>against capital punishment unless absolutely necessary
>against the war with Austria
>against the dechristianization of France
>originally against the establishment of the republic
>against the June 20 uprising and the September massacres
Why was he so right about everything?
Against capital punishment unless absolutely necessary
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot :
>instituted a maximum price for common items such as bread
>saved the french financial system
feeling warm and fuzzy yet?
A sad thing, to be killed by the very thing he loved so much...
>this pleases the crazy extremist
Why debate or reason with your enemy when you just kill them indiscriminately?
>against capital punishment
At first, before his illness, you are correct. Then he went batshit crazy. Robespierre before his illness was not a bad guy, in fact he had a really cool philosophical system, and he worked on all of those good things you mentioned. After his illness, he went crazy.
Sorry but the French Revolution was violent from the very beginning. At a certain point, Robespierre realized it was "kill or be killed" and made adjustments accordingly. Robespierre was a politician, not a philosopher.
Saint Just was the main architect of the terror you absolute retard
And it's not like the tribunal didn't occasionally acquit people, or that Paris wasn't a place where paranoia was unjustified
>was against executing Marie Antoinette (at least until his enemies began to threaten him for being against executing her, and he withdrew his complaints and simply let them continue)
>was against executing Madame Elisabeth
>wanted the 2 royal children to be traded for French POWs instead of being kept imprisoned
Most of the crazy things that people think Robespierre did come straight from his political enemies, most of whom were only too happy to pin everything on him after his execution so that they could deny their own actions. Bizarrely, most of the political revolutionaries who survived the revolution were the butchers--the extremists and murderers who lived long enough to pin everything on those that died before them.
because he is perfect and asshurt royalist edgelord shits who'd be fucking fucking peons in the system they jerk over need kill themselves
Only good liberal tbqh
Also i highly recommend Virtue and Terror
t. sans culottes
unless you're noble and have a land named after you you're a sans culotte too dumbass. I'm honestly in disbelief when I see kids who know nothing besides anime and jrpgs call themselves reactionary monarchists out of contrarian edgyness; you fucking idiot you're defending a system that ended two centuries before your whore mother squeezed you out her cunt. The republicanism gave you everything retards
>price controls for anything ever
>Why was he so right about everything?
Get on my level, chump. I was right about the whole fucking revolution before it even started.
t. Jacobin rabble-rouser
>have a land named after you
You got it backward here bud.
Nah, being part of the bourgeoisie also allowed ypu to afford knee-britches
>hurrr it going 2 fast!!!!11!!!!
Yes Burke, thank you for your input
>I'm honestly in disbelief when I see kids who know nothing besides anime and jrpgs call themselves reactionary monarchists out of contrarian edgyness; you fucking idiot you're defending a system that ended two centuries before your whore mother squeezed you out her cunt
kek, this
no doubt they envision themselves as knights living in a perfect society
pour plus d'eau à ton moulin based Henri Guillemin explains it all :
Shame you can't appreciate Burke
Daily reminder that the Irrcorruptible did nothing wrong
Also this. Anyone not of noble blood who is enjoying any freedoms and rights at all owe their thanks to Republicanism and the French Revolution
>paying a loaf a bread for the equivalent of 5 days of work.
> being this much of a merchant cocksucker
I see you're a connoisseur of the finer things
Guillemin est vraiment pas mal, mais ça reste ses bouquins qui sont les plus exhaustifs
Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Robespierre the Just?
I thought not. It’s not a story the monarchists would tell you.
Saint-Just was Robespierre's bitch
>Saint Just was the main architect of the terror you absolute retard
Not really. The law of 22 Prairial Year II was mainly supported by Couthon and the Sans-culottes. Initially, it wasn't suppose to establish a system of "Terror", it was a legal mean made to discriminate the counter-revolutionaries (and the Federalists) subject to death penalty and the rest (in this regard it is very similar to the "intentional question" under the Thermidorians).
The main problem was that the executive power of "the legitimate state violence" was the Committee of General Security where the robespierrists (David and Le Bas) were in minority. Vadier, Amar and Bayle were against the Committee of Public Safety's hegemony and purposely denatured (with Fouquier-Tinville's help) the law of Prairial.
>Bizarrely, most of the political revolutionaries who survived the revolution were the butchers--the extremists and murderers who lived long enough to pin everything on those that died before them.
True, Fouché, Turreau and Tallien played their cards brilliantly (and when Robespierre wasn't enough, Carrier made a fantastic scapegoat).