created civilization
Why are you even on Veeky Forums? The first civilisations were in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.
>1.3 billion highly nationalist people who don't mind living shittier lives to please their government with nukes
what can you even do
Nothing went wrong there. They killed the potato nigger Catholic. Should Lyndon have finished his wife, too?
Good job opening your his textbook. We are clearly talking about western civ as is made obvious by the context. I see all that critical thinking training they do in HS has paid off.
china becoming the world hegemon is a complete meme.
>What went wrong?
Nobody knew or agreed upon what the hell America was suppose to be. Of course the answer is that America is a business.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Western civilization was created my Mesopotamians you imbecile
Not him, but...
>Not taking the Danube pill
Yeah totally, because we obviously share so many traditions and cultural aspects with mesopotamians
Classic case of rich child with no parents around. With no enemies after the Soviet Union we had literally nothing standing in our way of making fools of ourselves like sole powers tend to do. Additionally, or industrious and individualist culture turns against us when we are the uncontested super power and need to make collective, calculated decisions because we affect the entire world.
Boomers and the 60's
This more than anything
1965 Immigration act.
South won.
This demented faggot is singlehandedly responsible for no level-headed moderate ever voting Republican again.
Inherent problems of having a presidential system instead of a parliamentary, plus deification of the constitution and status quo government structures making it difficult to make necessary reforms. Sprinkle in a ton of sp00ky nationalism on top that has made accurate understanding of the rest of the world and how the US compares near impossible for your average American to get.
Nothing, everything's fine here. We could do some work on closing the income inequality gap.
I really don't care what people across the world think of our retard president or our foreign policy. If they're dumb enough to base their opinion of an entire country on our politicians, celebrities, and Veeky Forums memes then fuck em.
Stay butthurt
>If they're dumb enough to base their opinion of an entire country on our politicians
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here, why would they not base their opinions of our country on the people who dictate our country's policy on the global front, especially certain politicians who institute a travel ban on countries whose people he said are a global threat or pulling out of a climate accord that only 2 (two) countries did not sign on to in the hopes of renegotiating a deal that would drastically favor US short term interests more than long term global economic prosperity. Plus when EU news outlets hear of how poorly the G-7 meeting went and see the tweets of our president they wonder how such a leader could continue to be so well supported by his countrymen.
>If they're dumb enough to base their opinion of an entire country on our politicians,
America is a Democracy. The people are the ones who elect the leaders. If the leaders are dumb, then the people are dumb.
America deserves this. The rest of the world made it abundantly clear they weren't going to tolerate that absolute retard Republican behavior, and Republicans held fucking back and went full stubborn retard on everyone with absolutely no compromises, honestly idk what the fuck they were thinking strolling in like some sort of dictatorship throwing executive orders everywhere and fucking up everything like there would be absolutely no consequences
Engaging in the Cold War and not just reaping the benefits of the post-war economy and eventually returning to isolationism
and because our government spends absurd quantities of money on "defense" spending when it should be addressing glaring problems like education, infrastructure, and corrections
September 17th, 1862
>imperial anything
>I don't pay taxes
>I wouldn't vote for a tax increase
The state government pays for a majority of interior works projects
Institutionalized corruption (lobbying) since the gilded age, consumerist cuture that promotes anti-intellectualism
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge"'.
Isaac Asimov, Column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)
>"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge"'.
>Isaac Asimov, Column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)
Holy shit this quote is so fucking true. As an American, I see this attitude everywhere like relativism, "just do what feels right," and contemporary brand loyalties (ie. iOS vs Anroird fanatics)
It's a symptom of marketing, which has permeated almost every aspect of life in America. Objectivity is marginalized in favor of relativism in a consumerist culture based on equally-meritorious individualist preferences. Politicians use marketing strategies when running campaigns and testing positions/slogans for popularity. Unqualified political positions on scientific matters are given the same consideration as facts they conflict with.
These are all symptoms of the economy's financiers' and owners' stranglehold on policymaking through lobbying, made palatable by an army of Madison Ave-style snake oil salesmen masquerading as subject matter experts
In the short term: Idiocracy actually happening.
In the long term: being a thing in the first place.
I love how you braindead morons have to fabricate some apocalyptic fairytale land where the country is in shambles to fit your narrative. America is still lightyears ahead of every other country on the planet in terms of wealth, military power, technology, medicine, etc... and hasn't even yet come close to wavering in any sector...other than not appealing to some beta Canadians and beta Europeans which I have found lately to be the most vocal about America's policies when it comes to shit you read online. Fuck off
There's no need to be upset, friend. Pointing out things you don't like about something shouldn't provoke this kind of hysterical rant
In idiocracy they listen to the smart person
who knows why they are like this
either way, they are pathetic
sorry its the autism
i stand by what i said tho
The Midwest is like a third world nation
Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, I can't use
Now give me money
That's what I want
That's what I want, yeah
That's what I want, wah
Sorry for the browbeating, I'm sure most people itt agree the post you replied to was pretty theatrical desu
Nothing if I had to guess. It feels awesome here. Idk how it looks from your side. I travel a lot and I'm glad to be back every time.
I can't tell if this is serious or not
t. Someone who doesn't understand economics
jews took over both major political parties and it became a puppet state of israel
merely a side-effect
to Veeky Forums western civilization is the ONLY civilization
Only slightly less than we share with ancient Greeks
basically really just 9/11
oh and Veeky Forums
Let's crash this
See the truth from the womb is a fool-proof plan to be doomed while the damned do they dances
So I move through the room like an animal fooling a master
But I don't got love for the hand with the food, matter fact I am drooling at that shit
I don't only bite, but I'm rabid
Try to pet my fucking head again and I'mma put a tooth through the flesh of the palm that you jack with
This city just screams black magic, and the threat to my heart got traction
Maybe should've never started this path
Every time I get a chance to advance, it's backwards
No thanks to my very own actions
Get a couple good drinks in the kid
I can flip on a friend, take a drug, fuck a chick that I shouldn't
Oh god, I am one of those mad men
Made in America home of the (eagle)
Home of the (anger), home of the (evil)
It's garbage by design. What can you expect of nation created of thugs and plebs migrated from Europe.
Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America
>to Veeky Forums western civilization is the ONLY civilization
Now i understand why this board isn't taken seriously anymore.
Prove it wrong.
They started to add stars for the new states and thus ruined the aesthetics of the flag.
>Prove it wrong.
I don't need to. Anyone can pick up a history book and see the claim that ''Western civilization is the only civilization'' is pure and utter delusion. Every civilization no matter how formerly great, has ended. The Liberal Hedonistic Materialistic Western civilization that you Lionize and glorify so much will not be any different.
Shows like Jerry Springer and shit showing the US for the degenerative state it is.
>democractically elected governments are not representative
Good post
/pol/ doesn't consider anything except Western civilization as civilization.
Veeky Forums does, and it triggers /pol/tards endlessly.
60 years of industrial grade propaganda has turned the general electorate into simple minded morons incapable of telling fact from fiction, truth from lies.
The human mind is very much like a computer. Garbage in == garbage out. American media is thoroughly saturated in propaganda of all sorts and kinds leading Americans into a morass of bad information, bad choices, and bad decisions.
The only way they can save their republic would be to outlaw lying, and raise the consequences to include even execution for the most grievous cases. But we know they will never do that because they've enshrined lying as free speech right along with almost everything else. Even libel and slander is damned hard to prosecute in the U.S..
Now every group of Americans with any axe to grind and a few dollars in their pockets can wage a propaganda campaign nationally on an industrial scale. And people no longer give a fuck about truth, honesty, facts, or ethics. They just make shit up and scream it loud and often till others start believing it.
This is true of everything from "global warming is a Chinese hoax" and "pizzagate", to "666 genders", and "Black Lives Matter". Everything, absolutely everything, is now a propaganda campaign.
Propaganda now permeates every news and information source in the U.S.. Nothing is safe, not even universities and govt. research institutions. You can't rely on anything coming out of the United States anymore. If a source is in any way associated with the United States, then it is probably propaganda.
In that environment, there is no way an average citizen can make intelligent, informed decisions. Not for living, not for buying, not for voting. The result is as you can see the state of American affairs today.
Reagan is a fine example of what I'm saying.
Look at Reagan's history before becoming Governor of California.
He was a propaganda mouthpiece for 30 years. He got the job because he was so charming and charismatic.
The national Association of Manufacturers used his charm and charisma in their anti union//pro business propaganda campaign for 30 years. 30 years in which he literally had "handlers" who shadowed him everywhere he went, feeding him pro business propaganda.
After 30 years, there was not a thought in Reagans head that was not put there by his handlers.
And the result is as obvious as it was predictable.
Nothing, in the end the country's gonna cannibalize itself
The only hope (and what is likely to happen), is an internal coup that ends up just being the CIA holding a gun to everyone's head while they reform the constitution. .
Success of the cold war.
Our democratic republic was never intended to rule the entire world nor was it designed to.
We'll lose the global hegemony thing someday but we'll never be a shithole.
The day the rest of the world volunteers to become like us is the day the world starts to straighten itself out.
Truth is overrated
Ironically enough, the phenomenon represented by Trump is its own cure.
We will pull back some from the world, focus on internal issues, and prepare for when we are ready to save everyone again.
Stoping eugenics and making the best region for empire get ruled by a bunch of consumer drones
What do you think
The fact that it is becoming increasingly non-white and the size of federal and local government is creeping ever larger.
this is a fucking travesty, and no one in the political mainstream dares talk about it
nah, ronny was probably the last good president. LBJ was the one who allowed tens of millions of spics and africans to flood into the country
It gained independence.
>There is no way for average citizens to make intelligent informed decisions
Please don't project your failures onto an entire nation.
A: The rest of the world not being America.
B: The government becoming hopelessly convoluted and overbearing in some areas after 240 years of democracy.
>Love of Jews
>Hatred of any dissent
>Hatred of modernity
It's literally everything wrong with America