>Created to protect Europe and its people from not only threats outside its borders but from within
>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
European Union had so much potential. What went wrong?
>Created to protect Europe and its people from not only threats outside its borders but from within
>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
European Union had so much potential. What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Got any actual arguments to back those hot opinions up?
EU is the only chance for Europe to stay economically and politically relevant in modern world. The alternative is sucking American and Russian cock.
The European Union was fine until the Euro. It is illogical to have so many nations with a shared currency with different policies. The EU must either centralize or decentralized the point at which they current find themselves is a poor limbo.
Yeah, that first is really dubious.
>single-handedly destroying Europe
>Doesn't provide an argument
>Expects OP to provide an argument to counter a non-existent argument to his own argument
Really makes you think
>statistically irrelevant number of brown people
>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
I'm not entirely sure I believe you.
If Europe wants to stay European they are better off allowing Russian colonization at this point.
>Created to protect Europe
EU as a single entity is a wet dream of all times globalists, its essential goal is to control European nations under single government.
>OP makes claim w/o argument
>Expects others to do it
Your logic is backward retardo
Dunno what Europe wants but it's not going to stay European, not with the amount of imported 3rd worlders. Unless they conceptually redefine what dos European means, inshallah.
>travel to Paris
>gypsies surrounding the outskirts trying to mug you and suck you off for cash
>blacks and browns spitting on me and raping random women on the streetas I walk into the city borders
>The few whites left are either miserable old people, wiggers, or hipster cucks
>Stand on the sidewalk to meditate while I reevaluate my racism and islamophobia
>As I open my eyes a truck runs me over
>>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
Going to need some sources that aren't "/pol/ told me so" famalam.
I bet you aren't even a EU citizen.
Do you have any proof other than /pol/ memeing ?
Ask those Korean tourists robbed in Paris.
>OP makes assertations with zero evidence or actual argument
>Ask anything of substance to clarify the post
>Nice argument bro
Are you serious?
Are you implying nobody was ever robbed in Paris before?
dumb phoneposter
>the EU was behind third-world immigration
Oh I get it, you're going all out.
Yes, EU is directly behind forced immigration faggot, is this your first time on the internet?
Like a whole bus taken aboard? Lolno
>created to protect Europe
It was created as an economic initiative, and to stop France and Germany destroying each other. Well to stop Germany destroying France at least
>European Union had so much potential. What went wrong?
It was used as a vessel for ambitious empire-building politicians, not to actually serve the European people. Jean Claude Juncker for example, the most he could achieve before the EU was becoming PM of fucking luxemburg, so now he's trying to build a continent sized empire to rule.
>statistically irrelevant number of brown people
6.3% is most certainly not statistically irrelevant, and that was in 2010. I don't even want to know what it is now.
Besides the problem is not so much the number, but the mindset behind the policies. Saying that immigration can solve the issue of aging populace is tantamount to admitting that the aim of the government isn't the citizenry's welfare but the economy's welfare. And even then, there are more indications that mass immigration is a long term disaster than there are that it's a short term advantage.
Basically yes. Not like it wasn't dictated by objecrive reasons but centralized import and distribution of migrants definitely comes from Brussels.
>Saying that immigration can solve the problem of the aging populace
Who says this though? Can you provide some evidence instead of just making baseless claims?
There actually can't be proofs of this because the french authorities literally outlawed racial and ethnic censuses.
Now why would such thing be outlawed? Who's gotta be afraid of the results?
>>Created to protect Europe and its people from not only threats outside its borders but from within
>>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
The EU is directly supporting the importation of boat-immigrants from north Africa and does nothing to stop it. Some even openly advocate it because we need "young labor" for economic growth.
These very same Africans then proceed to mass rape and assault young German girls on New Years Eve in Köln.
>Who says this though?
The british OBR for example: telegraph.co.uk
It bears mentioning that the EU as a decision making body basically doesn't exist. EU policy is basically whatever the fuck UK, France and Germany want it to be, so to have three proposers of mass immigration at the helm of the continent means condemning the whole continent to forced immigration. The smaller (and not so small but still basically irrelevant, like Italy) countries have been screeching themselves hoarse for the EU to take a stand, but it fucking won't. Courtesy of Germany and UK.
I could find a lot more sources but I really don't want to because this is a very common narrative and if you are not aware of that, that's your issue.
My bad guys, I assumed it meant governments bringing over immigrants to breed lmfao. I fully recognise the need for immigrant workers, especially in the uk
>single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
Yeah, it's totally like WW2 in Europe.
>muh Russians
Russians are the niggers of the white race. Why you /pol/tards idolize this shithole is beyond me.
Breeding services obviously included.
>I fully recognise the need for immigrant workers
You recognize the *need* for immigrant workers?
The EU has an 8% unemployment rate and the only types of jobs available are high skill stuff, yet you think it's a good idea to import ahmed who can't even read and write so he can be unemployed and ask for benefits?
You do realize that even the skilled working immigrants are cancerous, because they're willing to work trained jobs for minimum wage rates, and as such they absolutely destroy the job market, to the extreme detriment of consumption of all goods aside from bare necessities, right?
You do realize that it doesn't matter if your goods cost jack-fucking-shit (not that they do, they still cost more than chinkmade stuff anyway), because if people can't make meets end, they certainly ain't gonna buy comfort goods, right?
>Created to protect Europe and its people from not only threats outside its borders but from within
This is a complete myth created by EU cucks
Originally EU was a trade deal nothing more
It's sad the way libcucks have turned the burden of proof into a paper shield in order to justify their own adherence to a cynical death cult.
>Since the sun rises in the east....
Asking for proof that the globalist mandarins consider third world immigration to be a "solution" to low European birthrates, just exposes you as a low-information pleb that doesn't actually read the news and just gets his opinions from whatever is trendy.
American bitch, pls go to your orange clown and stop thinking of things you know nothing about.
>Originally EU was a trade deal
It most certainly was not. The EEC was a trade community (NOT a trade deal), but even that was born as a first step towards further integration.
The EU was always meant to be at the very least a supranational union (think UN with actual power) with a view toward becoming an actual federation. The Europe Declaration of 195a makes this fairly clear:
>"By the signature of this Treaty, the involved parties give proof of their determination to create the first supranational institution and that thus they are laying the true foundation of an organised Europe. This Europe remains open to all European countries that have freedom of choice. We profoundly hope that other countries will join us in our common endeavour."
I don't think you know what "forced immigration" means
>Created to protect Europe
THIS WAS NEVER THE POINT OF THE EU. You revisionist garbage people, the EU was always for the industry and corporate elite, not for Europe or 'europeans'. It's a power grab, a money thing, EU has been dictated by business interest from the very beginning, and when I say dictated I mean the EU literally has no will of its own, it simply imposes ideas drafted by private interest groups. National governments and the european public have no fucking input on what the EU does. The EU wasn't corrupted over time, it has simply become more efficient and powerful at serving its real purpose.
No it isn't you imbecile.
>There is more unemployment now then there was when commies and nazis burned down all means of production of the countries they invaded
Really makes you think
>i posted an image of an attractive young man, i win the "argument!!!"
Reminded me of that French fiction for now book where Morocco and Algeria joined the EU.
It's hard to stay unemployed when you're getting killed by bombs, you simpleton.
Also source on unemployment rates during WW2.
/pol/tards should stay in your retarded board.
Neither one of those statements is even close to accurate. The EU was never a military alliance, it's a free trade zone. Much like the United States is a free trade zone. And in both cases it's mostly worked out well.
Lack of acknowledgement of the importance and threat of class.
There is a certain group of people, separate from the whole, that have their own desires and motivations that are not conductive to the well being of the public. If you let them get in power they will direct society towards destruction to suck up the benefits for themselves and only themselves. Call these people whatever you like: globalists, bankers, (((the jews))), capitalists, Illuminati, etc. they essentially have an MO of destroying western civilization as we know it.
Refusal to admit this can happen made the EU vulnerable. Now it is run by these parasites and we're not allowed to talk about it.
Sounds like someone's rustled in Brussels...
>There is a certain group of people, separate from the whole, that have their own desires and motivations that are not conductive to the well being of the public. If you let them get in power they will direct society towards destruction to suck up the benefits for themselves and only themselves. Call these people whatever you like: globalists, bankers, (((the jews))), capitalists, Illuminati, etc. they essentially have an MO of destroying western civilization as we know it.
They created the EU. They have always controlled it. If you won't accept this we'll get nowhere.
lol fag
>The EU was never a military alliance, it's a free trade zone
The first part is true, the second is blatantly false if you are implying that its only a free trade zone. Foreign politicians have direct influence on parliamentary decisions in my country.
>The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty—whose main architects were Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand—came into force on 1 November 1993.
25 Year Rule, saged, reported and hidden.
>American Trumptard trying to understand world politics
Quite pathetic.
>le Russia meme
Russia is a dystopic petrostate on the verge of economic and social collapse, propped up only by a nuclear arsenal and lack of free press.
>The alternative is sucking American and Russian cock.
Top kek. The russians are an afterthought. It's USA or the fucking chinks nowadays.
Can amerifats be banned from this board already?
All these flavors and you chose to be salty....
>"destroy civilization" by bringing extended peace and prosperity
B-but, user, shirtless Putin hates the g-gays and librruls. He's our guy.
Greece is neither peaceful nor prosperous. Consider also the rising youth unemployment figures in countries like Spain or the rising worker poverty in countries like Germany.
>greek politicians and population lies for decades
>what is the bosnian war
>the EU is at fault for the bosnian war
nice /int/ tier posting. The EU politicians lied alongside their Greece colleagues because they wanted Greece in the political union. Now they refuse to do what is necessary to help Greece, to protect their precious political union.
>The EU politicians lied alongside their Greece colleagues
[citation needed]
>can't even prevent a war in it's own continent
Is this the power of /pol/ reasoning?
>if you are anti-EU you are a trumpian /pol/tard who wears a red trucker hat
>The EU is directly supporting the importation of boat-immigrants from north Africa and does nothing to stop it.
It has programs like FrontEx that try to control the outer borders.
>These very same Africans then proceed to mass rape and assault young German girls on New Years Eve in Köln.
There was no "mass rape". As it stands, it there is only one known case of rape there during that night, which isn't really as ordinary as people make it seem for a scenario where hundreds of thousands of people are partying and drinking alcohol. There were just many cases of theft and sexual harassment, which is very bad, too, of course. Also, the assailants were Northern Africans, so they aren't even "the very same Africans" you claim them to be, since you probably meant subsaharans.
>it simply imposes ideas drafted by private interest groups.
Lobby groups aren't limited to "evil industrialists", but also include groups such as environmental groups or Churches. They are also not a phenomenon limited to the EU.
>National governments and the european public have no fucking input on what the EU does
This is false. National governments are the driving force through the Council, they have a veto through the Council and can nominate the president of the Commission through the council, the public votes in the European Election for the European Parliament, which confirms the president of the Commission, can pass a vote of mistrust against him and dissolute the Commission at any time, in addition to also having a veto power against all legislation.
I'd set the starting date of this topic at the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (1950), so it's well within the 25 Years Rule. And even if you take 1993 as the starting point, you'd just have to wait one year for it to be allowed, too.
Krautchan is available if you don't like it here
Anti-EU people are usually well educated and knowledgeable about history and politics, yeah.
>so well educated
>so knowledgeable
>you go girl!
>Areas with high numbers of degree-educated people tended to vote remain
>try to control the outer borders
>>if you are anti-EU you are a trumpian /pol/tard who wears a red trucker hat
There's also the edgy teenagers who are in their contrarian phase.
>degree-educated people
>90% of them are useless arts degrees
>degree educated
Nobody cares about your women's studies certificate.
>>Ends up single-handedly destroying Europe and it's people worse than actual wars could
You utterly pampered little pussy.
Far more people were killed in matters of minutes, even seconds, in the last European war than all the combined people killed by terrorism in the EU since the Good Friday Agreement. Could you ever take the briefest break from quivering and cringing at memories of the time a brown person bullied you on the bus to just screen your thoughts through the slightest logical consideration.
Here's how they describe themselves. Tell me with what you disagree with:
Mission and Tasks
The mission of Frontex - the European Border and Coast Guard Agency - is to promote, coordinate and develop European border management in line with the EU fundamental rights charter and the concept of Integrated Border Management.
Frontex’s tasks include:
Monitoring migratory flows and carrying out risk analysis regarding all aspects of integrated border management.
Carrying out a vulnerability assessment, including assessing Member States’ capacity and readiness to face threats and challenges at their external borders.
Monitoring the management of the external borders through the Agency’s liaison officers in Member States.
Coordinating and organising joint operations and rapid border interventions to assist Member States at the external borders, including in humanitarian emergencies and rescue at sea.
Supporting search and rescue operations that arise during border surveillance operations at sea.
Deploying European Border and Coast Guard teams, including a rapid reaction pool for joint operations and rapid border interventions and within the framework of the migration management support teams.
Creating a technical equipment pool for deployment in joint operations, rapid border interventions and in the framework of migration management support teams, as well as in return operations and return interventions.
Providing support at hotspot areas with screening, debriefing, identification and fingerprinting; establishing a procedure for referring and providing initial information people who need, or wish to apply for, international protection; cooperating with the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and national authorities.
Supporting the development of technical standards for equipment, especially for tactical-level command, control and communication as well as technical surveillance to ensure interoperability at Union and national level;
Deploying equipment, border guards and other staff from the rapid reaction pool where urgent action at the external borders is necessary.
Assisting Member States in fulfilling their return obligations, including coordinating and organising return operations.
Fighting organised cross-border crime and terrorism at the external borders by supporting Member States in cooperation with Europol and Eurojust.
Setting up pools of forced-return monitors, forced-return escorts and return specialists.
Setting up and deploying return intervention teams during return interventions.
Supporting the training of Member States’ border guards, other relevant staff and experts on return, including the establishment of common training standards.
Participating in research and innovation in the control and surveillance of the external borders.
Developing and operating information systems that enable swift and reliable exchanges of information regarding emerging border-management risks, illegal immigration and return; cooperating with the Commission, Union bodies, offices and agencies as well as the European Migration Network.
Assisting in the development and operation of EUROSUR and the development of a common information-sharing environment, including interoperability of systems.
Supporting Member States’ coast guard authorities through cooperation with the European Fisheries Control Agency and the European Maritime Safety Agency; providing services, information, equipment and training, and coordinating multipurpose operations.
Assisting technical and operational cooperation between Member States and third countries.
>t. graduates of the University of LIFE
>what is Frontex
>what is the EU striking deals and bargaining with middle eastern and north African countries for them to withhold immigrants in their own borders
>what is the EU financing migrant holding centers across Africa so they can't pretend that they're waiting the visas procedures in Europe
Why don't you bring a single time the EU has acted out measures to impose immigration on Europe?
>Politics also helped Greece join the euro in 2001. Although it was not until 2004 that Athens admitted entry figures had been fudged, the dodgy numbers were an open secret in Brussels.
Can you people please stop asking for sources on things that are common knowledge? If you are ignorant of the EU and its history, do some research of your own. These are things that take 10 seconds to Google.
Diversity, liberalism and modern "culture" generally. You cant build anything based on non-values.
The only driver of that substance is economics and the legacy of old times.
You mean US and Chinese cock.
(But hey, at least Chinese cock is small.)
25 Year Rule
(EU was founded 24 years ago, and the shit you are alluding to is considerably more recent.)
lol well if they SAY it, it must be true!
The existence of non-corporate lobby groups doesn't mean the comission gives them comparable priority to the corporate lobby or even meets with them. The thing about industrialists isn't that they must be malicious, but that they have an economic advantage and use it to further their own interests that have nothing to do with the wellbeing of of the common man and rarely align with it.
>can nominate the president of the Commission through the council
>the European Parliament, which confirms the president of the Commission, can pass a vote of mistrust against him
Doesn't it worry you that the current president of the comission is the former finance/prime minister of a major european tax haven, and that neither the council nor the parliament objected to this? And who could forget such classics as Cecilia "I do not take my mandate from the European people" Malmström, a former MEP and the current commissioner for trade?
the problem is the last European war (whatever you think it may be) ended
Terrorism by mudshits is an ongoing issue
I first want to establish what would sufficient criteria be for you. Proving that they are doing some, all or none of that would be the next step.
Sadly, because you aren't putting forth any arguments, I'll have to do your work.
University of Veeky Forums actually, and I am on schedule to graduate magnum cums loudly.
>there are actually people arguing FOR the EU in circa 2017 CE
>since you probably meant subsaharans.
What? Africans are Africans you fucking retard. You are literally trying to justify rape and assault by saying "they were just North Africans" and "it was just sexual harassment".
I can not believe that you would allow young girls to suffer through something like that and then try to pass it off as "there was only one actual rape!". It literally disgusts me and frankly you are a pathetic person for not wanting to protecting young children from such atrocities.
>It has programs like FrontEx that try to control the outer borders.
You mean the literal ferries that pick up African immigrants half a mile off the coast of Libya and then transport them to Italy?
>Its okey for muslims to commit acts of terror because in the past worse things happened
Mind if I kick you in the fucking teeth lad? After all, do you know how bad WW2 was?