Who was the true successor of the Roman Empire?

Who was the true successor of the Roman Empire?

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Those who brought about its demise.


>turkey is the modern day Rome
>Erdogan is the modern day Augustus

The Germans?

Objectively, the Ottoman Emoire, as they took over the land held by the last incarnation of the Roman Empire and made its capital their's.

Debate me faggots

no one god damn it. it ended in 1453. get over it

By that logic Italy is the current Roman Empire because they have the Italian peninsula and Rome in their hands. Or maybe the Arabs were the Persians now when they conquered the Sassanid Empire. Or maybe the Mongolian Empire was suddenly Chinese after they conquered China.

Ridiculous logic. The Roman Empire ended with the ERE's death.

>Or maybe the Mongolian Empire was suddenly Chinese after they conquered China.

But that's literally what happened. The Yuan dynasty is considered a Chinese empire.

In the West, no one.

That's why the dark ages were dark.

The Chinese claim anything that conquered them as "Chinese". That's not how it works in the West.


By conquest and blood it was the Ottomans.

America is the new Roman Empire

The Vatican.






Soon to be "was"

kys yourself

Venetian and French crusaders? Disgrace

Where were you when Helsinki became the home of the Romans? :^)

Spain's king inerithed the byzantine empire title since the king in the 1500s bought it

How the fuck can you claim you hold the title and right to sell it when your not even a actual Emperor? It is one thing if some other asshole took your throne but the Empire literally lost all it's land. This is some Donation of Constantine tier shit.


Muscovy is Best 3rd Rome


Spain's claim is legitimate. The Patriarch of Constantinople crowned the Ottoman Sultan's as Qasr-al Rum (Caesar of Rome) among a host of other titles. Rightfully, by the rules the Byzantine used, the Spanish monarch (and the monarchs of Russia and France) became the Caesar of Rome when the title was sold to them.

The only way Spain isn't the legitimate heir to Rome is if Byzantium wasn't Rome or had no claim to the title of Rome.

The Patriach of Constantinople doesn't have any power to claim who is Roman and who is not, just as the Pope didn't have any right to crown Charlemagne Emperor of Romans. That's why neither the Ottomans or the Franks had any legitimacy. Ottomans conquered the ERE and destroyed it. Anything after that is just pure LARP-ing. It's even more ridiculous because the Ottomans were Muslim and one key part of the Roman Empire was that it was Christian and it pretty much introduced Christianity to Europe. To claim that Muslims have any relation to that is, as I said, nothing more than pure LARP-ing.

Please, as a politician August was just on another level.
And how the fuck can you compare Turkey to Rome.

Unironically the Spanish empire was a carbon copy of the roman empire
>Provinces were ruled by a captain
>Regions by a governor/viceroyalty
>Romanization/hispanization of the conquered land
>Cultured and diplomacy based on military might
>Worship of war
>Empire based around cities and their quick expansions
>Latin culture
>Catholic christianism
They were pretty similar empires burocratically and structurally

I want the meme that the Byzantine was truly Roman to end. Even when the empire was officially whole the two halves were deeply divided culturally.

The crown of ERE was transferred by the patriarch of constantinople, Genadios II to Mehmet ll after the fall of constantinople, Ottomans really are the successor of ERE, also:

>Mehmed also had a blood lineage to the Byzantine Imperial family: his predecessor, Sultan Orhan I, had married a Byzantine princess, and Mehmed claimed descent from John Tzelepes Komnenos.

>one key part of the Roman Empire was that it was Christian
That's what the pagans would've said about themselves while getting christcucked

I have a blood lineage to the Byzantine imperial family too. Makes me that the successor of Rome now?

f*ck off

[Citation needed]

Still brake apart after the first successful attack on the central state. Literally their captains could never been more loyal than Sertorius to the Senate and that's an irony.

Rome didn't have to deal with liberalism though. Besides outside of the punic wars when they barely had any colonies Rome was never directly attacked the same way Spain was