The fuck are we supposed to do with this Bitcoin Cash bullshit? Buy up after the BTC faggots try to dump? I'm rather confused.
The fuck are we supposed to do with this Bitcoin Cash bullshit? Buy up after the BTC faggots try to dump...
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dump it, its another shitcoin. its by the fuck your mother if you want fuck guy. btw fuck that chink
Bitcoin Cash is a fucking scam. A currency created with a two unique purposes which are to generate money for the people who are promoting this putaria and devalue the bitcoin.
Or as soon as Bitcoin Cash is released people play in exchanges for 1 sat or they will devalue Bitcoin.
I'm holding for a year if ETC is anything to go by.
>if ETC is anything to go by
it's not really
ETC is the original Ethereum, this is a shitty scamcoin
The faster bcc dies the faster btc goes to 5k
You won't have a chance to sell before it hits 0 so don't worry about it
Look at it from its first day to now. It has gained. I know its shit coin but purely in terms of investment it's worth it to hold if all of you faggots are just going to dump it day one. Literally free money either fucking way.
this. whales are gonna dump it so fucking fast
Which exchange is handing out this fake coin? Coinbase?
And it is because of this kind of bullshit thought that Bitcoin will be devalued.
I'm not going to buy any Bitcoin Cash and I think anyone who pays more than a satoshi so he's an idiot.
This, that's why I'm not even sitting on btc during fork. It will go below 10$ per coin in less than an hour.
If the imbeciles who own Bitcoins understood THE MINIMUM of economy they would understand that there is no such thing as a business of gaining something for free. There is no such thing as winning a free coin because of the fork.
What will happen at the exact moment of FORK is that Bitcoin will be worth 1/2 of what it was worth minutes ago and Bitcoin Cash will also be worth the same as the Bitcoin that is 1/2 of moments ago.
Obviously over time Bitcoin Cash will be devalued but Bitcoin's value will be dependent on this Bitcoin Cash devaluation. So if it is devalued as fast as possible and remain undervalued Bitcoin will return to its normal value.
But what about the ETC experience?
This. Summerfags think BCC will pump like ETC lmao
Exactly...I'm not the only one thinking it...there are a fuck ton of chinks thinking it as well. Remember that the next time you praise the chinks when everything goes bullish once their slitty eyes open on a bear market.
I will try to give you a very short explanation of how inflation works because here is not the space to give long explanations, and even this short explanation will be long because it is necessary because I saw that you do not understand very well how this works.
Imagine that I have a safe with tons of gold stored and print a paper and this paper is worth all the gold that is in the safe. Now suppose I print another paper. How much will the first and second be worth? It will be worth 1/2 of what was the first one I printed.
Suppose I print 100 now. Each paper will be worth 1/100 of the gold reserve I have.
That was basically how money worked. Nowadays it is based on practically in the air. The gold reserve no longer exists and the value of that money is based on a reliance on the currency and domestic production of the country.
What happens with the bitcoin fork is as if the Central Bank printed double the coins and put everything in circulation immediately. Can you understand?
It is a way to circumvent the original idea of Bitcoin and the reason many people have agreed that it was the algorithm that did not allow the generation of more Bitcoins beyond what was established at the outset.
For them who are miners it will be good because they will be able to generate much more wealth at a faster rate than they would now with Bitcoin, and will do so at the expense of harming those who are investing without mining by devaluing their currency.
I do not know if I was very clear because English is not my native language, but if I did not, patience.
At the exact moment of the fork BCC is worth 0 and BTC is worth 100%
>But what about the ETC experience?
In the case of Ethereum inflation also occurred but was not so noticeable because the ethereum is in a market competing with several other currencies and inflation is divided with it.
But in the case of Bitcoin it is much worse because Bitcoin serves as ballast to other currencies.
worth looking in to guys
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>handing Monopoly money to anyone holding US currency devalues US currency
so nocoiners should buy bitcoin on aug 1st after the fork because the price will tank?
lol, you're fucking retarded
this isn't a stock split, this is an ALTCOIN. Many will not even support it. Coinbase being #1.
People have traded futures on it to 400$, that is its stand alone value.
This link is broken.
Here's a working part to replace at the end ?ref = ReCkBODQ
ok, so I have my btc in a paper wallet, shit forks, now I have for example 1 btc and 1 bcc. Do they have the same private key? if I sell 1 bcc do I still have my btc?
The eternal whale will surely try to pump it at least once