What's stopping me from practicing more than one religion? Why shouldn't i practice them all?
What's stopping me from practicing more than one religion? Why shouldn't i practice them all?
because they contradict each other, you cant just cherry pick beliefs without paying for it in the afterlife
you will end up making one religion by syncretism
both of these
Because most of them have rules against doing that?
Do it.
The next step in the process of globalisation is the creation of a "World Religion". What you're thinking of doing is the way to this "World Religion". Historically it did happen before (the fusion of 2 or more religions) one such example is "Hermes Trismegistus" who was worshipped in the Roman Empire, it's an amalgam of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian Thoth...
Nothing is stopping you. Do as you like.
Or its warfare until only one survives.
So what's the world religion going to be. My money's on some kind of Bahaism.
Because it doesn't make sense. God cannot be Unitarian, Trinitarian, or a multitudinous pantheon all at once.
Part of the beauty of the world's great religions is that they developed and thought about the divine for centuries, developing rich traditions of thought and ritual that you cannot just pick and choose from dishonestly, like a shitty buffet. Their jewels lose their luster when you pluck them from the crown.
It's also incredibly lazy and non-committal. Go "be spiritual, not religious" someplace else, dumbass.
That's a possibility...
there was a hippy chick in my core english class freshman year of college who unironically thought that if you made a syncronized version of christianity and islam you would create world peace
I am thinking something close to Roman Imperial cultism and other mystical mumbo jumbo
Too faggy to survive ressource wars.
I think the current monotheistic religions are a little tough to crack compared to old polytheistic ones, though.
It's hard to meme the muslims out of a meme that their holy book is the unaltered word of god.
Quranism could take over at best for maximum change.
That or Islam burns itself out somehow
Well this is different... No "new" religion is going to emerge as a branch of an already established one (Christianity,Islam etc), but rather all religions are going to be fused into the "Strongest one"... like the weaker twigs being twisted on the strong branch (I hope someone understands my autism)
Whatever floats your boat, Pi
Realistically? Nothing.
At the end of the day, just do what feels right to you. So long as your system of beliefs is internally consistent it has the same chance of being right or wrong as literally any other religion.
Isn't that what Unitarians are?
This is how shitposting starts
religion is the pursuit of truth. there can be only one truth. If there is a God, why would He contradict Himself by revealing different and contraditory truths to different people?
>paying for it in the afterlife
^The only reason weak fools like you get tricked into wasting their whole live as a slave for xyz religion.
Make me afraid of a place that probably doesn't even exist ooooh there is a solution?
Stop thinking ? nvm never did that anyway
Give you money? sure lad I mean you give me something for it right?
>religion is the pursuit of truth
No reason and logic are the only way to reach truth religion requires faith.
faith= excuse people give when they have no evidence to believe something