So I am trying to find shit on the worship of angels.
Did anyone ever do it? Can't find anything but it seems like it has to have happened
So I am trying to find shit on the worship of angels.
Did anyone ever do it? Can't find anything but it seems like it has to have happened
thats what paganism is ya galoof
please post better
That is what paganism is you ignoramus.
please improve your posting
Pagans worship fallen angels.
pretty sure Catholics worshi-, sorry, venerate angels.
The closest you get in the west tends to be the folk religoiion of apostolic Christianity
Yazdism. But good luck converting.
The concept originates from the Erinyes (The furies) from Greek mythology. Winged messengers of the god who judge and act as psychpomps by guiding souls into the afterlife. Cognates of the valkyries and possibly linguistically related.
So in short paganism. Probabaly a consequence of early Greek bible translation.
Please stop being stupid.
Those aren't angels.
That's an opinion not an argument. But you are welcome to it.
Where in the Bible are they described as robed women with birds wings? I'll wait.
Probably the overlap into early Byzantine iconography.
According to Gnostic, Moses followed a law given to him by angels and never truly knew God.
No it doesn't, "angel" is just a regular Greek word meaning "messenger [of the gods]", the trope originates with the likes of Hermes (called the Angel of Zeus) and with the divine intermediaries between god and men found in Zoroastrianism.
I don't think any female angels appear in the bible, but there are plenty who appear human. The wings are probably a Greek innovation, but bear in mind that the Jews DID have winged angels as well, such as the four cherubim who adorned the Ark of the Covenant.
Probably. Most times angels showed up to people in the Bible they had to say chill out and don't worship me.
There are many New Agers who worship angels.
Saint Michael is the glaring contender. He was worshiped even before the birth of Jesus by the Jews and his name is literally derived from being 'like God'. Even today he exists in cringey tattoos around the world.
A good place to start will be his veneration in military orders but obviously nobody was going to outright say they worshipped Micheal.