In 1600 the Habsburg family controlled this territory between its two branches. Has any other single family ever wielded so much power?
In 1600 the Habsburg family controlled this territory between its two branches...
>inb4 Rothschild
The British monarchs?
the british monarchs were heads of state in great britain but only owed as much land as they do in England. The Hapsburg treated their empire as personal property. Not really the same.
>""conntrolling"" the whole of the HRE
The Nerva-Antonines.
>The Hapsburg treated their empire as personal propert
No they didn't.
Why would that be a bad answer?
Who are this "Habsburg" you people keep talking about?
t. Casa de Austria
Casa de Habsburgo, my aztec friend.
Britain was a paper tiger.They were never able to project power in Europe without France.The Habsburgs were literally the world's police.They were things from controlling European politics to Asian piracy
>Spanish Austrian Netherlands
EUIV memester.It was Flandes+Brabant who belonged to the duke of Burgandy who was the king of Spain
Saxe-Coburg Gotha.
>Britain was a paper tiger.
What time period are we talking about here.
>What time period are we talking about here.
XIX century overall.It was pretty much proven in Crimea and during the German unification
>saxe coburg gotha
>coburgs (literally every monarch in Europe besides France, Bulgaria and Spain in ww1)
>gengeis khan's harem
>de Luxembourg
Whoever was king of Hungary and Poland and Lithuania
This around the diet of worms, so it's actually quite centralised
Modern Austria shouldn't exist as a republic. Habsburg restoration or absorbed by Germany - REEEEEEE