Was it a good or bad idea?
An United Europe
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Bad, alliances is all, all Europe should br in permanent alliances of mutual defense, thats it.
>lumping together dozens of different countries each with their own language, culture and 1000+ years of animosity with their neighbours
>good idea
>tfw euroskeptic and never even been to europe
Yeah pretty bad idea
Well the only reason is works now is because America funds it. Had they actually had to do it on their own it would have fallen apart before it even started
Especially when two or three countries are essentially holding up the value of their currency while a handful are degrading it.
And then one of those who are the major producers leave.
It's a great idea. Others in this thread clearly don't understand it or never studied philosophy behind unification.
European countries alone are simply too weak to compete with economic powerhouses such as USA, China (or the Soviet Union in the past).
>Çatalca Peninsula
>America funds it
[citation needed]
>European countries alone are simply too weak to compete with economic powerhouses such as USA, China (or the Soviet Union in the past).
This is horseshit. Any difference i military spending (if that is what you mean) is balanced by the considerably higher foreign aid and refugee aid the europeans pay.
Many EU countries also have a greater proportion of active military personnel than the US.
What they dont want is to be forced to finance ailing american industry by buying expensive equipment they barely need.
On topic, I am a big supporter of the eu, which gives me personally greater opportunity for travel, access to a wider job market, access to a number of prestigious universities, cheaper food, fairer prices on utilities and in a wider sense provides me with a stable and peaceful living.
It's the only way our countries could stay relevant on the world stage. It's also the best way to preserve our cultures, contrary to what populists say.
How is that any different from the us? Dont new york and texas finance mississipi and alabama?
>Dont new york and texas finance mississipi and alabama?
This is a sore subject among flyovers. Best not to mention it.
States =/= Independent Nations
In this case, thats a purely semantic difference
EU =\= independent nations
>It's also the best way to preserve our cultures, contrary to what populists say.
is it really?
anyways i used to be a huge eurosceptic and i'm against the current EU, but i have become more open to the idea of a european unity after listening to Oswald Mosley
In what regards? The states don't have to each pay for their own military. Police sure, but not full a full fledged fighting force. In fact none of them have the power or jurisdiction that the federal government has.
Of course they're not all going to produce the same GDP, but at the end of the day they are nowhere near as powerful as independent countries and share and armed forces. If one doesn't produce as well other can make up. Greece is a major factor in the decline of the Euro but if they want to leave it's likely they'll have to pay like the EU is trying to force the UK to do.
Not him, but the eu finances cultural institutions massively, protects minority rights and is a big boost to tourism
Sure, that is a difference, but defence is miniscule and greece is miniscule on top of that.
By comparison, california defaulted a few yeard back. You dont think that also hurt the us?
The euro has the backing of like 7 big aaa economies. Its doing fine, and will do better with future legislation
Reeeeeeeeee add Cyprus to that blue pqrt of the map.
Miniscule? Ok, the total military budget of the US is $580 billion.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States#Total_Budget_of_Military
Divide that up by 50, assuming each state has to contribute equally, and each state would need to be able to afford $11.6 billion. Now Take a look at state budgets (en.wikipedia.org
And now, look at how countries contribute to the euro in the photo attached. There are far more countries depleting the euro rather than aiding it. The UK is one of the few helping keep it afloat, and now they're leaving. Good luck with that.
I dont understand what you are trying to say. Of course contributions are going to be uneven, regardless of whether its the eu or the us
Your use of math is generally questionable. The average us output is unfeasible for nebraska or other small states
If china can do it so can Europe
Closer alliances between European countries are a good thing. Drifting towards the establishment of a superstate or pseudo superstate is autism and a recipe for disaster.
Pic semi related I guess.
No, fuck the EU.
It's an institution filled to the brim with clueless morons and bureaucrats who create unnessesarly complicated law, so they can milk the European taxpayer for their own benefits.
Also they don't preserve culture, when they allow and encourage retarded shit like cultural appropriation and outright censorship of dissenting views.
The EU should be abolished and recreated as a economical union
I honestly don't care if they band together or not, but if they do I'm going to laugh my ass off when we eventually get another balkanization.
Except this time, it's going to be all of Europe.
As a trade union and possible route to mutual defense? sure, great, probably necessary
As the growing parallel to the shambling cannibal government that is the US Federal, it is an awful idea. An undemocratic oligarchy that will spell disaster for its substates.
My country, Europe. My language, European. My religion, equality.
if you overlay augustus' rome and hitlers nazi germany you pretty much have project accomplished
it still is a good idea
europe must unite and take its rightful place as leader of the free world
It's a beautiful thing. It truly is. It is hardly perfect and it may not have a 100% stellar track-record and it still has potential to go horribly wrong. But is still a success, it's unique and beautiful mix of sovreignity of states and federal institution and power of the people. And I guess technocratic functionalism. It's pretty cool, famille.
t. Nigel
>European countries alone are simply too weak to compete with economic powerhouses such as USA, China
That's why globalism is shit and protectionism is the only way a small nation can compete economically in a world with overproduction and mass cheap labor force like China or the US
>I am a big supporter of the eu, which gives me personally greater opportunity for travel, access to a wider job market, access to a number of prestigious universities, cheaper food, fairer prices on utilities and in a wider sense provides me with a stable and peaceful living.
t. 3rdworlder from the shithole depths of the balkans, eastern Europe, middle east and Africa.
>It's also the best way to preserve our cultures
You are very naive. Wouldn't surprise me if you're american. The UE isn't about preserving culture. It's a technocracy which only aims to make trade a priority above all. Culture, society and politics are all centered around how the economy goes, not vice-versa. The EU is a globalist project that only exists because of the US's global capitalist economy.
>protects minority rights
Not a good thing. I don't want EU enforced and supported mussulman immigration.
not an argument
>power of the people
There's no way to express how hard I cracked up when I read that. EU is not, will not and never was democratic. It was not designed to be so.
I want a united EU because it annoys the Americans and the Ruskies alike.
I too like the idea of being a Chinese satellite state.
>I'd rather be X's puppet than Y's!
Besides; China's a paper tiger
>russia isn't europe
If they'd shape the EU after the Swiss confederation and not after the Soviet Union it might have been a good idea.
Russia isn't Europe. Russia is Russia.
t. Zbigniew Brzeziński
>I'd rather be X's puppet than Y's!
At least americans aren't stinky slanty eyed dog eating chinks
>Besides; China's a paper tiger
So are America and especially Russia.
no way russia is europe to the urals ez
Never said it was.
Ruskies is arguably more competent than the chinks, especially when it comes to military power projection.
Its not about geography, it is a bout culture and historic boundaries.
my point still stands!
No it doesn't, after that the mongols came, killed most of the shit, enslaved the rest and kept Russia isolated form Europe until Peter I opened it up again. Thats why Russia and Europe evolved completely different.
Culturally they are European.
>No it doesn't, after that the mongols came, killed most of the shit, enslaved the rest and kept Russia isolated form Europe until Peter I...
That's a funny way of saying St Petersberg.
If anything it was more the Khazar Khanate that ripped it up, isolated, seperated.
>still a success
>sovreignity of states
>power of the people
the EU is none of these, ameritards should leave
Helping millions of violent strangers who hate us to go in and not even trying to keep the know terrorists out does not compensate for the lack of a real army.
Sending money into corrupt shithole only make it more corrupt and solve no problem.
Using diplomacy and a small, very mobile and offensive army like France do make most African states live in peace and prevent many ethnic/religious cleaning. Remember about that islamic state in Mali/Algeria and in Tchad? Dealt with with the French way.
Our way show positive result, yours only lead to even more misery and dead people.
They should have mutual defense, cooporation in science and trade with countries along the northeuropean plain, which all have similar economic prospects and historicaly the most hostile relations becuase of the lack of security along this area. Also the southern european regions are capital poor becuaase of the cost of transportation (mountonous terrain and no rivers which makes boat transportation, the cheapest method, harder)and arable land.
Pic related
How exactly is the EU not democratic?
All power is ultimately derived from elections from the people. This is my main criterion for judging how democratic something is, so in my eyes the EU is clearly democratic.
German would be secure aswell as russia and france would be fucked, which is why the beurocracy shouldnt be too big, then everyone would be secure and dependent on eachoders, and since all regions would be geographically simular there would be no leeching like how greece is today. Germany would be able to sell its manufactured capital throughout asia and siberia and europe. Ukraine would be a super power with its grain and coal aswell as intelingent population, poland would eventually do better, the baltics would be secure and better, France would be safe and get science cooporation, Britain and ireland would get science, russia would have a huge market to sell its natural resources to to and scandinavia would earn.... nothing?
It's the best thing that happened to Europe ever.
Just like in North Korea, or most African dictatorship.
Elections is when you have the choice between some men who know each other and agree on most things. Whoever you vote for do what he want once he is elected. In the EU, they have another layer separating them from the will of the people.
You really think borrowing billions to Greece was a thing we agreed with?
You really thing we want millions of so called refugees to settle in our countries ?
You really think we want the economies of France and Romania to play by the same rules?
>All power is ultimately derived from elections from the people.
Factually incorrect.
>Elections is when you have the choice between some men who know each other and agree on most things. Whoever you vote for do what he want once he is elected. In the EU, they have another layer separating them from the will of the people.
So, you're against representative democracy in general? Then this is not a problem specific to the EU.
>Factually incorrect.
How so?
The four major powers are: The European Parliament, the European Council, the Commission and the Court of Justice.
Courts of Justice are never elected, so that's not a problem.
The European Parliament is directly elected.
The Council consists of people from the governments of the member states, who are elected in national elections.
The Commission is nominated by the Council (national elections) and appointed by the EP (European election).
Who doesn't derive his power from an election and is that unlike national governments?
Representative democracy have its flaws, but you find them more or less present according to the way the institutions work and how united the people are.
Representative democracy in Iceland is probably the best thing ever.
When the EU do it, it become a soft dictature.
How can we measure it? Easy, just look at how hard the official try to suppress dissident voices and to act independently of the will of the people.
>have no real power
>It's the only way our countries could stay relevant on the world stage.
It's interesting. Everyone still believes that without the EU we would all be in the mud alongside Africa or something.
you're a politcally incorrect intolerate biggot if u dont bend over and let them reserve cavity search you by detonating themselves inside your rectum
>When the EU do it, it become a soft dictature.
Your claim is that something is a dictatorship if the way the institutions work isn't right (who knows what you mean by that) and the people aren't united. I don't understand how that is supposed to make sense.
>Easy, just look at how hard the official try to suppress dissident voices
What exactly do you mean? How are officials suppressing dissident voices in the EU and is this unlike national governments?
>and to act independently of the will of the people.
Who gets decide what the will of the people is? How do we find out, what tools do we use to find this out, if not elections?
Literally every single law has to go through the European Parliament up to THRICE. It has a veto power every single time. The European Parliament just doesn't have the right of initiative, which the Commission has, but the EP can force the Commission to initiate the invocation of their right to initiative about specific matters, if there is a majority in the EP.
When was the last time 70+ years passed without a (major) war in Western Europe?
Whether or not further unification or expansion to ex-soviet countries are good things is still up to debate(and not Veeky Forums, anyway), but I think it's pretty obvious that European Union as originally conceived was a good idea.
Forcing the Commission to deal with a specific matter can also be initiated by the Council and even by a European Citizens' Initiative, by the way.
You would like it if you were Basque or a member of a native European minority as such.
where is liechtenstein
it is offshore
>No longer world power
>The only thing to fight for is to keep the colonial empire
The EU is not why we are at peace.
I don't know what you are trying to imply. Denmark and Iceland are not crypto nazis.
Just take a fucking look at how the EU push for more "diversity" everywhere, to destroy everything European and every culture or traditions we have, only to enforce unvetted immigrations on top of it.
The Eu does have a propaganda machine and sanctions against those who stand on their path. Theses are not an indicator of democracy.
All we can do is force them to give an answer.
They are free to say no.
Enjoy your power.
Is there really much a difference between the countries? They're all white and thats what counts, whether your greek or norwegian.
Will the EU protect the minorities of the native populations it swallowed?
Greeks and Norwegians don't belong in the same state, nor do they look or act similar.
You're average Greek probably has more in common with a Syrian than a Norwegian.
Great idea
Too fast expansion
Too rigid currency system
Doomed to fail now that it has basically become the West supporting East and South
Also gypsies
Can you find something even more biased? This look like an add for the EU creaded with Euromony.
Did you actually watched the video? Half of it is saying what the EU did right and the other half is what the EU did wrong. And all of it is sourced.
East and south should leave, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland should join and then most of the problem of the Eu would be sloved.
Instead of all of Europe. They should have started with main powers like France, Germany, Italy, Spain.
and India.
>main power
Until we manage to sort shit out we can't be considered a main power.
t. italian
>Protectionism is the only way a small nation can compete economically
>Protectionism = competition
Wait, what?
It's a start, ideally I'd like to see a world government. It erases peoples concerns about immigrants since there would be none anymore, just people moving around in one country. Race would no longer be needed to be documented or seperated except in studies for certain races being predisposed to certain illnesses, in which case it's just a study of genetics.
yet still can wreck the EU cucks anywaty
I stopped at "we are at peace because of the EU".
I am looking it and all it say against the eu is "sheple feel like it is bad"
>Putting countries that have historically fucking hated each each other and have COMPLETELY different culures (The Eternal Anglo and the Eternal Kraut) in an economic and later cultural union will have NO FORESEEABLE CONSEQUENCES
The Jew behind the EU (Coudenhove-Kalergi) was a dipshit wasn't he?
>They're all white and thats what counts
That is such an American idea. In Europe, only complete retards who blindly copy American ideology have that view. Until recently, nobody in Europe gave much of a fuck about other races, the subhuman wasn't a nigger or Muslim, it your neighbor (The German, The French, The Slav). The European fascists tried to exterminate other European races, not brown people. Even the Nazis cooperated with Muslims while exterminating blonde, blue eyed Russians.
A one world governement don't mean all of the world have the same standard of living or the same quality of life, so massive movements of populations will still be a thing.
But back them the Muslim was in Egypt. Would millions of Muslims be in Germany, you can bet they would have the Jew treatment.
Magnafest when? I won't have to do anything during the idol collab otherwise.
>The Jew behind the EU (Coudenhove-Kalergi) was a dipshit wasn't he?
Coudenhove-Kalergi wasn't Jewish. He was half-Japanese, half-Greek/Flemish/German.