Why is loneliness and isolation so rampant in today's western society?
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We evolved in small communities of a few dozen people where we knew and recognised everyone
I don't think it is.
Veeky Forums doesn't represent such a large segment of people, bro.
Capitalism. But do we really want to go back to oppressive village mentality?
Probably comfort.
I think back in the day, you had to figure out some kind of a way to make a living and belong to something. Belonging to something was the norm, be it the army, the church, or your father's trade.
The last generations have nothing to fight for, so it's full of empty wanderers with no direction or motivation.
Just be yourself, dude.
Facebook and video games were designed by introverts to cater to introverts.
Mainstream extroverts wanted "in" on that. This led to increased isolation/loneliness for the major extrovert people.
I'd say it's even more rampant in the East.
I isolate myself because I feel I live dishonorably.
Because its easier to travel the world then visit your neighbors.
Thats one of my fears. Dishonor, even more when you are autistic like me
There has been an increase in feelings of isolation and loneliness in a lot of urban dwellers, its not just neckbeards.
Mostly SCALE.
Just look em in the eye and give a nice firm handshake
Could be your diet causing depression and isolation tendencies. There's an interesting feature of inflammation- our immune system's response to sickness- that leads us to remove ourselves from the heard- by not wanting to be around others, which prevents or lessens the transmission of disease. It's been evolutionarily beneficial in the long run, but these days diets high in animal products and sugar produce the same inflammation and are linked to depression, anxiety, suicide, and unsocial behavior. We know this link is diet related because anti-inflammatory medicines were given to people exhibiting these issues and the depression, anxiety, and sociability of people improved.
Besides, why aren't you already on a whole food plant based vegan diet free of refined carbs and refined sugars anyway? Are you just another willpowerlet that can't handle making responsible choices when it comes to food?
I think I'm slightly autistic, also I'm still a KHV at 23 so I feel like I am meandering on the edge of the abyss with normalfaggotry slightly slipping away from me
That is my answer personally, but in general I don''t know, I hate when normalfags talk about lonliness with 300+ fagbook friends
We no longer depend on our communities to avoid destitution. Likewise communities don't have to include everyone in religions and festivals to prevent chaos.
There are some sociological explanations.
What is the point of standing up to bullies if you will be punished along with the bully? Most boys would rather go home and play video games.
In the modern world there are multiple subcultures which means more freedom but makes it more difficult to fit in. The fedora was probably popular among the socially awkward because it harks back to a time when all you had to do to fit in was wear a suit, a fedora, shower and be polite.
doesnt critical theory spend a great deal of time addressing the dehumanizing and atomizing effects of capitalism and modernity?
it is just skapegoating, not real answers
Have you read any?
well theres a surplus of young men since we aren't going off to die in territorial conflicts anymore.
also, probably something to do with capitalist individualist mentality and basically the erosion of any sense of community.
> 300+ fagbook friends
you do realise that no one interacts with the vast majority of facebook friends. and even when they do its just a superficial "like" on some acquaintance that you pretend to care about
Why don't you download tinder, swipe right in everyone, chat up any matches you get until an acceptable one takes a liking to you, and fuck her?
If you're in a city with millions, the odds are almost 100% that you can find someone to fuck. Even in smaller towns like mine it works pretty decently.
You'll probably feel better about yourself after you've been balls deep in a couple of sluts.
there's probably easier, more surefire ways to contract VD
Fuck, that must be explanation I've been afraid of realize.
We no longer think as a collective, and as a result, have started to embrace the cult of individualism. We're living in a dying, declining society that is getting more and more depraved and hostile as the days and weeks move by. People feel afraid, threatened by this, and as a result, fortify themselves in their own homes and 'safe spaces' where they can be themselves without the fear of being ostracized or threatened by contemporary society.
the death of god
Really makes me think...
This. You can thank the Cultural Marxist Jews who studied and taught at the School of Frankfurt that started "Critical Theory" where nothing is objective, and everything is subjective, thus leading to a non-collective society that is not united.
"society" and "socializing" is for mouth breathing knuckle draggers and fem brained cucks lmao
This is the future you choose
Read my book.
wish I knew
I just feel out of touch with people. I've lost all my social skills in recent years
Thank you, father.