*provides you with a secure, solid, and private currency*
*provides you with a secure, solid, and private currency*
Other urls found in this thread:
*allows you to safely buy stuff on the black market"
I'm sold.
*finally able to buy a slave*
Nice, just bought 100k
Some newer masternode coins do the same thing and also incorporate mixing in the construct.
but are those coins made by fluffy ponies?
Such as?
I hope you don't mean pivx or dash
I do not.
I believe this coin just proves that people don't really give a fuck about muh anonymity or muh decentralised bullshit.
Does anyone believe this coin will be amongst the top 3 crypto in 5years time?
>Has infinite inflation like fiat.
No, just no.
no way. normies think "if im not doing anything wrong then why do i need privacy?" they use the internet to chat with friends and look at cat pictures, and they buy drugs in the real world like a normal person. only Veeky Forums pedos need monero
It will definitely be top three because a lot of people are actually interested in their privacy despite not doing anything wrong. It is called being born before 1980.
The black market will single-handedly make it top 3
Black market, money laundering, etc.
Fuck up faggot
It doesn't matter what normies think. By the time normies start regularly using crypto, the top coins will already be determined.
its going to 4 years of existence soon and it keeps getting better, it will surprise shitcoiners.
How about the permanent inflation though?
it starts at 0.87% in the 2024 or something
pls nigger.
Ok looked it up and found this:
3. Reduced inflation .
Monero had a pretty quick emission curve, but that has a positive side effect: reaching acceptable inflation rates pretty soon.
2017----------------12,87% -- Similar to DASH (12.69%) and Litecoin (12.5%)
2018----------------7,07% -- Under DASH (10.55%) and Litecoin (11.11%)
2019----------------4,06% -- Similar to Bitcoin (3.97%)
2020----------------2,38% -- Under bitcoin (2.63%)
2022----------------0,91% -- Tail emission kicks in somewhere this year
Less inflation means smaller sell pressure from miners, if the buy pressure remains and/or increases, price should increase.
2016, with an anualized inflation of ~25% was a great bull year for Monero, and placed it in the eye of thousands of crypto-enthusiasts, traders&speculators, and what is the most important: DARKNET MARKETS (all of them representing demand of monero tokens).
So I guess the FUD on here was a load of bull. Good thing I already own 13 monero with 150 more on margin
Who's paying you to shill this? It's not even subtle.
its probably some bitcoiners with voyeurism fetishes
or worse some mETH heads that do no know how bad inflation is in ethereum.
Nothing of that, I just got fudded with some bullshit in an earlier thread
>Monero had a pretty quick emission curve
the funny part is ethereum was premined 72million out of the 90million in circulation
and no one even blinks
*shilling intensifies*
>have bitcoin
>bitcoin moons
>im in lamboland
>btc tracking services allow people to see im in lamboland
>harassed from friends and family asking for gibs
>doxed with my bitcoin address
>tracked by goverment and get my balance (((taxed))) to nothing
>become nocoiner
>have monero
>monero moons
>im in lamboland
>stay in lamboland
This. This is why privacy matters even if you unironically believe the (((nothing to hide))) meme.
A scam coin. Wow what a new thing, Veeky Forums faggots are shilling another scam coin. Here is your moon mission.
>posting the Ztrash fud AGAIN
I hope you're at least getting paid to do this.
>implying it's fud
hackingdistributed has been right about nearly everything in the cryptospace over the last 6 months and your link doesn't refute any of the points in the article
its a shilling platform for Ethereum.
go suck emirs dick out of my sight.
its fud its been completely debunked, no one cares.
>0-mixin transactions are traceable, checkmate
Are you even trying? 0-mixin transactions have been banned since 2016. If you weren't a newfag, you would have known this instead of falling for the ZEC meme.
>no coin mixing
i'd never use this coin to buy anything private tbqh
also fluffy is a brony faggot and is mentally ill
forgot the pic
*devs are self entitled little bitches that will fuck up the price to teach you stuff*
The technology behind Monero is probably the least scammy in the entire crypto market, from a development standpoint. kys
It was a paid FUD Zcash hitpiece that was debunked by XMR devs and only highlighted known but fixable issues.
>being this myopic
Nothing wrong with them being principled in their beliefs. It makes the currency stronger in the long run.
you are confusing with DASH
Are you autistic you fucking retard? Do you have problems with social cues? That tweet you posted is very clearly sarcastic.
Sorry. Will delete
I like the example on the monero site
>have bitcoin
>pay for something with it
>every dindu within 100 miles now knows how much money you have and is coming for you
>The technology behind Monero is probably the least scammy in the entire crypto market
not true. They been selling themselves as privacy oriented but they had holes and bad practices on their nodes that would let anyone know exactly who is doing what on their blockchain and they actually started working to fix it less than a month ago.
Meanwhile, they think they are the hottest shit around.
>being this deluded
yeah, because screwing up the people using your coin to teach a handful of faggots on a exchange a lesson it's the way to go. Only a kid would think this is the way to do it and only a faggot with no balls would not keep the one with stupid ideas in check.
>It was a paid FUD Zcash hitpiece
No proofs for this claim I see. good job.
at least i'm not gay
why are you still sucking his dick
heres your proof you idiot:
>The Miller paper, from my reading, looks to make a certain assumption about non-deducible transactions based on the deducible set, then develops a decision rule based on that. Disregard for a moment that we have a minimum ring-size now, and thus the deducibility of transactions "damps out" over time as transactions ripple through the network. Note they don't bother testing whether the properties of non-deducible transactions correlate with the properties of the deducible set, because they can't test such hypotheses with non-deducible transactions.... they are non-deducible. So... to be clear... these guys develop a decision rule based on an unfalsifiable hypothesis (e.g. timing distribution between deducible transactions and undeducible transactions are similar, since the most recent signer of a deduced transaction is usually the one that is deduced to be the true signer, the most receng signer of an undeduced transaction is usually the signer, etc), then construct a monte carlo simulation based on that same unfalisfiable hypothesis, and then showed their decision rule did a good job with their MC simulation. Okay, so far I'm not seeing a security concern here.
he has a PHD in math, unless you are god i'll take his word over a troll on Veeky Forums
That's not proof that the article was a paid fud job. Are you functionally illiterate?
this is not a post on Veeky Forums.
see what i did here, same as you
K, you're a moron and there's no point in discussing further with you.
>amongst the top 3 in 5 years time
Yes. Once black market exchanges and criminals start to see that those BTC transactions are actually traceable, they're going to insist on transactions being processed in XMR; this is going to lead to demand boost for the coin.
The long game here is XMR, as it's the only fully-functional cryptocurrency that closely imitates cash in its anonymity and traceability (or lack thereof).
people in this thread needs to chill the fuck down.
Monero only advantage is that it's been around for a long time. Dash has one faggot holding almost half the coins and I don't remember if they also let other companies or gob agencies to check on the data handled by their nodes.
I believe that the whole shitcoin bubble we are going through also got into the devs heads, since they are more worried about statements and what people does with their coin instead of fixing shit and making it actually anonymous as they advertise everywhere.
Also what nobody is talking about is how right was the timing between Alphabay and Hansa being seized and being runned by agencies/police and the acceptance of a lot of merchants of monero to run their transactions and the fact that someone running a node would know who is spending money and into what accounts.
Monero as a coin works, do I trust a bunch of self entitled faggots with my privacy or that they don't fuck up value? Fuck no.
>Also what nobody is talking about is how right was the timing between Alphabay and Hansa being seized and being runned by agencies/police and the acceptance of a lot of merchants of monero to run their transactions and the fact that someone running a node would know who is spending money and into what accounts.
nice FUD you idiot, it was Zcash that went live a few days before AB was raided, and Monero never got in Hansa.
Thank you for boldly illustrating just how stupid the Veeky Forums community is when it comes to cryptos.
What more proof do you need, shitstain? The guy is an advisor to the main (((competitor))) to Monero and even though he states the research specifically was not funded by Zcash, he has a history of doing paid work for Zcash, so is it really that much of a stretch to think that he had a vested interest in Zcash's success and Monero's failure? To claim there is no conflict of interest there is laughable. The paper is also a draft and was not peer reviewed (it won't be, because its concerns are overblown and his hypothesis has holes) but that's irrelevant because the paper was probably successful at creating enough XMR FUD to have indirectly paid for itself many times over.
Would love to see Miller publish a dramatic, exasperated article detailing the weaknesses of Zcash. Oh wait, LOL.
Hint: there are none
>nice FUD you idiot, it was Zcash that went live a few days before AB was raided, and Monero never got in Hansa.
not FUD you dumbass, I'm fucking annoyed that way too many people think those idiots can't do no wrong when in fact are as shady or worse than other shitcoin devs.
Also I don't recall if Dash or Zcash is the one in bed with the companies, that's something I heard first from one of the Monero devs and then I doubled check because he was just doing the standard trash talk, but he was right.
Check youtube, you can watch monero, verge and pivx devs talking about anonymity.
>treating your stab wounds with band-aids
You monero fags just jealous you haven't reached 3 digits yet
also you know a coin is absolute garbage when you shit talk other coins instead of making actual arguments
>also you know a coin is absolute garbage when you shit talk other coins instead of making actual arguments
So all the anti-Monero posters in this thread?
>You monero fags just jealous you haven't reached 3 digits yet
A comment so stupid you could only read it on Veeky Forums.
he just unmasked himself as meth head
no i meant the monero bagholders that's shitting on zcash, pivx and dash
no, its facts, see here
Also just because your coin is decent, doesn't justify a price increase of any kind
Monero is not a store of value, its just a currency, which means its being exchanged all the time, druggies buy it, exchange for drugs, drug dealers exchange it back to fiat most likely
You are legit retarded bro, LOL
you are legit retarded if you actually bought monero and plan to hold it
I own close to 200.
Can't wait for the darknets to get back in action
Yeah sucks seeing a currency jump from nothing to 9th market cap in a few years. Its value has only gone up by a few thousand percent, must be a shitcoin.
You don't think adoption increases a currency's value? Check the XMR/USD all time price chart and look at how XMR's value started increasing since it got accepted on AlphaBay, and never went back to its original price.
it does sound like a pump and dump with the way you say it
why would anyone hold this other than to pay for assassins to kill trump?
Monero is actually the best store of value. It's the only cryptocurrency that's fungible, so you can't have your coins lose value from being blacklisted, etc.
i love naive people who think it will save them from gov. it always works like that:
>people start browsing deepweb with their new anonymous protection
>all good in the hood, people buying drugs
>then we learn the whole thing was under surveillance and people are arrested all over the world.
It will be the same with monero. people always think they are safe until being v&
There's nothing illegal about holding Monero. Even if the government finds some way to break its anonymity, which it so far has failed to do based on the AlphaBay report, the general public won't be able to trace a coin's history. That makes it fungible, which makes it the best store of value among cryptocurrencies.
the question is if my dealer can exchange Monero for cash and not end up in Prison
i hope he does, i hate junkies, tell him to accept zcash
Can someone please tell me what the XMR means in Monero?
Is this a good coin to mine?
>literally zero sources
XMR was in the top 5 before shitcoins exploded in value
XMR is just Monero's currency code. Not sure what you mean.
It could be good for mining. Depends on your hardware. Monero's algorithm is specifically designed to lower the gap between GPU and CPU mining and make ASICs unviable.
My preferred anonymous coin is Verge XVG myself. This has fantastic room for growth and becoming Monero's #1 competitor.
I'm legitimately curious about your motivation for posting this. Are you getting paid? Do you actually believe this? Do you expect making a post like this to increase the value of your coins? Are you just trying to elicit a reaction like mine?
nah people pay neets pocket change in shitcoins to shill whatever. I've had people offer to pay me a whole $.20 in moon coins to post and comment about some pajeet garbage
10$ till the end of the year am I right? :^)
legit, slow, steady growth, actual consistent development, real features, totally unique
it stands on its own
literally try it out
download the wallet, use the CLI, check out their site, read about it
999/1000 coins are just clones of each other with minor tweaks
monero is not only one of the few unique coins, it's also consistently growing and improving and being developed
it's a very safe long-term bet and involves very little speculation
I unironically dismissed Monero (back then BitMonero) back in early 2014 since they weren't a Bitcoin fork, throughout the year almost every altcoin died
I should had read the white papers and source code
I might be a different IP now, but I am 29000927. I am no paid shill. I do have massive Verge holdings and that is because I do believe this, I even just picked up half a million more since it has been dipping from 135 Sats. It is low cap right now. Like other anons said before me, get in while it is lower or kys in December.
> Are you trolling for a reaction
HAHAHAHA. I do like posting things to see the response, Veeky Forums shilling and FUDing has a negligible effect long term and questionable short term, reactions to shit here on this forum is the real goldmine. I do hope this coin has a legit Mars mission, my bets are on it.
why go to mars, pajeet? there are no streets on mars.
It will continue going up because the darknet markets will need it and as long as it can be exchange for other coins it will be useful.
Yeah, it is. Problem, Pajeet?