Can someone give me an argument on how the current state of Africa wasn't caused by european colonialism?

Can someone give me an argument on how the current state of Africa wasn't caused by european colonialism?

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it was worse before we came /thread

I mean.... some of the state of Africa is a result of their interactions with various non-African peoples including Europeans but Blacks have the agency to act however they want at any given moment.

I don't think you fully understand Colonialism

This. It isn't like we are forcing them to remain shitty and kill each other. If the African governments decided to redraw themselves based on the tribal lands or at least move the tribes around then they wouldn't be killing each other all the time. Africa has the ability to solve it's own problems, but they don't.

That could've been said fifty years ago, now its just their fault. Current state of africa is caused by capitalism.

Not only was it worse then, it's worse now that it was immediately following colonialism.

"In fact, the contribution of Africa’s manufacturing sector to the continent’s gross domestic product actually declined from 12% in 1980 to 11% in 2013, where it has remained stagnant over the past few years, according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).

The Economist Intelligence Unit, a British business research group, reckons that Africa accounted for more than 3% of global manufacturing output in the 1970s, but this percentage has since halved."

that doesn't mean it's worse in any way, that means it stagnated. And of course the share of America and the West's contribution to global manufacturing and even GDP has been freefalling during that same period.

Most African countries are way better than they were 10, 20, or 30 years ago, even those that had decades of being completely shitholes and failed states are starting to get their shit together.

>it stagnated.
Actually scratch that, it improved. Contributing a fixed percentage of GDP for decades in a continent that experienced >5% average growth means the manufacturing GDP soared.

>200 years of European contact and they still can't figure out to dig a well and insist on walking 100 kms to get water
>Or even just like maybe 50 km from the river?
I really wonder why they can't figure this shit out

Where does this happen?

>hey guys dont eat monkey shit it will give you ebola
>guys seriously you need to stop eating that monkey shit youre going to die

sums up the continent for the last century tbqh

Fucking everywhere according to World Vision

Most of sub Saharan Africa wouldn't have anything resembling a post feudal government, let alone states with actual internationally recognized borders.
The only African country that was worth a damn was Ethiopia, and that's because they were already in contact with the foreign world and were Christians.

Colonialism is the reason 90% of african countries you see today EVEN EXIST.

>were Christians
Lol you think just being christian means being a mindless moralfag, ethiopian blacks are just as mean as the bantu ones.

This sums it up.

> tl;dr: Africans don't have the capacity for abstract thought that they need for creating and maintaining a civilization past the village stage and squander all available resources on wars, magical thinking and general bullshit

For the past 50 years industrialization and technology has been responsible for easily 90% of economic growth, for example the asian tigers went from a gdp per capita below $1000 to over $10000 in 30 years by being a good location for industry, agriculture and mining is only a small proportion of their economies and even they are mechanized. Africa failed to industrialize due to instability and war.

The opposite is true. Europe should have stayed for at least another 20 years, gradually ceding autonomy to the new governments while they train a national army and build institutions.

>That one time an Ethiopian Prince tried to get Jap Imperial pussy

Talking to a wall, you could drop every liberal idiot in Veeky Forums in the Congo and make them watch how the average black treats his own kind horrendously with zero remorse and then they start stabbing them for no reason and they would still follow this WE ALL THE SAME NONSENSE.


It's funny because you can see that shit here in the States. Blacks just don't think like other people. My parents were both high school teachers. They both used to talk about how the black kids just didn't get shit like others. They were limited in virtually all areas, but they especially lacked the ability to think in the abstract. My father taught math and he unironically used to say that black kids should get a pass on algebra because they simply didn't possess the mental ability to do it. And while for every hundred dumb niggers there might have been one with a brain in his head, he got fucked with mercilessly by the others the first time he showed that.

Niggers drag everything around them down to their level. Africa is a continent-sized crab bucket.

To understand a nigger just imagine a psychopath that is mentally retarded.

A being who only functions on low level simian impulses like pathological hyper aggression, egoism, sexual promiscuitiy, and so on.

Blacks just don't do well with modern culture. I'm sure they worked just fine a few hundred years ago. But we've yanked them out of a lifestyle that was agrarian at best and shoved them into the modern world. Europeans, Asians and even some Meso and South Americans had a long, long time to adapt to what we consider modern laws and economies that require extensive abstract thought. Blacks never had that sort of evolution. Not most of them, anyway. Africa, with very few exceptions, functioned on a village level at best. We forced them to abandon what had worked for thousands of years and either stuffed them into or forced upon them a modern way of life they simply hadn't evolved for. In China five or even ten thousand years ago, if you couldn't figure out how to manage your crops a few years in advance, you just starved. In Africa, you just stole from somebody else or stabbed a slow moving chimp or something.

They're not equipped for modern life. It doesn't make them bad, but it does handicap them and make them incredibly dangerous.

They don't have the ability, though. They're children.

Well in Ethiopia's defense, they almost all adhere to the Oriental Orthodox faith. Throughout history, they have always been bonded together by this faith, and it helps them remain unified and do good things.

Well, there was loads of European culture imported to the continent, and the only things they seem to have adopted are not washing and having poor dental hygiene.

Most of the racist ideas about niggers spoken by Arabs came from observing Ethiopians.

>dislike majority Christian country
I wonder why

I have a sister in law from Congo and honestly the day to day for average and middle class people is fine and not much different than anywhere else with poor people after civil war

Neo-Feudal colonialism when? It might set them back on the right socially evolutionary path.

God /pol/ either knows jack shit about anything, is delusional or loves to shitpost so much they ruin entire boards.

>implying europeans weren't superstitious violent fucks for most of history
>african states can totally redraw all their borders if they want to
>implying it's easy or cheap
>implying corrupt leaders even give much of a shit
>implying tribal borders are the only source of conflict
>isolated rural villages have difficulty embracing new innovations, fucking shocking
>what is Ghana
>what is Mali
>what is Nri
>what is Kanem Bornu
>what is Kilwa/Zanzibar
>what is Great Zimbabwe

There is no history in threads like this. None. Only edgy /pol/posting. Why shit like this is left alone, I do not know. There should be a rule banning all discussion about Africa because it always turns into an autistic circlejerk.

I mean niggers are banana-loving monkeys and should be gassed or shot, preferably both, fucking animals, aren't even capable of forming coherent thoughts. Good that the scientific community has classified them as their own sub-species because they are so radically different from us whites xddd. Lol it's fun being edgy and contrarian!!!

>he thinks only islamic arabs hated blacks
Arabs always hated niggers before Islam even existed.

The way arabs detail blacks show they clearly despise them because of their race and not Christianity.

>Current state of africa is caused by capitalism.
You mean lack of capitalism, in the form of minimal/no protection of property rights

>muh corrupt leaders

Your a bluepilled idiot african countries are shit because the majority of the human population destroys human civilization, it doesnt matter if nigger countries even have competent governments they will still fall apart slowly due to the average genetics of blacks.

All of those kingdoms you mention were described as hellholes by missionaries with humans devoid of any moral consience.

>hey guys, stop having unprotected sex, that spreads AIDS
>"You mean have sex with a virgin? Okay, ooga-booga, muh dik"